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Content warning: nerdy sysadmin stuff

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Content warning: nerdy sysadmin stuff

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Off hand, I cannot think of a way to isolate a network interface except with namespaces. If that is true, the simplest way would be with a container, especially an LXD container which is is functionally like a full OS with it's own kernel.
in reply to Bruce Elrick

sudo apt install snapd
snap install lxd
lxd init --auto
lxc launch ubuntu:jammy mycontainer
lxc shell mycontainer
curl -fsSL | sh
tailscale up
in reply to Bruce Elrick

And of course tailscale is just an example of a simple-to-use Wireguard implementation as a proof of concept
in reply to Bruce Elrick

Also, it occurs to me that likely the snap install lxd hides granting some privileges to the user who has sudo privs (via an lxd group).

In principle there might be a much slimmer container that could do the same, but I am too lazy to figure it out.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@Bruce Elrick Though it looks like lxd is in Debian's apt repository without the need for snaps. 😎
in reply to Bruce Elrick

@Bruce Elrick A bit of a heavier solution than I was looking for, but in the absence of a better solution, I'll probably go this route. Thanks for the help.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

You're welcome. If you find something lighter-weight in the future, I'd love to learn about it.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Nope, since the kernel cannot route usrsa's traffic different from userb's traffic.

🇺🇦 haxadecimal reshared this.

Dear #LazyWeb:

Is there a tool that I can use in a #bash script to sanitize a string for inclusion into a URL parameter (e.g.: "foo bar" becomes "foo+bar" or "foo%20bar")?


reshared this

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

perl -MURI::Encode=uri_encode -E'say uri_encode shift' 'foo bar'
This entry was edited (11 months ago)

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