Mormonism LIVE: 100: 100th Episode Super Show
To celebrate our 100th episode, we invite all of you to join us as we take a look back at the past 99 episodes and share which have been most meaningful and which are our favorites and we will be taking calls from you our listeners and letting you share with us which ones meant the most to you!
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German Baptist Brethren Church - Alternative Information From a Current Member
The first "Brethren" were about 8 people who left the Radical Pietist Movement, which was made up of folks who had left the Lutheran and State Reformed churches. The Radical Pietists rejected "organized" religion, blaming church authority and structure as the problem. Those who became the "Brethren" believed that the Holy Scriptures showed us that we should be an organized assembly following Jesus Christ.
They rejected infant baptism, as the Scriptures teach that Faith and Repentance comes first. The mode of baptism comes from the earliest recorded baptisms of the Christian faith, three times immersing, or "Dunking" in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. This is why they were labeled after coming to North America. Folks tried to figure out who these people were, and the word spread that these were German Dunkers, as most anabaptists and reformed churches practice sprinkling, or pouring baptism, called aspersion. So the German Baptist Brethren didn't give themselves their own name. They referred to one another as "Brethren."
Now I'll try to give clarity where Jordan was inaccurate. Normally a "Cult" needs three different aspects to be called a cult. 1. A separate culture from the surrounding people. 2. A high level of control over its members with strict rules. 3. A dynamic and charismatic leader. If any one of these characteristics is missing, the movement in question is probably not a cult.
1. The Brethren never had centralized leadership by any dynamic or charismatic founder or leader. They don't have a "Pope." And they still don't have any, as each congregation has multiple elders and deacons. And almost all decisions in the church are only approved through voting. And every Baptized member has the same voting power, clergy and laymen alike. The Women vote as well, except at the Annual Meeting.
2. Though most get married young, there is no expectations that you "should" marry at any particular age, and if you want to stay celibate, that is acceptable. Many do get married in their mid twenties and even thirties.
3. A married person whose spouse has left them isn't necessarily lonely as he said. The Brethren are a community, and emotional and relational support is there for the unfortunate situation. By remaining unmarried, they try to be reconciled to the original spouse. They are free to remarry if their spouse dies.
4. The Brethren have no written or unwritten rules about birth control, and many (maybe 50%) would use some form of contraceptives. In fact, it is very common for a lady to wear her wedding dress on her first anniversary. So many of them might not have their first child for 1 or 2 years. If there is an opinion regarding birth control, it is usually some family tree within the church, but it's not a part of any religious dogma.
5. Most Brethren families have an average of 4-8 children, NOT 10-12. And I can name (using fingers and toes) all the families that have more than ten children. Now, any couple may have as many children as they want, but the church has no particular expectation on the number of children.
6. There aren't any singing events that go on for hours and hours. The longest might be two hours, and you may come and go as you wish. And non-members may come if they wish. In fact, there are often the siblings of members at the singings.
7. There isn't any "rule book" for the Brethren. They are non-creedal. Meaning there is no "statement of faith" stated by the church. They have always said that the New Testament Scriptures are their Creed. The "minute book" Jordan referred to is the recorded proceedings of the Annual Meeting where congregations bring questions of faith and practice to the entire brotherhood. And what is decided is taken by voting all the Male members of the church.
8. Any member may leave the church if they no longer desire to stay, and no coercion is used to keep them in. This can be easily seen as the overall retention rate of the Brethren isn't higher than 65%. And those who leave may continue being friends with church members, though the Holy Kiss is no longer shared and the communion bread and wine isn't given to them either. The hardship experienced by some who leave the church is similar to a friend of yours who ditches you for getting married or no longer wants to hang out with you doing the things you always did. But I have seen friendships come back after the initial sadness is over.
9. The Deacons do not read the Hymn before it is sung. Never really have. One of the elders reads the words of the hymn, and a deacon may or may not start the tune, as anyone from the congregation may start one. A deacon usually starts it though.
10. The Brethren use multiple translations of the Holy Bible, but use the King James version on Sunday mornings for continuity. But even in the sermon, alternate translations of the Bible might be cited to give greater understanding of the text. And Greek and Hebrew origins are used for textual understanding.
11. The Brethren may have health insurance (health sharing plans are encouraged) and charity donations are also heavily used. No one is looked down on for having a conventional Health insurance coverage plan.
12. There is no tithe taken by the church. All financial contributions are freewill offerings, and may be any size. Only the Deacons might know what some give, but most donations are autonomous and at the quarterly council the eldest deacon gives a report of the treasury and the expenses from the last quarter.
13. The "Broadfall" trousers worn by the baptized men is not inconsistent with the use of phones or eyeglasses. They are Homemade. They are simply zipper free. With the constant change of clothing styles, Homemade is a way of being consistent.
14. There is no "position of power" in the church. Only degrees of responsibility. The Presiding elder has the most responsibility in the congregation, and every congregation has one presiding elder. But he has no more power of decision than any other member. He can call a council meeting as he sees the need, but that is about it. The elders and deacons are always elected by the congregation.
15. Fiction novels and books are read very much in Brethren homes. Most middle aged German Baptist men now have read all the Hardy Boys Novels when they were young. Some of the most conservative ones that I know read C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkein, as well as other authors.
