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So, I recently got a hot water dispenser and I have to say, it's greatly improved my tea making experience. 🍵

One day I will use Krazy Glue without getting it all over my fingers. Today is not that day.

#Git on #Plan9 is borken in weird ways.

Want to rebase branch A on top of branch B? No you don't. You want to change A to match B and drop all other commits.

Want to merge A into B but there's a conflict? Let's just arbitrarily take the line from A and ignore the one from B. That's what you wanted, right?

Unknown parent

Jonathan Lamothe

@pixx There's also the rebase issue where it seems to just drop the commits in the branch being merged and moves the head to the base branch.

Again, I don't know if this is just a problem on whaever version of the software SDF is using.

Unknown parent

Jonathan Lamothe
@pixx I don't recognize the @{...} syntax. What's happening there?

Surely, I can use this void pointer safely...


whinging about Rogers (Canadian telco)

Number of times I've had to reboot the modem so far today: 3

I'm sure it won't be the last either. This has been ongoing since at least Thursday. Rogers needs to get their shit together.

I just straight-up watched a cat use a crosswalk. He walked up to a busy intersection, sat patiently looking across the street, and as soon as the lights changed giving the pedestrian crossing the right of way, crossed the street.

God help me, I've started to like using #ed.

Is it the most efficient way to edit text files? No.

Is it weirdly fun to figure out how to manipulate it into doing what I want?

Kind of.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I am an old guy that used TECO — that was weird fun too as I remember. Very powerful but totally obtuse.
in reply to Brian Sullivan

@Brian Sullivan I should look into TECO as well. I have an account on SDF's TOPS-20 system that I like to play around with from time to time.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

One of the guys I worked with in the early 70s wrote an entire text star wars game in a TECO macro.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Like vi/vim then, although their aficionados would never admit it.

Welp, my internet connection is absolute trash today. Hooray for monopolies!

I have a complaint about #Plan9 #C.

I don't like that a literal 0 is accepted as a null pointer. I just spent an embarrassingly long time tracking down a segfault because in an attempt to zero out a buffer, I accidentally used memcpy(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)) instead of memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)).

The compiler should've been able to catch this.

#c #plan9

How do I know I'm getting old? I've finally reached the age where I routinely find myself asking: "do I really want to bend over to pick that up?"

The thing about writing a unit testing framework from scratch is that you can't use test driven development to make it, but hey, at least I'm not building a compiler from scratch.

@Benny has decided that he wants to help me work today. I'm getting the impression that he does not know C at all.

Been doing some work in C lately, and I have to admit, I miss lambdas. It has function pointers, but they're not the same thing.

Apparently, querying YouTube's RSS feed (that they admittedly don't advertise, but do provide) is a violation of their Terms of Service?

Been writing a little extension for acme mail in #Plan9. It's been a while since I've touched C though.

I, being me, am making it harder on myself by going full #TDD on this project.

Spent the morning meticulously reworking the budget, and was feeling rather proud of myself.

This evening a visit to the emergency vet undid a bunch of that work. Guess I have to revisit it again tomorrow, but at least @Benny is going to be okay.

It turns out that #ed is a surprisingly good editor for working with #markdown formatted files (especially notes). Hint: g/^#/n will give you a nice table of contents.

So, I recently switched from an #AMD64 #VPS to an #ARM one, and I'm trying to gradually bring all the services I was running back up on the new server. It has generally been pretty easy since most of the actual hosting is being done on a local machine and the VPS is serving as more of a router, but I am having some trouble with my #Owncast server.

I can just reinstall it, but I don't know how to carry over the federation information (and associated keys). I have a backup copy of the owncast directory from the old server, but given that it contains AMD64 binaries, I can't just copy the whole directory and call it a day. Is ther eany way I can copy this data out of the old directory and import it into a fresh installation?


Hanging out with mama and papa in the office.

I'm not much of a Starbucks person. I find they lean too hard on sugar to make their drinks palatable, which isn't great if you're diabetic.

That said, #today our niece (a Starbucks connoisseur) introduced us to matcha. I think I finally have a go-to drink when Katy wants to go there.

Edit: It has been brought to my attention that their matcha mix contains sugar. 🙁

Just to make you aware, their Matcha mix contains sugar:…

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