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religion: Mormonism

Reading through the "Light and Truth Letter" a totally-not-written-by-the-church response to the infamous CES Letter that's been plaguing Mormonism for years now.

It's amazing* how they seem to have managed to not seriously engage with a single one of the issues I have with the church.

#ExMormon #NotACult #CESLetter

* not really

in reply to Katrina Katrinka :donor:

religion: Mormonism

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cult brainwashing (trigger warning)

I found some of my old notes from church. God, I really drank the Kool-Aid, didn't I?

Here's a sample:

When I negotiate my standards, I cheat myself of the blessings the Lord wants to give me.


"The blessings he wants to give me?" Isn't he supposed to be an omnipotent being? I had no idea I was so powerful that I could tie his hands like that.

#ExMormon #apostake #NotACult

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

cult brainwashing (trigger warning)

I also love how I was able to take down an idea, and then immediately contradict myself with the next one, e.g.:

- Heavenly Father did not put me here to fail.
- A failure is nothing more than an opportunity to learn.

This is the definition of doublethink.

religion: Mormonism

Just ran into some #Mormon missionaries in the wild. It's always interesting when they try to strike up a conversation with me.

[...small talk...]
Missionary: So, do you know much about our church?
Me: Yeah, I actually had my records removed back in 2019.
[awkward scilence followed by an abrupt change of subject]


Mx. Luna Corbden reshared this.

more culty Mormon stuff

So when I was mormon and got my endowment, I was given temple garments (special underwear) that I was instructed to wear day and night. I was also told never to show them to anyone (especially non-members).

At the time, I was a convert to the church living at home with my non-mormon family. Once a week, I used to smuggle them down to the laundry room to wash them without anyone seeing them.

I was eventually told by a priesthood leader that this was unnecessary, but still...

#NotACult #ExMormon #apostake

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

more culty Mormon stuff

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in reply to Shae Erisson

more culty Mormon stuff
@Shae Erisson Sorry, I meant that keeping them hidden from my family was optional. I just wasn't to put them on display.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

more culty Mormon stuff

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in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

more culty Mormon stuff

@Mx. Luna Corbden Bishop Roulette strikes again!

But yeah. The temple worker who gave me my garments laid down the law.

culty (Mormon) stuff

A while ago my old temple clothing turned up. Just had an interesting conversation with Katy that made me realize something I hadn't before.

There's a specific bag that the church sells to put your temple clothing in. As far as I know, there's no rule saying you have to use it, but a lot of mormons do. I never really thought about it, but it's totally a dog whistle/status symbol. To an outsider, it's just a pretty ordinary (cheap looking) bag. To a mormon who's had their endowment, it screams "I'm worthy to go to the temple."

#NotACult #exmormon #apostake

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

culty (Mormon) stuff

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