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I am now the proud owner of an ultrasonic cleaner for my #FountainPens which, per the instructions, is "suitable for lazy people in sports without rolling hair".

So that's good... I guess?

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

So it turns out I got the little cards confused. That one was for the portable neck fan that was in the same order.

I guess that makes a little more sense, but still.

Say what you will about the materials quality of #TWSBI pens, but their customer service is top-notch. They're working on sending me replacement parts for my pen, though there are still some lingering shipping issues in the aftermath of the Canada Post strike. #FountainPens

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

if their pens held up better, people wouldn’t need to use their customer service as much though… the fact that everyone knows about their customer service being good is kind of a failure in itself
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to paradoxmo

@paradoxmo Fair enough, but at that price point, I've learned to accept some compromises.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

counterpoint is that plenty of budget pen makers don’t have these issues to nearly the same degree… not to mention budget pens from the big manufacturers like Pilot or Faber Castell
in reply to paradoxmo

@paradoxmo I'm happy to give some other pens a go, but this was really about getting my favourite one back up and running again.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I haven’t had any issues with my TWSBIs but I did manage to break one myself by being horribly heavy handed. I was honest about it with their customer service team but they still sent the replacement parts, only charging the postage. So top-notch indeed.

On a more positive note. One of the inks I ordered came with a free eye-dropper #FountainPen. For a free (with purchase) pen, it's pretty nice.

My replacement TWSBI cap finally arrived today. Went to finally ink the pen up only to discover that the thread that connects the nib assembly is broken.

I know I can order a replacement nib assembly relatively inexpensively, but I don't know if the thread in the pen body is intact either.

It looks like when I lost the cap I didn't clean the pen out properly before putting it in storage and there was still some ink sitting in it for a few years. I don't know if that was what caused the damage.

My local pen shop apparently has an AL in stock, and I happen to have gotten a gift card for them for Christmas that would cover the difference between the Diamond 580 and the AL. Perhaps it's time to upgrade?


in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I was just thinking it would probably be cheaper to get a new one and use the still usable parts as spares?
in reply to fedops 💙💛

@fedops 💙💛 Yeah, I thought about that too. The local place I normally get stuff from doesn't carry a whole lot of TWSBI stock though, all they have in stock right now is the one AL (though their online stock has been known to be inaccurate).

These meds are kicking my ass. It's less than an hour to tje new year, but I think I might just nap through it.

HeliosPi reshared this.

mh: ADHD, asshole "comedian", mention of self-harm

Despite her best efforts, there are still some aspects of #ADHD that my partner struggles to comprehend. She's been trying to learn more where she can. As a result, a lot of ADHD stuff has been cropping up in her YouTube recommendations.

Anyhow, today we watched a video where a comedian was talking about his wife having ADHD. While we didn't expect it to necessarily be educational, we were up for a good laugh. All I can say is that I wonder if this man's wife watches his stand-up routine. If so, how the hell is he still married?

His whole bit was just the guy ragging on his wife and spewing every possible harmful stereotype about ADHD imaginable. I literally wanted to punch the guy in the mouth two minutes in. One of his punchlines was literally "I'd want to cut myself too".

Is this seriously what passes for comedy?


So, if I were to get into steganogrphy, I feel that Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up video would make the best cover medium. I'd call it the reverse rickroll.

So, Jet Pens has some nice offerings, but damn their shipping prices to Canada are painful.

My cat just taught me that I have a button on my keyboard to lock my screen (I had manually mapped Super+L to do this).

I'd always just ignored the applicaiton launcher buttons on that corner of the keyboard.

Theoretically, my replacement TWSBI cap will arrive today. Man, I've missed being able to use that #FountainPen.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Well, the end of the delivery window elapsed two and a half hours ago and it hasn't yet been updated. I'm guessing I'm not getting it today after all.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I suppose that if they don't update the estimated delivery window, at least I don't have to be disappointed when they miss it yet again. 🙃


Against my expectations, I ended up having to make a trip to the mall today. It's a stat holiday in Canada. I didn't even expect them to be open.

Anxiety levels were maxed out for an extended period. At least I'll be getting my money's worth at my next therapy appointment.

Going forward, perhaps I won't buy batteries for my medical devices from the dollar store.
in reply to Matthew Skala

@Matthew Skala In this case, it was more about the longevity of the batteries. The first pair lasted for years the dollar store pair lasted maybe two months.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Fair enough, but it seems if you qualify you might as well get the money.

Was talked into eating the tiniest piece of sugar pie today.* I haven't had any in years. Probably not the wisest decision for a diabetic, but what the hell, sometimes it's about quality of life over quantity.**

* The slice was so thin it literally curled up when I tried to plate it.