16. Higher education is allowed for occupational purposes, such as engineering, or medical. Professional Higher religious education is discouraged, though some still take it. Those who take it are not excommunicated. Most get a high school education.
To wrap up my thoughts quickly, I would like to point out some things that are stereotypical signs of a cult. Special dietary laws, forbidding certain foods, arranged marriages, rules on how you have sexual intercourse, corporal punishment of children, special child-rearing guidlines, coerced membership, travel restrictions, special new spiritual revelation, etc. All these are non-existent in the German Baptist Brethren Church.
I hope you get some inspiration from this info. If you have any questions regarding the Brethren, I have most of the information you would be looking for.
#213 Morningland Community Miniseries Part 4 - Interview With Frankie, Host of The Frankie Files Podcast
In part 4 of this 4-part mini-series, I talk with Frankie from The Frankie Files Podcast, discussing her experiences growing up in Morningland Church, listed online today as Morningland Community. Within this 4-part series, Frankie opens up about being groomed, trafficked and abused alongside her twin sister. She also discusses what she is doing to fight back.
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#212 Morningland Community Miniseries Part 3 - Interview With Frankie, Host of The Frankie Files Podcast
In part 3 of this 4-part mini-series, I talk with Frankie from The Frankie Files Podcast, discussing her experiences growing up in Morningland Church, listed online today as Morningland Community. Within this 4-part series, Frankie opens up about being groomed, trafficked and abused alongside her twin sister. She also discusses what she is doing to fight back.
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Radio Free Mormon: 256: Invasion of the Miracle Snatchers!
Is it possible a prophet of God would steal someone else’s miracle story for themselves? Check out this podcast for a famous miracle story of Wilford Woodruff where he may have just done that very thing!
#211 Morningland Community Miniseries Part 2 - Interview With Frankie, Host of The Frankie Files Podcast
In part 2 of this 4-part mini-series, I talk with Frankie from The Frankie Files Podcast, discussing her experiences growing up in Morningland Church, listed online today as Morningland Community. Within this 4-part series, Frankie opens up about being groomed, trafficked and abused alongside her twin sister. She also discusses what she is doing to fight back.
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Mormonism LIVE: 099: The 1826 Trial of Joseph Smith The Glass Looker
On this week’s episode we take a deeper look at the 1826 trial in Bainbridge, NY. We examine what led to the trial, what witnesses claimed, what we know about the trial proceedings, how Smith and Stowell got introduced to each other, and a few other interesting facts along the way that make this such an interesting episode in Church history.
This outline was used in preparation for Mormonism LIVE: 099 : The 1826 Trial of Joseph Smith, The Glass Looker –
On this week’s episode we take a deeper look at the 1826 trial in Bainbridge, NY. We examine what led to the trial, what witnesses claimed, what we know about the trial proceedings, how Smith and Stowell got introduced to each other, and a few other interesting facts along the way that make this such an interesting episode in Church history.
- Spring of 1825, Joseph Smith is at Simpson (Simeon in some records) Stowell’s home in palmyra when Simpson’s father Josiah Stowell visits him and Joseph Smith uses his seer ability, presumably the stone in the hat and proceeds to amaze those in attendance with a couple of “Remote Viewing” performances such as describing Josiah’s house and outhouses correctly while all of them are at palmyra and Stowell’s property for which presumably Joseph Smith had never seen, is located in Bainbridge NY
- Josiah Stowell, so amazed at the Prophet’s ability, hires him to both work the farm and to lead treasure digs near Stowell’s property in NY (SLIDE 1)
- Several Members of Stowell’s family, Joseph Smith Jr. and Sr., Isaac Hale and other members of the Hale family and a few others make a “mining” agreement on Nov 1st 1825 (SLIDE 2 & 3) and the Church agrees it is Authentic
- Joseph Smith is living on Stowell’s property for about half a year working the farm and doing these treasure digs but they are finding absolutely nothing and these digs are failing at every turn.
- Members of Stowell’s family along with others in the community perceive that Stowell is being taken advantage of and on March 20th 1826 Joseph Smith is brought before the court on charges of being a “disorderly person and an imposter”
- The trial is first printed in Fraser Magazine February 1873 Edition and then reprinted again in the Utah Christian Advocate January 1886 Edition (SLIDE 4 & 5)
Frasers Magazine 12 July 1873… (Document page 229 [pdf 248])…
B.) Where does the author in Fraser’s Magazine locate this trial record?
- In Bainbridge? Nope. From enemies? Nope. Rather from an old lady in Salt Lake City who kept records of Joseph Smith’s altercations with the Law. (SLIDE 6)
- It gets worse though because the Utah Christian Advocate says this was taken directly from the record books of a bainbridge justice of the peace by a daughter or niece (suspicion since he doesn’t know) who tore the record out of the books and the author claims he verified. (SLIDE 6)
C.) Capt’n Kidd
- W.D Purple is in 1877 in the Chenango Union is giving us info about these treasure Digging activities and implies that Stowell is looking for Capt’n Kidd’s treasure.
