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Items tagged with: Diaspora


En vrai je ne sais pas.
Il y a peu d'instances gnusocial.
Celle-ci est administrée par une personne d'Amérique du sud mais il est possible que le serveur soit loué en Allemagne.
C'est juste un logiciel de #microblogging différent de mastodon, misskey ou pleroma, mais utilisant le protocole #activityPub, que n'utilise pas #Diaspora*

The diversity of network and UX types across the fediverse/social web that my little Friendica server sees is astounding. This is just Diaspora and ActivityPub federated content since Bluesky is integrated through a client API not AT. #fediverse #SocialWeb #ActivityPub #diaspora #Bluesky #friendica

-- Une copine a moi s'est faite agresser par 3 gars, c'est pour ça que je suis devenu #raciste.
-- Ah bon ? Et ces 3 gars étaient #rebeus ?
-- non, un seul l'était, les deux autres non.

Un grand classique du #racisme, non ?
J'avais déjà conscience que devenir raciste est de l'ordre de la #facilité : c'est très facile de trouver des justifications à rejeter l'autre sur des critères fallacieux.

Mais je découvre sur #Diaspora, de plus en plus depuis des mois, qu'un autre paramètre de cette facilité intellectuelle, ou devrais-je dire #paresse intellectuelle aussi, est à l’œuvre : je regarde ailleurs.
Oui, plein de gens sont prompts à se dire non racistes. Mais vont liker un propos ouvertement #discriminatoire, soit-disant pour valider une "opinion", comme si le rejet d'une pratique ou d'une catégorie de la population pouvait être une #opinion au lieu d'un racisme latent...
Oui, #jaccuse des gens ici, ceux qui veulent ne pas s'en mêler, ceux qui veulent simplement qu'on leur foute la paix, de laisser faire... surtout quand ça en arrive à liker les propos d'un raciste patenté et reconnu comme tel par tous ici, juste pour rester à distance, ne pas se sentir concerné : Le #confort... le confort de mes #pantoufles.

J'avais conscience très vite dans la vie, que de ne pas se laisser aller au racisme, supposait un petit effort intellectuel à la base, comme l'exemple cité plus haut : à quoi bon devenir raciste, si tu le dis toi-même, en plus seul un sur 3 des gars était rebeu...
Mais je constate que ça va plus loin... L' #extrême-droite progresse, car la #société de #loisirs veut juste s'amuser, ne veut pas se mêler de #politique (faut dire que tout est fait dans ce sens aussi, vu le process de l'élection (je dénonce l'élection, pas le vote, nuance))... Et à laisser faire, la fenêtre d' #Overton se décale de plus en plus à l'extrême-droite.

Et si tu viens corriger le #mensonge qui blâme injustement un organisme comme Framasoft, que se passe-t-il ?
Tu es considéré comme "dangereux", mis dans le même sac que ces #puants qui crachent leur mensonge....

Dans une telle société, l'extrême-droite ne peut que progresser.

Et donc, pendant ce temps :
Le bruit des bottes, le silence des pantoufles

Des bandes d’extrême droite multiplient les actions punitives visant migrants, Arabes et musulmans. Une #violence raciste et islamophobe qui ne suscite pas de réaction politique et médiatique à la hauteur du danger qu’elle incarne.

C'est juste comme ça...
#Invidious #YT #Diaspora #IP #nationalite #domaine #serveur #codec #alternative #anti-pub #anti-trace #net-libre #net-fluide beaucoup de difficultés sur les plateformes alternat... de video, plus de difficulté à regarder et à télécharger. Nitter c'est un enfer.

Ist bei #Diaspora überhaupt etwas los? 🤔

Was ist eigentlich mit #Nostr? Ist das eine Alternative?🤷‍♂️

So viel Aufregung um #Threads und der Frage, ob man mit den Teufel paktieren soll, oder nicht.

Es gibt aber Alternativen im Fediverse, die ich all jenen ans Herz legen möchte, die mit der aktuellen Situation höchst unzufrieden sind. Es ist auch eine Alternative zu den Sperrphantasien einiger, denen es schon zu weit geht, wenn ein Node META nicht explizit sperren will.