** I know this is a terrible justification. Don't @ me.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Fun side story:

My family's sugar pie recipe is a closely guarded secret, kept by a closely guarded sect of closely guarded monks. My aunts refused to disclose it to my mother because she wasn't a blood relative, but my father loves the stuff.

She spent years reverse engineering the recipe. Throughout these attempts, we were subjected to several sugar hockey pucks and sugar soups. Finally, she was able to not only duplicate, but improve upon the recipe.

She now refuses to share it with them.

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in reply to Farah 🖖🏼

@Darth Festivus 🎄 It's a French Canadian thing. It's kind of like a giant butter tart, but the texture is a little different.

It's really, stupidly delicious. This is why my resolve cracked.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Am not big on underdog stories but i like yours because her victory is sweet.


mh, insurance gripe, language

Had my first therapy appointment last week and paid out of pocket.

I submitted the receipt to insurance and they denied it because it was "not covered". My therapist is listed by name on their site as being covered.


Shannon Prickett reshared this.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

dang! i knew i was taking a gamble with that statement.

the corporation's most malignant forms spread n grow...

in reply to Digit

@Digit Insurance companies are crooked worldwide. I'm lucky to live in a country that has as good a healthcare system as it does, but it's not without its faults.

As it turns out, I submitted the receipt from the payment processor. A few days later the therapy office sent me a more complete receipt. I'm appealing, and re-submitting the new receipt.

Fingers crossed. 🤞

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

it's far from ideal isnt it... having to wrestle a bureaucracy for what should be an immediately available life-saving public service. pesky crook-rot.

Another fun aspect of #ADHD life:

I made myself a small meal specifically because I had a medication that needed to be taken with food. An hour after eating, I realize I forgot to actually take the medication.

I wish I could say this was a one off, but let's be real, it's not.



Okay, so this is going to be amusing to maybe like five people on the planet but...

I've been studying teeline, a shorthand system most typically employed by UK journalists (though apparently becoming less common). In this writing system there are various phrases that have commonly used abbreviations. In today's lesson, the instructor mentioned that the phrase "grievous bodily harm" can be written as GBH.

As an #ExMormon, this abbreviation amuses me.

I've finally been going through the #Inkvent calendar, but I have a question: what exactly is a "chameleon" ink? #FountainPens
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

it’s chameleon shimmer (shimmer with different colors depending on angle)
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Diamine really should have some way to define their ink designations without spoiling. If someone is completely new to it and doesn't watch or read other fountain pen creators' videos/posts about them, they might not understand what Chameleon or the other terms mean.

ph/mh (venting)

So, I've had this recent medical condition that we're trying to get a handle on. Of course, my doctor is pointing to the #ADHD meds I've been on for years without issue as the culprit. I saw that coming from a mile away.

He was unable to suggest an alternative.


ph, food

So, I think I figured out why my glucose levels (which had been improving) are spiking again. I got these protein bars to snack on that say they have 3g of sugar. Looking more closely at the label, they actually have a bunch of other stuff that breaks down into sugar as well.

That's unfortunate. They were tasty.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Dianea the problem is that protein bars have a fair amount of fiber (many have up to 5g of it). Fiber alone does NOT solve the problem of glucose spikes.

Okay, I'll bite.

What's with all the ../ memes for the past few weeks or so? I get that not sanitizing input for this is a serious security vulnerability, but it's such an elementary exploit that I don't understand why it suddenly seems to be all the rage. What's next? SQL injections? Buffer overflows?

I assume some big company made this mistake recently and I just wasn't paying attention?

in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard That's... terrifying. Were they all in the same product, or is it a widespread thing?
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@Jonathan Lamothe widespread. I'm being hyperbolic with 20, but people in infosec are starting to question if firewalls are even a viable product these days due to vendor malfeasance.

The #Inkvent calendar we ordered and which has been stuck in the postal strike finally arrived. We're just going to open three a day until we're caught up.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

we have a local store selling them. 👍 There are some interesting compositions in there, looking forward to try them out.
in reply to fedops 💙💛

@fedops 💙💛 We have a local store that carries them too. Sadly, I didn't learn they existed until after they'd sold out.

Because I have a habit of misplacing things, I have a rule where my glasses are concerned: on my face or in the case.*

This rule does not help me so much when I misplace the case itself.

* This also serves to prevent me from leaving my glasses somewhere that they might be damaged.


in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

My partner found my reading glasses in a tree 24 hours later... 🤦 Have just invested in varifocals in a bid to use your tactics. It's only become an issue since needing a separate pair for reading. ADHD tax is real.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I usually find mine on top of my head.. until last week when was using them to look with ;)

I also finally got around to picking up the part I needed to fix the toilet. No more flushing with an improvised rip cord.

I'm starting to think this whole internet thing might've been a mistake.

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