- Notice the implication that Stowell knows the story of Capt’n Kidd – hence we should expect that Joseph is informed about said stories too. Not appropriate to start with the assumption he may not have known them. More rational to start with he did. (SLIDE 7)
- According to J. H. Kennedy, Joseph “made confession” that the autobiography of Captain Kidd “made a deep impression upon him.” Kennedy does not say in what context Smith made this “confession.” Palmyra native Philetus B. Spear recalled in an 1873 interview that as a boy Joseph “had for a library a copy of the ‘Arabian Nights,’ stories of Captain Kidd, and a few novels.”89 Pomeroy Tucker also mentions Joseph’s youthful fascination with Captain Kidd, Stephen Burroughs the counterfeiter, and others, noting that such stories “presented the highest charms for his expanding mental perceptions.”90 Ellen E. Dickinson similarly wrote: It is said that Joseph at an early age could read, but not write; and when quite young committed these lines to memory from the story of Captain Kidd, the notorious pirate, which seemed to give him great pleasure: “My name was Robert Kidd, As I sailed, as I sailed; And most wickedly I did As I sailed, as I sailed.”91
- Notice the implication that Stowell knows the story of Capt’n Kidd – hence we should expect that Joseph is informed about said stories too. Not appropriate to start with the assumption he may not have known them. More rational to start with he did. (SLIDE 7)
D.) The Proceedings themselves
- Living w/ Stowell (5 Months) most of the time and a small part of time out looking for mines. But mostly farm work and going to school
- Some quotes indicate that Smith used treasure digging as a way to get out of farm work while still bringing in the needed income.
- Had been employed to work at the farm part time
E.) Joseph Smith claims he is in Bainbridge “spending a small time looking for mines but mostly working for Stowell on the farming and “Going to School”
- He is 20/21 during the time of these digs. What school would a frontier adult go to that he could be speaking of? College/university? Trade School?
F.) He mentions his seer stone and his seeing ability.
- Work had slowed down because this line of work was bad for his eyes. They were sore
- He was turning down most work
- But with stowell he found some “oar” (ore) that looked like gold
- But its not gold…. So why is such promising?
- They would find a tail feather though not the buried treasure that was supposed to be with it. (Could the foretold item have been planted by Smith before or during the dig? Does this not best explain what is happening?)
- He describes Stowell’s house and outhouse from Palmyra while staying at “Simpson Stowell’s” (Is this a relative of Josiah? Sources claim this is Josiah’s son) Could Stowell’s son have described Josiah’s property at an earlier time? Could Joseph have had enough info to make an educated guess? (This is how psychics work)
G.) Testimony of Others
- Horace Stowell testified
- Arad Stowell Testified
- Pretends to read a book with his back turned to the book, with the book open lying upon a white cloth, while using the stone
- This seems significant as if it points to a photographic memory and that as far as an outside observer could tell, he is doing the same sort of “translation work” as he did with the Book of Mormon
- Rather than exclude all light he instead places his stone near a candle
- Several seem disgusted as the fraud was so noticeable that they said it was palpable (almost a physical knowledge that he was a frauding them)
- McMaster said Joseph claimed if he held his stone to the sun or candle (excluding light hurt his eyes so he declined to use the hat and instead choosing instead the Sun (or a candle)
- Johnathon Thompson – Joseph told them where a trunk was buried and they dug 5’ and (someone or the group) heard the shovel hit what sounded like a plank or board.
- “Two indians had buried the chest” – Lamanites. Joseph’s tales already have “Indians” involved. These indians fought and one killed the other and buried him in the hole “to Guard It”.
- Isn’t Moroni a guardian Spirit of the same sort? (SLIDE 11 then back to 12) Below is a second hand report of how Joseph Smith Sr. described his son’s interaction with Moroni
- “Two indians had buried the chest” – Lamanites. Joseph’s tales already have “Indians” involved. These indians fought and one killed the other and buried him in the hole “to Guard It”.
- He believes without seeing a chest that he certainly must of hit it (most rational explanation in his mind for the sound)
- in spite of it sinking into the earth but as outsiders can we see how irrational that perspective is. That a sound can provide one a conclusion in spite of needing magic in order to not see what should have been there and visible?
- The trunk stayed at distance, just out of reach to touch or to be seen.
- Isn’t that convenient
- “Salt might be found in bainbridge”
- Stolen items, ancient treasures, salt deposits
- Thompson believes JS can discern with his stone and hat
- “Witness lost some money and Joseph was able to describe the man Witness thought had taken it.”
H.) Court Costs
- The costs themselves
Court Charges: (Is this all in cents?)
Court found defendant guilty
Cost warrant – 19 cents
Complaint upon Oath – 25.7
Witnesses – 87.5
Recognizince – 25
Mitimus – 19
Recognizince for Witness – 75
Subpoena – 18
TOTAL? $2.68 (verified by the docket commentary on such in next section)
The Mormon writer Francis W. Kirkham just could not allow himself to believe that the 1826 court record was authentic. He, in fact, felt that if the transcript were authentic it would disprove Mormonism:
“A careful study of all facts regarding this alleged confession of Joseph Smith in a court of law that he had used a seer stone to find hidden treasure for purposes of fraud, must come to the conclusion that no such record was ever made, and therefore, is not in existence…. had he [Joseph Smith] made this confession in a court of law as early as 1826, or four years before the Book of Mormon was printed, and this confession was in a court record, it would have been impossible for him to have organized the restored Church. (A New Witness For Christ In America, vol. 1, pages 385-387)
“If a court record could be identified, and if it contained a confession by Joseph Smith which revealed him to be a poor, ignorant, deluded, and superstitious person — unable himself to write a book of any consequence, and whose church could not endure because it attracted only similar persons of low mentality — if such a court record confession could be identified and proved, then it follows that his believers must deny his claimed divine guidance which led them to follow him…. How could he be a prophet of God, the leader of the Restored Church to these tens of thousands, if he had been the superstitious fraud which ‘the pages from a book’ declared he confessed to be?” (Ibid., p. 486-487)
The noted Mormon apologist Hugh Nibley published a book in which this statement appeared: “…if this court record is authentic it is the most damning evidence in existence against Joseph Smith.” (The Myth Makers, 1961, page 142) On the same page we read that such a court record would be “the most devastating blow to Smith ever delivered.” Because he could see the serious implications of the matter, Dr. Nibley tried in every way possible to destroy the idea that the court record was an authentic document.