Die erste Alternative nennt sich #Diaspora.

Diaspora ist eine Social Network, das bereits seit 2010 entwickelt wird und damit die Keimzelle des Fediverse bildet. Da dieses Projekt ein eigenes Protokoll verwendet, ist Threads ausgesperrt. Man ist also wieder in einer überschaubaren Bubble Gleichgesinnter, die sich vollkommen unbetroffen von Threads weiterentwickeln kann.

Die zweite Alternative nennt sich #libertree

libertree ist eine Abspaltung von Diaspora. Es verwendet, wie auch Diaspora, ein alternatives Protokoll, das mit ActivityPup nicht kompatibel ist. Dadurch wird eine Kommunikation mit Threads effektiv unterbunden.

Die beiden Alternativen lassen sich, wie im Fediverse bekannt, auf privaten Servern betreiben und verfügen über einen ähnlichen Funktionsumfang. Für den Einen oder Anderen ist das u.U. die Lösung, nach denen sie gesucht haben. Wissen tut man es jedoch erst, wenn man es ausprobiert hat.

A few more thoughts on what I posted a few days ago on Xi's China expecting diaspora Chinese folks to support the PRC:

- none of this is new, literally
- Qing dynasty Mandarins were surprised to find that there were thriving Chinese communities in SE Asia
- they swung between 'wtv they're not Chinese' to 'pls help us put down rebellions'

Diaspora Chinese have always had a diversity of perspectives on how much and how often China figured in our lives. For centuries.

#China #Diaspora #AAPI

Another day seein' the same posts dozens of times, over and over. Any original thoughts, people?


The collection of #RaceBasedData by the #RCMP can’t come soon enough for some members of #Canada’s #diaspora communities, particularly for those who have been traumatized by law enforcement officials in their countries of origin.

With nearly half of newcomers to Canada originating from countries marked by social unrest or war, many – particularly those from authoritarian states – arrive with well-founded fears of the #police.

#help with #images #photo #art for the visually impaired

Some testing to see the chance on #diaspora* for the #altText, #alt4me and #alt4you movement as it exists on mastodon.

Uploading a image to diaspora* as seen above doesn't allow to add altText directly to that image.

The image url upload in this post is:

Using the thumb_medium size image url and adding the very same image as mark down and adding altText it would look like this:
basic avatar background of the actual server. The image is gimped compilation of the friendica logo together with the CC published permafleur image and the copy left sign in the center of the image

At least in the post preview there is no hover over text available on the thumb nail added by markdown.
The complete markdown code used looks like this:
![basic avatar background of the actual server. The image is gimped compilation of the friendica logo together with the CC published permafleur image and the copy left sign in the center of the image](

If the altText shows up as hover over, a workaround would be to upload images as restricted publication toe a picture upload aspect that contains no contacts of the diaspora profile and insert it than into a public post with markdown using the altText option markdown provides. Uploaded images on diaspora are not restricted to the respective aspects group they are uploaded to but publicly available so this work around would work nicely.

test answer with the same text as the direct answer to @DaveDiamond's comment. In this case as an answer to the original post to see how this behaves on the diaspora side of the fediverse.

thx @ dldnh @ !

added to the image as alt text by editing and simply copy/pasting.
this is a #friendica acount so it's time to check how this looks like on #mastodon. 🤔

this post appears on #diaspora* too so with some work your #alt4you will show up over there, example (magnetlink):

#fediVerse #fediHelp #fediTips #alt4me

Cory Doctorow's (@pluralistic) book "The #Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation was a satisfying" read by reigning liberatory Internet/tech #GOAT. He advocates for #interoperability rights--for users to be able to leave shitty platforms and/or design new systems that can interact w/ those systems freely. Switching costs are prohibitive for most users, since leaving FB/X would mean abandoning family, friends, etc. who are unlikely to follow you to #Diaspora or #Mastodon. #Reading

How brainwashed do you have to be to spread something like that?

