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So, I recently switched from an #AMD64 #VPS to an #ARM one, and I'm trying to gradually bring all the services I was running back up on the new server. It has generally been pretty easy since most of the actual hosting is being done on a local machine and the VPS is serving as more of a router, but I am having some trouble with my #Owncast server.

I can just reinstall it, but I don't know how to carry over the federation information (and associated keys). I have a backup copy of the owncast directory from the old server, but given that it contains AMD64 binaries, I can't just copy the whole directory and call it a day. Is ther eany way I can copy this data out of the old directory and import it into a fresh installation?


Celeste Ryder 🐾 🐀🏳️‍🌈 reshared this.

Any #Plan9 gurus on the fedi?

I've managed to break my profile causing me to be unable to connect to my account. It disconnects me upon running the profile script. drawterm -c is not an option because it executes the profile disconnecting me before even running the command. drawterm -G's a no-go as well.

Is there a way I can mount my remote home directory into my local (Debian 12) filesystem so that I can fix the profile without running rcpu?


in reply to moody

Content warning: scary compiler error

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

You need at least openssl1.1 this seems like you only have 1.0 which has not been supported for 3 years and counting.
in reply to moody

@moody That's surprising. Stuff in Debian's repositories is often out of date, but not usually that out of date.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Yeah, something does seem a bit fishy, sorry that it doesn't work out for you. I'll get a debian VM going in a bit and figure out whats up. In terms of booting a 9front VM, you should be able to use the live CD for connecting, you don't need to do a full install first. For what that's worth.
in reply to moody

@moody Such is the nature of compiling C code. I really wish it had some sort of automatic dependency management, but what can you expect from a language that old?

When the bootcamp is over, I actually want to get into writing software for Plan9, because despite being very C-centric, it seems a nice system to develop for.

Edit: autocorrupt

This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I figured out the issue, it was somehow related to the ordering of passing the -l flags to cc (ugh!), if you pull the latest code from it should build fine on debian stable now. You will need both libssl-dev and pkg-config. I've added debian to the CI builds for this now so this shouldn't slip by again without me noticing. Thanks for the bug report.

Plan 9 C thankfully has none of this insanity, as you've noticed.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@moody So I ran:
./tlsclient -u jlamothe -h -a -p 17019 rm /usr/jlamothe/lib/profile
...but my profile still seems to exist. It's giving me the same error about line 7 when I connect using drawterm.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

You need -R to make tlslcient act like rcpu, by default it works closer to tlsclient on 9front. If you choose to just remove the file don't forget to re-run /sys/lib/newuser to generate a new default.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Cool, so now you can do something like:

tlsclient -R -h -a rc -i

Then edit profile with either ed or sam -d.

in reply to moody

@moody oh my god, I have a prompt!

Thank you!!

Edit: I was clearly too happy here to be bothered with proper spelling.

This entry was edited (9 months ago)

Can anyone recommend a #VNC server for #Windows? The one that keeps coming up is RealVNC, but it seems to force you to create an account and run everything through their servers. I don't want any of that garbage, especially since VNC is not an encrypted protocol, and could easily be eavesdropped upon and/or MitM'd.

This is to do remote tech support on my father's PC. I've already got him on my private VPN, so there's no need to worry about dynamic IP or NAT issues. I thought about Windows' native Remote Desktop software, but in Microsoft's infinite wisdom that's not available on his particular version of Windows.


in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

we use Tightvnc which is completely standalone.

You absolutely need to put a VPN in front of it though; don't just open it to the interwebs.

Does anyone happen to know if there's a way to configure a #WireGuard #VPN to only handle #UDP traffic, leaving #TCP traffic to run over the regular network?

🇺🇦 haxadecimal reshared this.

Dear #LazyWeb:

Is there a tool that I can use in a #bash script to sanitize a string for inclusion into a URL parameter (e.g.: "foo bar" becomes "foo+bar" or "foo%20bar")?


reshared this

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

perl -MURI::Encode=uri_encode -E'say uri_encode shift' 'foo bar'
This entry was edited (11 months ago)

Does there exist a #FOSS tool that allows me to analyze the dominant frequencies in a portion of an #audio file and to apply a filter to remove all but a specific frequency? #AskFedi

rwbaskette reshared this.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Depending on how automated you want this to be, sox may be useful - it can certainly do the filtering, and can at least generate a spectrogram from which you can decide where to filter.

Csound can do this sort of thing more capably but using it will involve coding to define exactly what you mean.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@Matthew Skala The application here, FWIW, is to extract Morse code from an audio file, because I'm not good at Morse code, and can decode it more easily visually than by sound.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe is pretty powerful and might do the job.

Jeff MacKinnon reshared this.

This is extremely frustrating.

I host a piece of software on my server for my father. He connects to it via #SSH (using #PuTTY ). He just got a new computer, and wanted me to set it up so that he could connect, just like I did with his previous computer. No problem right?

I show up, generate the key, and authorize it on the server, but for whatever reason PuTTY refuses to acknowledge the existence of this key. I know it's not even trying, because it doesn't even ask for the passphrase to decrypt it.

Has something changed in the latest version of PuTTY that I just don't know about? Do I need to do something the enable public key authentication beyond simply specifying the path to the key?


Unknown parent

Jonathan Lamothe
@David Gershman To be fair, it usually is.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Oh Glad you figured it out. Your initial thoughts and frustrations seems pretty normal. What won the day was your persistent to search several paths -- run PuTTY via Wine -- goodness. Hope your dad was pleased. Cheers, -Randy

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