I.) Additional Documentation
- Neeley’s Fee Bill –… (SLIDE 13)
- Why this is important – Because once we find the additional documentation that verifies $2.68 as the total, we add credibility to the trial proceeding retelling (SLIDE 14)
- 2nd Fee Bill – Philip M. De Zeng… (SLIDE 15)
J.) Surrounding Statements that shape our perception
- Oliver Cowdery claims Joseph was acquitted at the 1826 trial
- “Oliver Cowdery, who did not attend the hearing (he met Joseph Smith about three years later), mentioned the most likely result in light of missing documentation, that Joseph was acquitted of being a disorderly person.”
(SLIDE 16)
- “Oliver Cowdery, who did not attend the hearing (he met Joseph Smith about three years later), mentioned the most likely result in light of missing documentation, that Joseph was acquitted of being a disorderly person.”
- Cowdery may be confusing an 1830 trial that he took part in where Joseph actually was acquitted though the Church’s footnote makes sense to me.
- Should Cowdery’s non first hand telling be considered strong enough evidence to dismiss the alleged court proceeding? no
- Defer to RFM
- The first 1830 Trial – Court Case before Justice of the Peace Joseph Chamberlin, South Bainbridge, Chenango County, New York: Constable Ebenezer Hatch arrested Joseph Smith on June 30, 1830, held him over night, and brought him before Justice Joseph P. Chamberlin on a charge of being a disorderly person.
- Abram Willard Benton, the man who filed the disorderly person complaint against Smith in 1830, also wrote an account of this 1830 trial.8 Benton also relates Stowell’s testimony: (…)
- Josiah Stowell, a Mormonite, being sworn, testified that he positively knew that said Smith never had lied to, or deceived him, and did not believe he ever tried to deceive anybody else. (SLIDE 17)
- “Did Smith ever tell you there was money hid in a certain place which he mentioned? Yes.
Did he tell you, you could find it by digging?
Did you dig?
Did you find any money?
Did he not lie to you then, and deceive you?
NO, the money was there, but we did not get quite to it!
How do you know it was there?
Smith said it was. ( A. W. Benton, “Mormonites,” Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, April 9, 1831, p. 120, as reprinted in Francis W. Kirkham, A New Witness for Christ in America*, (Brigham Young University, 1959) II:467-468)*- This is called circular reasoning and it is exemplified by Kerry Muhlstein (soundbite)
- “Did Smith ever tell you there was money hid in a certain place which he mentioned? Yes.
- “It is reported, and probably true, that he commenced his juggling by stealing and hiding property belonging to his neighbors, and when inquiry was made, he would look in his stone, (his gift and power) and tell where it was.”
- Remember the Miners hill episode where in the “Mormon Cave” were found various animal remains and debris or items. (I think every instance of claims that Joseph Smith found lost property through a seer stone should note the most rational explanation is something other than the supernatural or magic.)…- Compare to the feather story – Could Joseph have hid the feather before or during the dig? How’s that not the most rational answer especially in light of not finding the treasure that went with it.
- Remember the Miners hill episode where in the “Mormon Cave” were found various animal remains and debris or items. (I think every instance of claims that Joseph Smith found lost property through a seer stone should note the most rational explanation is something other than the supernatural or magic.)
- SECOND 1830 TRIAL(actual newspaper article) –… (easier to read transcript)
Church description
“that he had been acquainted with Smith, the prisoner, for several years; that prisoner pretended to look in a certain glass, or stone, and said he could tell where stolen goods were, and could discover mines of gold and silver under ground (THOUGH NONE EVER FOUND); made some pretence at telling fortunes, but he, witness, never knew of prisoner’s finding any thing by his pretended art.” - Harris Stowell “hid a bag of grain in his barn, told Smith he had lost a bag of grain, and wished prisoner to find it; prisoner looked in his glass in vain, for he could not find it; prisoner, after using all his art for a number of days, offered to give witness’ brother fifty cents (so his brother told witness,) to find where the grain was, and tell him, prisoner, unbeknown to witness, so that Smith, the prisoner, might have the credit of finding the grain.” –…
- Again we have Joseph Smith allegedly using deception to to give off the impression that he can find lost items.
- Could not Joseph Smith have employed a similar tactic to have Simpson Stowell describe his father’s property so that Smith could later imply supernatural ability in describing Josiah Stowell’s farm?
