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I am in urgent job search mode, so I'm gonna throw this out here and see if anything comes of it.

I am a #Canadian, fluent in both #English and #French. I have experience with several programming languages. My strongest proficiency is with #Haskell and #C. I also have a reasonable grasp of #HTML, #JavaScript, #SQL, #Python, #Lua, #Linux system administration, #bash scripting, #Perl, #AWK, some #Lisp (common, scheme, and emacs), and probably several others I've forgotten to mention.

I am not necessarily looking for something in tech. I just need something stable. I have done everything from software development, to customer support, to factory work, though my current circumstances make in-person work more difficult than remote work. I have been regarded as a hard worker in every job I have ever held.


in reply to LoranJohn

@LoranJohn I honestly haven't touched LinkedIn in years. I never used of seriously. I'm going to have to reactivate it. My first priority was getting my resume updated.

Edit: I've gotten into it, but it's in serious need of updating.…

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I resume` shell is useful but I find cover letters more compelling. A simple one page missive showing you have researched the company you're applying to and have an understanding of why they may want to be hiring you shows initiative. Dress comfy, address the interviewers as equals to the point of inquiring as to their day and express annoyance if they stray out of bounds - you don't want to work for assholes.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

have a try here ? and search for Beauharnois. HTH

Okay, I'll admit it. Using #Haskell to talk to an #SQL database is not my favourite thing.
in reply to Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.

@Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. It's not so much the SQL part that's the irritating bit. It's that it doesn't really mesh super well with "the Haskell way of doing things".
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@BoydStephenSmithJr understandable. There's always a tension between "pleasant for the Haskeller" and "pleasant for the DBA" (or general SQL knower). We have the same problem at work (we sacrificed our DBA and used… and its eDSL)

Okay, sqlitebrowser (from the #Debian repositories) is actually a pretty decent tool. It provides a nice point-and-click interface that makes working with #sqlite3 databases a little bit nicer. Knowledge of how to write an #SQL query is still a requirement, but it makes creating/editing tables more convenient. Maybe it's well known, but I just discovered it yesterday.

Edit: sqlite browser, not mysqlbrowser

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