Let's swap the flag for the Israeli flag and the #meme still works. Can snyone really be so stupid as not to notice this? Unfortunately, this meme is being spread here on #Diaspora and my criticism of it was immediately deleted and subsequently I was blocked. So you remain in your filter bubble where no #criticism is allowed to enter and the #conflict continues endlessly.

Unfortunately, we can't ask the biggest supporter of Israel on Diaspora about the topic because I had to block him. But #Anonymiss, you're doing the same thing you just criticized and you're blocking your critics? I put up with his insults for a very long time and his criticism would be much more meaningful without insults.

So the hardliners on both sides are shifting their efforts to propaganda in order to justify their own actions. They denounce the war crimes of the other side and are blind to their own war crimes.

In such a divided world, we should not be surprised if we are ruled by creeps and conflicts are never resolved.

#war #terror #problem #politics #conflict #Israel #Palestine #propaganda #warcrime #fail #future #military

Looks like @Robbie is #newHere give them a follow particularly as I believe his #Diaspora* Pod is smaller they'll need more federation to see what we offer here on the #Fediverse

Robbie - 2023-11-26 19:48:15 GMT

Kids Are Getting a Bad Reputation and it's Not Justified

I'm still #newhere because I wanted a place to make a #blog that doesn't make me make an account, pay for it, or have ads to pay for it. So here's my first blog entry.

All you see on TV #news or on the internet about #kids is about how stupid kids are, how confused about everything from #science, especially #biology, to #history and human interaction. Maybe in big cities where #education is all corrupted by politics that might be true. But I don't think you can write off a whole generation because kids in the news don't know which bathroom to use and can't tell you anything about the history of their own country and culture. We're not all like that! In fact I think the majority of kids, the ones you never hear about, aren't so ignorant and confused as people think.

I wonder if that is true about a lot of things. Watching the news it all looks bad! But people find ways to make life work and get through life without all that drama and without wars and protests and things that just make noise and hide the real truth behind one crisis after another.

#Adults reading this should know that probably most kids aren't all mixed up about their identity or their gender. The only thing really in doubt is our future, because the world we are about to inherit is a big battleground where the powerful compete for more power and who use confusion and mayhem to accomplish it.

I've been chatting with @Michael Vogel about this and I believe it should work like the old Twitter bridge did. That means that posts from people I follow on BlueSky will have its content appear in my timeline like fediverse user federated content. If I reply to that post or write a post from scratch over here that content will be replicated over on BlueSky as well. If I reshare a BlueSky post that will do a quote-reshare type thing with a hyperlink. It doesn't merge the two universes (fediverses?) globally though. Another thing it will be like is Diaspora federation. Like when I share a Diaspora post ActivityPub people see it as me sharing a hyperlink. Responses on ActivityPub networks don't get federated back to DIaspora. Friendica users that respond would have their content reshared back in that case since Friendica knows how to do Diaspora federation as well as ActivityPub federation. Friendica being the most expansive protocol integrator on the fediverse is one of the reasons I love it so much. #friendica #fediverse #diaspora #ActivityPub #BlueSky

#BlackFriday #BlackMastodon #MusicFromTheMotherland #diaspora @blackmastodon
Hi everyone. I'm back and I see the world is still on fire...sigh. Here's some soothing music for you. It's the second recommendation from my Ethiopian friends. The artist is Zeritu Kebede. Unless you speak Amharic fast forward to 1:10 which is when the music starts. Enjoy.

Ich möchte noch mal ein bisschen abwarten ob noch mehr Reaktionen von Bluesky und Tumblr kommen.

  • Mit Bluesky scheint es nahtlos zu funktionieren, sogar die Likes werden hier angezeigt.
  • Zu Tumblr wird es auch problemlos übertragen, ein Kommentar von Tumblr ist bis jetzt aber noch nicht angekommen.
  • Auf #Mastodon sofort angekommen, allerdings werden aus irgend einem Grund die Bilder nicht angezeigt, ich muss sie anklicken und werden dann zu Friendica weitergeleitet. Auch dier Maston Kommentar ist seltsamerweise noch nicht hier bei Friendica angekommen.
  • Auf #Diaspora ist es sofort angekommen, alles wird korrekt angezeigt und Kommentare und Likes werden auch korrekt an Friendica übertragen.
  • Bei #Pixelfed dauerte es mal wieder bis der Beitrag angekommen ist, mal schauen ob Likes und Kommentare noch hier auf Friendica ankommen.