- The 2 1830 Trials (Only important as Cowdery said Smith was acquitted and likely was misremembering the 1830 rather than 1826…
K.) Other Interesting data points
- Ronald Jackson, a believing member forged a reprint of Wesley Walters discovery of the 1826 court docket Why does Jackson feel the need to do this? Because he believes the original is damning to Mormonism.
- Witness testimony implies that Joseph never found any treasure and that while many believed him to have real power, it was them accepting such on his word with either no results OR the belief on others that he had deceptively created the appearance of supernatural ability
- Setting up the deception so that objects could be hidden and then discovered later under alleged magic
- Through stealing property and then locating it for the victim
- Placing items in places to be found later
- Bribing individuals to give him information that he could then “reveal” to others later
- Setting up the deception so that objects could be hidden and then discovered later under alleged magic
(feather but not the accompanying treasure, stolen items, bribing a person’s family to tell him where their loved one hid the thing
- When the rubber met the road and Joseph had any ample opportunity to actually locate something of value, he came up empty every single time.
Joseph Smith and the 1826 Trial……………………………
#209 Morningland Community - Interview With Frankie, Host of The Frankie Files Podcast
In part 1 of this 4-part mini-series, I talk with Frankie from The Frankie Files Podcast, discussing her experiences growing up in Morningland Church, listed online today as Morningland Community. Within this 4-part series, Frankie opens up about being groomed, trafficked and abused alongside her twin sister. She also discusses what she is doing to fight back.
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Radio Free Mormon: 255: Four Recent Discoveries!
RFM delves into four fascinating items related to Mormonism he has only recently discovered.
You won’t want to miss this one!
#208 The Alliance of the Holy Family International - Interview with Ryan Anthony Hernandez, Host of The Truth That Heals Podcast
In this interview I speak with Ryan Anthony Hernandez, host of The Truth That Heals Podcast. Ryan has an incredible story of becoming deeply involved in an abusive Catholic sect known as The Alliance of The Holy Family International Representing Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Ryan's subsequent escape and recovery from the group is both inspirational and empowering. Listen to more of Ryan's story on his own podcast here -……
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Mormonism LIVE: 098: Gold Gifts, Deeds, & Harsh Measures
In this Episode Bill and RFM will go into a story few members know about in regards to the Prophet Joseph Smith and one of his young plural wives. It involves some re-gifting, a land deal, and Harsh Measures
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A.) Lucien Woodworth born April 3rd 1799
- becomes a close associate of Joseph Smith around the year 1841
a.) Appointed aide-de-camp in Nauvoo Legion, May 1841
b.) Member of Nauvoo Masonic Lodge
c.) Admitted to Council of Fifty, 11 Mar. 1844
d.) Traveled to Texas to negotiate with Sam Houston for possible Latter-day Saint settlement, 1844.
e.) Sent by JS to deliver letter explaining Latter-day Saint difficulties to Illinois governor Thomas Ford, 22 June 1844.
- Married Phebe Watrous in 1825 and had at least 3 children (seen in 1850 Census)
- The oldest of those children is Flora Ann Woodworth born June 12, 1826 according to one genealogy site and November 14, 1826 according to Brian Hales
B.) The Interactions between The Woodworth family and the Smiths generally
- March 31, 1843 ~ Friday On the 31 friday I spent the afternoon at Mr Lucian Woodworth’s in company with Joseph Smith, Hiram Smith, Heber C. Kimball Orson Hyde, a Br Chase with our wives we had a feast of a fat turkey & had a good time (Before her Sealing to JS most likely) –
C.) Strange Interactions with potential suitor
- nineteen-year-old Orange Wight (Son of Lyman Wight) pursued Flora Ann and is interrupted and offered a ride by Joseph Smith
- He wrote, “[Having just returned from a mission] I concluded to lo[o]k about and try to pick up one or more of the young Ladies before they were all Gone, so I commenced keeping company with Flora Woodworth… [We were walking near Joseph’s home when he (JS) rode up in a carriage and invited us to take a ride]
D.) William Clayton records multiple visits by the Prophet to see young Flora Ann Woodworth
- March 31, 1843 ~ Friday On the 31 friday I spent the afternoon at Mr Lucian Woodworth’s in company with Joseph Smith, Hiram Smith, Heber C. Kimball Orson Hyde, a Br Chase with our wives we had a feast of a fat turkey & had a good time (Before her Sealing to JS most likely)
- May 2nd: “Joseph rode out today with Flora W.”
- June 1st: “Evening Joseph rode in the carriage with Flora.”
- August 26th: “Hyrum and I rode up to my house and Joseph met Mrs. Wdth and F[lora] and conversed some time.”
- August 28th: “President Joseph met Ms Wdth at my house.”
- August 29th: “A.M. at the Temple. President Joseph at my house with Miss Wdth.”
E.) Joseph Smith seems to be in the picture a lot but this is because 16 year old Flora Ann has by the Spring of 1843 become a plural wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith
1.) In the spring of 1843 Joseph Smith was sealed to 16 year old Flora Ann Woodworth
- According to Brian Hales “A March 4, 1843, entry in the Prophet’s diary appears to have been written “Woodworth,” which is crossed out and is difficult to discern. The name “Woodworth” appears interlineally above in shorthand, so it is possible they were sealed that day.”
