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GHCup: Because #Haskell apparently needs a package manager for its various package management systems.

I'm an idiot.

I was trying to install #Haskell on a machine and thought the installer was taking a really long time. In my defense, the last line of text was:

Installation may take a while.

It sat at this stage for over an hour while I did other stuff, because I hadn't bothered to read the previous line:
Press ENTER to proceed or ctrl-c to abort.

I wonder how many times I'm going to have to re-learn how to use lenses in #Haskell.

Did #Haskell at some point make defining a module without an explicit list of names to be exported illegal? It's yelling at me when I try to do this now.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I noticed a while ago that they added a warning for that but it would still compile, but I wouldn't be completely surprised if it were an error now.
It's actually annoying in ghci because the warning gets repeated every time you define something.
in reply to Jeremy List

@Jeremy List No, it's still just a warning. I was using the --pedantic flag though (which turns warnings into errors).

Okay, I'll admit it. Using #Haskell to talk to an #SQL database is not my favourite thing.

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in reply to Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.

@Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. It's not so much the SQL part that's the irritating bit. It's that it doesn't really mesh super well with "the Haskell way of doing things".
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@BoydStephenSmithJr understandable. There's always a tension between "pleasant for the Haskeller" and "pleasant for the DBA" (or general SQL knower). We have the same problem at work (we sacrificed our DBA and used and its eDSL)

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