Yes #metoo very much in favor of anything that works decentral #Diaspora (layout could be better but who cares @Dianea = Diaspora 😁) and #Mastodon (slooooow, why Ruby WHY?)
Elon is a 50 year old child X-D
He (sometimes) might have shitty ideas but the true problems are way more systemic and have to do with power ADDICTED (!) people, which Hitler & Stalin were... and Elon is not.
Watch out for the power addicts! they will ruin your life!

yes would like to see more newsoutlets outputting to diaspora

whats great about #diaspora and #mastodon are the decentralized structure

but the GUI design of #diaspora is really bad

and #mastodon is soooooooooooooooooooooooslooooooooooooooooooooooooow

a guy who thinks he knows it all

yes #AfD is a right wing MAGA party. it a danger to democracy. the problem are not the MAGAs the problem is that democracy was corrupted and deformed soooo much that people lost trust in it.

say thank you to the lobbyists of the big companies and the corrupt politicians that play along! (of course for money)

#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #AfricanFilm #diaspora @blackmastodon
I'm a couple of days late on this but if you are into African film, the Film Forum in NYC is doing a two week retrospective on the works of the father of African cinema: Ousmane Sembène. They are shining light on the way he highlights the strength and intelligence, and power of African women, Sept 8 -21.

#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #diaspora #AfricanDance @blackmastodon Hey folks. If you are on the Northeast corridor and a member of the African dance and drum family, this is a reminder that Kankouran West African Dance Co. is hosting its 40th anniversary conference and concert this weekend. Want to hear some good drumming and take some classes? Come on down and join the milestone celebration.

To those who are #newhere, welcome to diaspora*
Getting started

FAQ for Users

A few tips for getting started from diaspora* HQ

A wonderful poem about Diaspora, written by


@vik I remember asking for Diaspora profile import feature after we all exported our JD profiles. They said that it will be soon, later I was told not to repeatedly ask. I told that I will ask next year which I did and I was told that it was pointless and I should wait till next release which has no fixed timeline/date.
I guess #Diaspora as the first famous project of #Fediverse has reached end of life. 😒

Found 75 new servers and 75 servers died off since 13 hours ago. Check out the Monthly and Daily Stats by software or server or the entire fediverse.

22,907 servers checked. 9,816,981 Total Users, 1,506,541 Monthly Active Users today vs 1,566,120 yesterday for the entire fediverse.

New #fediverse servers found: a #lemmy server from United States a #calckey server from France a #mastodon server from Private a #lemmy server from Private a #pixelfed server from Canada a #mastodon server from United States a #lemmy server from Germany a #diaspora server from United States a #mastodon server from Portugal a #lemmy server from United States a #lemmy server from United States a #lemmy server from Mexico a #pixelfed server from United States a #akkoma server from United States a #gotosocial server from Turkey a #mastodon server from Portugal a #snac server from United States a #owncast server from Canada a #owncast server from Germany a #pixelfed server from Private a #akkoma server from United States a #mastodon server from France a #kbin server from United States a #re:network server from Private a #misskey server from Private a #pleroma server from Netherlands a #mastodon server from Private a #lemmy server from Poland a #mastodon server from France a #lemmy server from Private a #misskey server from Private a #lemmy server from Germany a #lemmy server from Private a #lemmy server from Private a #misskey server from Private a #lemmy server from Canada a #mastodon server from Private a #lemmy server from Germany a #lemmy server from Private a #lemmy server from Private a #kbin server from Germany a #calckey server from United States a #snac server from United States a #lemmy server from Private a #mastodon server from Netherlands a #mastodon server from United States a #mastodon server from Portugal a #mastodon server from France a #pixelfed server from Germany a #friendica server from United Kingdom a #mastodon server from United States a #mastodon server from United States a #mastodon server from Germany a #gotosocial server from Finland a #gotosocial server from United Kingdom a #mastodon server from Portugal a #lemmy server from United States a #lemmy server from Private a #lemmy server from Private a #servilo server from United States a #gotosocial server from Private a #mastodon server from Private a #mastodon server from Private a #mastodon server from Private a #lemmy server from United States a #mastodon server from United States a #kbin server from Private a #pleroma server from a #lemmy server from Private a #mastodon server from France a #lemmy server from Germany a #kbin server from United States a #writefreely server from Private a #mastodon server from Private a #mastodon server from Singapore