- Those visits by Smith to Flora recorded by Clayton – they have already been sealed/married by then
2.) That story w/ Orange Wight… here is the rest of the story
- “I was walking along the street with Flora near the Prophet’s residence when he, Joseph, drove, up in his carriage, stopped and spoke to I and Flora and asked us to get in the carriage and ride with him. He opened the door for us and when we were seated opposite to him he told the driver to drive on. We went to the [Nauvoo] temple lot and many other places during the afternoon and then he drove to the Woodworth house and we got out and went in. After we got in the house Sister Woodworth took me in another room and told me that Flora was one of Joseph’s wives. I was aware or believed that Eliza R. Snow and the two Partridge girls were his wives but was not informed about Flora. But now Sister Woodworth gave me all the information necessary, so I knew Joseph believed and practiced polygamy…Now as a matter of corse I at once—after giving her Flora/ a mild lecture left her and looked for a companion in other places, and where I could be more sure. I was now called on a mission to go up the river 5 or 6 hundred miles to make lumber for the Nauvoo house and Temple.”
- Mild Lecture
- Joseph gets him out of town sending him on a mission 500 to 600 miles away….
F.) The Gift Giving of a Gold Watch
- Emma somehow becomes aware that Flora Woodworth has on her person a Gold watch which she comprehends is the Gold Watch of her Husband and the Prophet Joseph Smith (RFM to give most rational explanation). We know this because William Clayton records the following
- “President Joseph told me that he had difficulty with E[mma] yesterday. She rode up to Woodworths with him and called while he came to the Temple. When he returned she was demanding the gold watch of F[lora]. He reproved her for her evil treatment.”
- No record exists of the exact date of the marriage or the gift-giving of the watch (According to Hales)
- The story implies that Joseph didn’t knowwhen dropping off emma at the woodworths that a conflict would ensue over the watch. The Smith’s and Woodworths hung out a lot it seems so it likely it all seemed normal when he dropped Emma off
- RFM – when did Emma discover Flora had JS watch?
- Joseph seems to only figure out that he has been caught when he returns to pick Emma up and she is in the middle of a confrontation with Flora demanding the watch back
- How embarrassing for Emma
- “President Joseph told me that he had difficulty with E[mma] yesterday. She rode up to Woodworths with him and called while he came to the Temple. When he returned she was demanding the gold watch of F[lora]. He reproved her for her evil treatment.”
- Joseph seems to have a history of giving Gold watches to his plural wives
- The Prophet may have given a gold watch to several of his plural wives. Mary Ann Barzee Boice remembered that she was “acquainted with Eliza R. Snow Smith, his [Joseph Smith’s] wife and saw his gold watch which she carries.” Mary Ann Boice in John Boice and Mary Ann (Barzee) Boice “Record,” MS 8883, Microfilm of manuscript, 174.
- link to an image of the gold watch Joseph Smith gave to Eliza R. Snow…
G.) According to Clayton the argument that started when Smith showed up on the scene to find Emma in a confrontation with Flora continued on the carriage ride home and once the Smith’s got back to their home. George D. Smith, ed., An Intimate Chronicle: The Journals of William Clayton (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1995), 119.
- “President Joseph told me that he had difficulty with E[mma] yesterday. She rode up to Woodworths with him and called while he came to the Temple. When he returned she was demanding the gold watch of F[lora]. He reproved her for her evil treatment. On their return home she abused him much and also when he got home. He had to use harsh measures to put a stop to her abuse but finally succeeded.”
- What are Harsh Measures in this context that could stop “the abuse” by Emma?
- This speaks volumes about how Emma might feel in this situation was disregarded. How she isn’t seen as having a right to her hurt and anger.
- It addresses the quote from last week where Bednar suggests these women pursued Joseph for a sealing when the reality is that He pursued them.
- It also runs counter to Bednar’s imposing these were adoptions and not marriages and certainly not sexual. (Gold watch, Orange Wight, Emma’s being caught off guard) We should spend a few minutes sorting this out)
- This instance demonstrates the brethren are either naive and ignorant and speak out of turn on such things or they intentionally play on the naivete and ignorance of members or a combination of both.
- Oh and what happened to the watch you ask – Seymour B. Young recalled in 1912 that Emma destroyed the watch: “The name of the Prophet’s plural wives [included] … Flora Woodward [sic] to whom he is said to have given a gold locket or watch which was stamped under foot by Emma.” – Seymour B. Young, Journal, April 2, 1912, CHL, restricted; excerpt copied in D. Michael Quinn Papers—Addition—Uncat WA MS 244 (Accession:19990209–c), Box 1—Card file—Topic: Polygamy, Joseph Smith’s
- What are Harsh Measures in this context that could stop “the abuse” by Emma?
- Or is that what happened? –…Time Stamp 1.18.30 for a story about Joseph’s Gold Watch.
H.) Coincidence or Women scorned
- Flora apparently had a serious life event the very next day after the confrontation. The marriage index of Hancock County records Flora Ann marrying Carlos Gove, a non-member, the very next day after her confrontation with Emma. – Marriage of Flora Woodworth to Carlos Gove, August 23, 1843, in Marriage index of Hancock County, Ill., 1829–1849, Tri-County Genealogical Society, comp. (Augusta, Ilinois: Tri-County Genealogical Society, 1983), 19.
