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I have a messenger bag that I typically carry around with me. Sometimes things go in there and I forget about them.

Katy was looking for something and discovered that for some reason I had put our marriage certificate in there. The last time I needed the physical certificate was years ago, so it must've been sitting in there and I've just been carrying it around with me unknowingly for quite some time.

I imagine I should probably find a better place for it.

I should probably also go through it to see what else I've put in there and forgotten about.

Me: I like math because its answers are unambiguous and not up for debate. Two plus two is always four.

Finite fields: Oh really?

In what may be the first time in the history of the world that anyone has done this, I just managed to use super glue without getting any on my fingers.

meta: on CWs

I've stated before that I'm not the CW police and I'm not going to dictate how others should use them, but if you're looking for a general guideline on when you might consider using them, this seems a reasonable guide:

Time to trot out this old thing:

GHCup: Because #Haskell apparently needs a package manager for its various package management systems.

I'm an idiot.

I was trying to install #Haskell on a machine and thought the installer was taking a really long time. In my defense, the last line of text was:

Installation may take a while.

It sat at this stage for over an hour while I did other stuff, because I hadn't bothered to read the previous line:
Press ENTER to proceed or ctrl-c to abort.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

It's not you, it's bad design. The prompt should always be the final line of output.

I find that hlint is a great tool for pointing out where your code can be improved, but sometimes its suggestions are... interesting. Case in point, it just recommended changing
map (\(a, b) -> {- ...stuff... -}) $ zip as bs

zipWith (curry (\(a, b) -> {- ...stuff... -})) as bs

instead of
zipWith (\a b -> {- ...stuff... -}) as bs

*sitting at my desk*

Why is there no music in my headset?


*restarts the aNONradio stream that I stopped when I stepped out for a moment, and goes back to doing other stuff*

*~60 seconds pass*

Wait, there's still no music.

*Selects the correct audio output device.*

Isn't ADHD fun?

Has anyone else been having troubles getting updates from @The Tor Project's #Debian repository? The signing key seems to be expired.

reshared this

I wonder how many times I'm going to have to re-learn how to use lenses in #Haskell.

Mormonism, mention of suicide

Mormon apologists: Maybe the reason the teen suicide rate in Utah is so high is because of the altitude.

Me: That feels like bad planning on God's part when he told Brigham Young to settle there, doesn't it?

I can't wrap my brain around how it can have rained all day long and still feel so hot.

Server was severely griefed over the weekend. Restoring from backup and logs are being inspected to ban the offending party.

Edit: typo

PSA: If you are in a group and there exists one or more individuals within that group who must not be criticized under any circumstance, you are in a cult.

A while ago, I set filters on the words Biden and Trump, so I'm just now learning about the events of the 13th.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe


You know what might've helped?

Gun control laws.

Shannon Prickett reshared this.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Doubt it, unless by "Gun Control" you mean confiscating firearms from Republicans.

Got an oscilloscope as a late birthday present. One of the features listed on the box is "firmware updates".

Why on earth would an oscilloscope need firmware updates? It's an oscilloscope.

Next up: learn how to use an oscilloscope. πŸ™ƒ

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I would worry an "update" might be an anti-root patch to prevent owners from adding features and higher sampling rates found in much more expensive models

Wait, there's been more than one season of #FLCL since 2018. How am I only learning this now?

Why is it taking like eighty cops to pull someone over in front of our building?
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

It's ridiculous isn't it? It's like every traffic stop requires a swat team.
in reply to Emotional Spacegoat

@Spacegoat From what I overheard it sounds like it was a drug bust. They hauled the driver away and eventually towed the car after a bunch of them turned it inside out.

We have to order @Benny's food from the vet because he's on a prescription diet. Tried using their on-line ordering option. We ordered his food a week ago. It just arrived this morning.

We just got tracking now.

Thanks. That's helpful.

@wing Been meaning to give Jellyfin a go ever since you and Hex mentioned it. Finally got around to it. You'll be happy to know that the first video I tested it with was, in fact, Big Buck Bunny.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

haha, very good ^_^ One day I do intend to actually watch that to completion

I have come dangerously close to allowing myself to run out of coffee.

This will not do.

There seem to have been a lot of extreme weather warnings for my area recently. It's almost like the climate is changing or something.

Can anyone in Waterloo region recommend a place (such as a coffee shop) where one can just sit down with a book for a while? I don't mind if I have to buy a coffee or something. Just looking for a change of scenery.

There's always the library, but the nearest one to me is in a high school, and I feel weird about loitering around there.

#kwawesome #wrawesome

Kevin Davy reshared this.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I like Stockyards Coffee in Catalyst 137 (Glasgow near Belmont). There’s some other seating around the building in addition to the coffee shop

"Another person who won't debate me because they can't handle my arguments."

No friend, another person who won't debate you because you're freaking exhausting and I just can't be bothered... but you keep telling yourself that.

Shannon Prickett reshared this.

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

A while ago I asked a question of the #ActuallyAutistic and #ADHD communities on my old Fosstodon account and got some pretty good feedback, so now that I'm back in my regular fedi home, I figured I'd do so again (as before, boosts welcome).

I find that when something is stressing me out, I'll obsess over it until I've either solved the problem or it overwhelms me to a point where I need to completely disengage (at least for a time). Often when this happens, loved ones will notice my distress and try to help in the form of asking questions or making suggestions. The problem is that if I'm in problem-solving mode it derails my train of thought, and if I'm in "disengage" mode it prevents me from... well, disengaging.

This frequently results in me responding in ways that are... unpleasant for all persons involved. I've identified this as a problem and am trying to find better ways of handling such situations, but it's easier said than done. Has anyone else experienced this? Are there any good strategies for dealing with it?

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

@loose cannon I hadn't considered that, nor in fact did I realize it was a thing to consider.

The most recent example was when this server failed. It's actually what prompted me to start asking. In addition to being a fedi server, it also runs a bunch of other services I depend on: calendar, file synchronization, contacts, to-do list, etc. All stuff I use to make navigating everyday life possible. Took me four days to fix (should've taken two, but I had to keep taking mental health breaks).

This was an extreme example, but it usually happens when something disrupts my regular routine, like losing my phone or keys.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)
@loose cannon further answer to your question. Fortunately, it usually happens at home, partly because that's where I just usually am in general, and because that's where 99% of my routines that can be disrupted exist.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)
@loose cannon In this case, the disrupting party is usually my partner. We've talked it out and I think she has a better understanding now (as do I).
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

Sensitive content

One of my pet peeves: when someone (often an advertiser) says that something is "chemical-free".

What the hell does that even mean?

Me in the morning before my #ADHD meds have kicked in:

Maybe the ninth time I walk into the bathroom I'll remember to put deodorant on.


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