Dead servers:

Help others find a home, send them to

Hallo an alle #neuhier und #althier,

da das #Fediverse immer noch am wachsen ist und es jetzt wohl gerade größere Wanderungsbewegungen weg von #Reddit zu #Lemmy und dem Fork #kbin gibt, hier mal ein aktualisiertes Übersichtsdiagramm um zu zeigen, dass das Fediverse nicht nur aus #Mastodon besteht.

Erst mal vielen Dank an @Mike Kuketz 🛡 und @Imke :FreiburgSocial: für das erstellen des Diagramms.

Dann gibt es natürlich auch noch ein paar Links zu Seiten auf denen man sich einen Überblick über das Fediverse verschaffen kann:

Edit: Wie ich gerade gelernt habe, ist kbin doch kein Fork von Lemmy, ähnliche Funktionen sind zwar da, ist aber eine unabhängige Entwicklung.
#Friendica #Pixelfed #Diaspora #Hubzilla #ActivityPub #DFRN #ZOT #OStatus

Huch, was ist denn da passiert, warum gab es da ab Ende Mai plötzlich gut 500.000 mehr aktive Konten im #Fediverse? Oder wurde da einfach ein neuer großer Server entdeckt?

#Fediverse #TheFederation #Statistik #Friendica #Pleroma #clackey #Diaspora #Mastodon

I mowed the lawn today just to keep it under control. The #CompostBins have a whole community of #fauna and #fungi in them but as soon as you lift the lid and expose them to bright #sunshine, they scurry away looking to retain moisture and out of the sight of likely predators like birds. It's difficult to get a good #photograph of any #arthropods.

However, I did manage to capture an image of this #woodlouse.
Woodlouse in compost bin

Elsewhere in the #garden, there are many #dandelions. A lot of people think of them as weeds but I don't. Of course, they're also the logo of #Diaspora*. This #DandelionClock was in the shaded part of the the garden.
Dandelion clock

On the #sunny side was this dandelion #flower. Do you notice anything?
Dandelion flower

At its centre are several beautifully #camouflaged #insects no doubt feeding off the #plant's #pollen or #nectar.
Insects at the centre of the dandelion flower

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Spring #Horticulture #MacroPhotography

Oh wow! I did not realize that Join #Diaspora ( was shutting down! That is sad news indeed!

Yeah, I know FediDB ( removed Pawoo, although they oddly have kept Baraag listed (that site allegedly is a haven for questionable NSFW content).

Also, #CounterSocial ( is now a top ten instance according to Instances Social (, even though they are not federated.

it's not, but people keep pushing it in... #diaspora is from the #encryptionists agenda where the #Fediverse is #4opens

Mess and composting comes to mind.

!Friendica Support If I quote-share a post coming from #Tumblr or #Diaspora on Friendica, I learnt that some platforms (Mastodon, Misskey, ...) aren't able to display this as expected. In Friendica, I see a preview image of the post, which is what I would expect:

Looking at this from Mastodon, it looks slightly less usable but at least there's still something:

On Misskey, as has been reported (can't reproduce as I don't have or want an account there), it seems the post is empty.

Hubzilla is where it looks best:

This is kind of a mess. It seems similar for Diaspoar posts. What can be done, or who's responsible to handle that right, from a standards perspective? Is there any way to be reasonably sure posts look at least usable on all federated platforms?

cc @Aljoscha Rittner (beandev)

I wrote a new #blog post, about #diaspora - it doesn't really apply to anyone reading it from diaspora itself, though 😛 it's more to convince others about how great it is, here. But feel free to give it a read, or a skim.

New blog post - I'm Inviting you to join diaspora* with me, to enjoy social media once again:

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