- Helen Mar Kimball recalled a different chain of events: “A young man boarding at her father’s after the death of Joseph not a member of the Church had sought her hand, in time won her heart, and in a reckless moment she was induced to accept his offer and they eloped to Carthage, accompanied by a young lady friend, and were there married by a Justice of the Peace.” Helen Mar Whitney, “Travels Beyond the Mississippi,” Woman’s Exponent (November 1, 1884), 87; italics mine. This marriage is not listed in Lyndon Cook, Nauvoo Deaths and Marriages, 1839–1845 (Orem, Utah: Grandin Book Co., 1994), undoubtedly because his marriage records are extracted from Church publications and records.
- According to Hales – “The level of friendship between Gove and Flora prior to their legal marriage is unknown, but it is probable that Emma encouraged the nuptial” – and his evidence for that is “Emily Partridge recalled that Emma: “once proposed to a young man to ask Eliza [Partridge, Emily’s sister] to take a ride with him.” Emily Dow Partridge Young, “Incidents in the early life of Emily Dow partridge,” MS d 2845, fd 1, typescript in possession of the author.”
I.) And as I was digging into this story…… I found a couple more things
- Land Deed between Lucien Woodworth and Joseph Smith
- Mention the transfer of money into the hand of Joseph Smith of $250
- Note that I am not saying there is anything odd about this Land deed
- But It is odd when juxtaposed against this Land Deed directly to Flora Ann Woodworth
- The Land Deed itself between Joseph and Flora
- Notice the date of May 13th 1843 is just two months after the “march 4th” possible sealing date between Flora and Joseph
- Notice it appears to be part of the same lot
- Notice the amount of $1000
- Which 16 year old girl has $1000
- Did actual money change hands or was Flora given land valued at $1000 as a inheritance for her marriage?
- My hunch is nothing was paid but the wording is a formality for a gift.
- Mention the transfer of money into the hand of Joseph Smith of $250
- Other Land Deals
- Land Deed to Sarah Ann Whitney –…
But then, of course, there was Sarah herself. Only seventeen years old at the time, and by all accounts well liked by her peers, this was an event that would change the course for her whole life. Even while she was initiated into the Mormon church’s inner circle, and linked forever to the faith’s prophet, she must have known that she risked alienation from everyday life. Could she survive as the secret wife of an already much-married man? There had to be compensation. Six weeks after the secret sealing, and two weeks after Smith’s request for a clandestine meeting, Smith deeded to Sarah a lot of land only one block from his own. It was rare for a woman to own land in Nauvoo, especially a woman as young as Sarah; indeed, it was so rare that whoever filled out the deed had to strike out “his” and write in “hers” to match the inheritor’s gender.- FOOTNOTE 1 – While the land deed states that the property cost one thousand dollars, a figure slightly higher than most plots sold that year, it is very unlikely that Sarah herself paid that amount. It is possible that Sarah’s parents provided the money, or that Smith merely covered it himself but desired not to leave a paper”…
- Joseph Kingsbury (sham) marriage to Sarah Ann Whitney
- Land Deed to Sarah Ann Whitney –…
- Emma Smith Land Deed –…
- $10,000
- Patty Bartlett Sessions –…
- Mary Elizabeth Rollings Lightner –…
- Helen Mar Kimball –…
- Sylvia Sessions Lyon –…
- Sarah Scott Mulholland –…
- Four years later [1843], Sarah is thought to have married Joseph Smith in a union concealed by her October 25, 1843, civil marriage to Alexander Mullinder –a ceremony performed by Apostle John Taylor. On February 3, 1846, Sarah was sealed to Mulholland, Heber C. Kimball acting as proxy for her deceased first husband. There are two reasons for concluding that Sarah was joined to Joseph for time and eternity. First, in her 1846 sealing ceremony, she was identified as Sarah Smith, indicating a prior marriage to Joseph. [NO FOOTNOTE OR REFERENCE.] Second, in a biography of Heber Kimball, family tradition lists her among “the wives of the prophet” whom Kimball adopted as his own, 1844-46 – George D. Smith, Nauvoo Polygamy: “… but we called it celestial marriage”, Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 2008, 218.
- Sarah Scott, who had married James Mulholland (1810–39) in early1839, wed Alexander Mullinder/Mullander (born ca. 1810) civilly on October 25, 1843, with Apostle John Taylor performing the ceremony. Mulholland was probably a “front” husband to conceal Sarah’s plural marriage to Smith—much the same arrangement by whichSmith had authorized Joseph Kingsbury and Sarah Whitney’s “prete[n]ded marriage” on April 29, 1843. Scott was sealed to Mulholland for eternity and to Heber Kimball, not Mullinder, for time on February 3, 1846, in the Nauvoo Temple. The record of that ceremony identifies her explicitly as “Sarah Smith,” implying an earlier sealing to Joseph Smith – Gary J. Bergera, “Identifying the Earliest Mormon Polygamists, 1841-1844,” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought38, no. 2 (Fall 2005): 31
- Elizabeth Buchannan Coolidge (Plural Wife)-…
- Elizabeth Davis Durfee – (Brian Hales)…
- Partridge Sisters –…
- Marinda Nancy Johnson Hyde –…
- Hyrum Smith’s Plural Wives
- Lydia Dibble Granger –…
- Mary Fielding Smith –…
J.) Other Interesting facts
- Flora’s marriage/sealing to Joseph happened right around the same time to Lucy Walker and Helen Mar Kimball
- Speak again to Bednar’s imposition on JS’s Polygamy
- Joseph Smith, May 1844: “What a thing it is for a man to be accused of committing adultery, and having seven wives, when I can only find one.”
