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When I upgraded to #Debian 12, my #Emacs started misbehaving in all kinds of weird ways. I assumed it was some breaking change in my custom config script. Turns out I just needed to delete the cache.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

in reply to Stefan Monnier

@Stefan Monnier Problem is that I don't have enough information to explain how to reproduce this in a bug report.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

The maintainer can probably help you track down extra info. It's great when the bug report comes with a detailed recipe to easily reproduce the problem. Even better when it comes with a patch. Sadly it's not always an option.

Looks like I need to stop being lazy and finally upgrade to #Debian 12.
in reply to zebulon 1ᵉʳ, dit "le maudit"

@zebulon 1ᵉʳ, dit "le maudit" I have a cheap VPS, but I run anything important on a local machine and port forward using SSH tunnels and a Wireguard VPN.

Has anyone ever successfully gotten a graphical tileset to work with the version of #DwarfFortress in the #Debian repositories?


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