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question about ADHD vs. ASD

I've known I have #ADHD since I was first diagnosed in high school, but sometimes I wonder if perhaps I might be somewhere on the #autism spectrum as well. Let me explain a thing that's going on right now to illustrate what I mean.

I have a canvas messenger bag. I've had it for years and love it. I keep my whole life organized in this bag. Everything has a place and I know exactly where everything is. Recently, one of the snaps that holds it closed gave out. Within a couple of days the second one went as well, so the bag just falls open, which is fine if I keep it upright, but is kind of a pain in the ass.

The place I got it from essentially has a lifetime guarantee. I'm sure I can trade it in for another "equivalent" bag, but I'm sure they won't have this exact one since it's been several years since I bought it. This causes me an enormous amount of anxiety, because the new bag will be different, and I won't just instinctively know where all its contents are (because the configuration of the internal pockets will likely be at least a little different). It's not just the act of replacing the bag, but knowing that it'll mess me up for weeks afterward too.

I feel like this dilemma could possibly be explained by ADHD alone, but I kind of wonder...

Does this resonate with anyone in the #ActuallyAutistic crowd? I am of course not looking for a formal diagnosis or anything. It's more of a curiosity.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

re: question about ADHD vs. ASD

Sensitive content

in reply to Diligent Circle 丸

re: question about ADHD vs. ASD

@Diligent Circle 丸 Good to know. I was unaware of the other hashtag. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

As for how I identify, I guess my answer is... I don't really know. I have however learned a lot from the autistic community on the fedi, and am grateful for that regardless of my status.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

my fave jacket's in need of a 2nd round of stitching & patching up.
audhd here.

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