- JOSEPH SMITH’S WIVES as of May 1844: Emma Hale, Louisa Beaman, Mrs. Zina Diantha Huntington (Jacobs), Mrs. Presendia Lathrop Huntington (Buell), Agnes Moulton Coolbrith (Smith), Mrs. Lucinda Pendleton (Morgan Harris), Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Rollins (Lightner), Mrs. Sylvia Porter Sessions (Lyon), Mrs. Patty Bartlett (Sessions), Mrs. Sarah M. Kingsley (Howe Cleveland), Mrs. Elizabeth Davis (G. Brackenbury Durfee), Mrs. Marinda Nancy Johnson (Hyde), Delcena Diadamia Johnson (Sherman), Eliza Roxcy Snow, Mrs. Sarah Rapson (Poulterer), Sarah Ann Whitney, Martha McBride (Knight), Mrs. Ruth Daggett Vose (Sayers), Flora Ann Woodworth, Emily Dow Partridge, Eliza Maria Partridge, Almera Woodward Johnson, Lucy Walker, Sarah Lawrence, Maria Lawrence, Helen Mar Kimball, Mrs. Elvira Anna Cowles (Holmes), Rhoda Richards, Hannah S. Ells, Mary Ann Frost (Stearns Pratt), Olive Grey Frost, Nancy Maria Winchester, Desdemona Catlin Wadworth Fullmer, Melissa Lott, Sarah Scott (Mulholland), Mrs. Phebe Watrous (Woodworth), Mary Huston, Fanny Young (Carr Murray). (George D. Smith, Nauvoo Polygamy [2008]).
- Here are the wives of Joseph Smith who were under the age of 20: Fanny Alger (16); Sarah Ann Whitney (17); Flora Ann Woodworth (16); Lucy Walker (17); Sara Lawrence (17): Helen Mar Kimball (14); Nancy Winchester (14)
K.) Sad Ending
- 1850 Census record of Flora – middle of the page
- That same year Flora was staying in Kanesville Iowa
- Never making it to Utah, Flora passed away in Kanesville, Iowa around 1850. Helen Mar wrote, “I never saw her again as she died at that place, leaving two or three children.” Flora would have been in her mid-twenties at the time.
Some of my issues with the Nauvoo Polygamy Essay from exmormon
Flora Ann Woodworth…………
Flora Ann Woodworth………………
Flora Ann Woodworth · Collection…………………
This list the plural marriages around the same time (should be an interesting read)… (Father)… (Deed to parents)…
Some book on Clayton’s recording plural marriagedoctrineandcovenantscentral.or…
Joseph Smith, Sarah Ann Whitney, and the Familial Dynamics of Nauvoo Polygamy
Mormonism LIVE: 097: A Chat w/ Elder Bednar Part 2
A listener was able to have a candid chat with Elder Bednar recently and agreed to share with us how it went! This is part 2 of that conversation. Join us live!
#206 Interview with Daniel Shaw LCSW - Traumatic Narcissism
In this episode I speak with Daniel Shaw. An expert in Traumatic Narcissism, we look at the word Narcissism and break it down before applying it to Daniel's own research.
Taken from his website - Daniel Shaw, LCSW, is a psychoanalyst in private practice in New York City and in Nyack, New York; and Faculty and Supervisor at The National Institute for the Psychotherapies in New York. His papers have appeared in Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic Perspectives and Psychoanalytic Dialogues, and most recently, his book, Traumatic Narcissism: Relational Systems of Subjugation, was published by Routledge for the Relational Perspectives Series and nominated for the prestigious Gradiva Award. His book Traumatic Narcissism and Recovery: Leaving the Prison of Shame and Fear was published in 2021. In 2018, the International Cultic Studies Association awarded Dan the Margaret Thaler Singer Award for advancing the understanding of coercive persuasion and undue influence.
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#206 The Birds Fly Backwards in Pudsey - Live Interview with Sam McKay, PhD
*Some audio issues as this was a live recording*
In this episode, I sat down with an old friend to talk about his experiences joining a fun youth group that had a darker, religious underbelly that would land Sam in a coercive environment, rife with spiritual abuse. I have known Sam for over a decade and we have shared a lot of time together, travelled Europe together and completed a BA(Hons) Degree with one another. Never did I think he had been through something like this. This is a testament to how every day people all around us can be coerced into an abusive group.
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One General Conference. Five Sessions. Ten hours. Thirty-Six Talks. ALL IN UNDER SIXTY MINUTES!!!
#205 UNCULTURED - Interview with author Daniella Mestyanek Young
In this episode with author Daniella Mestyanek Young, we discuss her childhood being born and raised in David Berg's Children of God - known today as The Family International. We then compare the coercion and abuses inflicted upon Daniella and others in the CoG to the US Army - of which Daniella served as an intelligence officer after leaving the CoG.
TW - we discuss the sexual abuse of children and the rape culture of several environments still in existence and still abusing men, women and children today.
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