Welp, it's #FountainPen cleaning and re-inking day. #Today I re-learned why I don't use shimmer inks in my #TWSBI Diamond 580. In fact, I usually reserve them exclusively for dip pens.
Time to meticulously clean out a clogged feed. It didn't even make it a paragraph.
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I recently got a #Sailor #Hokoro dip pen, and much to my chagrin have found that several of my #FountainPen inks do not work well in it. It's almost like the ink refuses to be picked up by the nib/feed.
Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a solution?
Edit: the paper also seems to be a factor
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As to the ink- some of my fountain pen inks absolutely refuse to work with my various dip pen nibs, while other ftn pen inks of mine work fine and coat/cling nicely.
Adding about 1/5 volume of Gum Arabic does work to adapt a small vial of ftn pen ink for dip pens, but then don't use that ink for your ftn pens. The gum-treated inks tend to dry a bit shiny and make shimmer inks less shimmery... something to keep in mind. There are dip pen-specific inks for sale, of course.
For black waterproof ink that works really well right out of the bottle in both ftn pens and dip pens, I like my De Atramentis 'Archive' black ink. It's luxurious! That ink can also be used for drawing and then watercoloring over when dry, btw.
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It's that time again: time to clean my #BaystateBlue #FountainPen. How many times do you think I'll have to run it through the ultrasonic 'till the water stops turning blue?
Time will tell.
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Iβm not surprised that it was a Safari. Iβve had similar issues with ink drying out on my LAMY nibs (not as badly as Parker pens tho).
So that nib doesnβt dry out on me, Iβve started using that pen daily for journaling. Justttt in case, I also have a little water container to dip it in if it gets dry.
Okay, so I've seen a thing were people will send a box of #FountainPen ink samples around by mail from person to person. Individuals will add and remove inks from this box, recording the changes in a log book. It seems like a really cool way to get exposed to new inks, and I'd really like to participate in one of these. Is anyone doing this in Canada?
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Does anyone in the #FountainPen community know how to dismantle a LAMY Z28 converter for cleaning? I found a video on YouTube that supposedly demonstrates this
but my converters look different than theirs. I suspect mine are of an older design. I suspect they're just missing the metal part, but I want to make sure I'm not going to break them by trying this.
This is what all of my converters look like:
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It seems they are the same design after all, it's just that the metal ring has some sort of coating on it for some reason. I've gotten the offending converter apart and am running it through the cleaner. We'll see if I can get it back together again afterward.
Fortunately, I have a few converters and don't usually ink up all of my LAMYs at once.
One of the things nobody tells you about wearing #glasses is how annoying it is to keep them clean. I had resigned myself to the fact that there would just always be some degree of smearing in my field of vision. Try as I might, I could never get them quite as clean as the day I got them.
Then I got an ultrasonic cleaner for my #FountainPen hobby and realized I could use it to clean my glasses as well.
10/10 would recommend. Seriously, if you wear glasses, I highly recommend investing in one. It was one of the best purchases I've ever made.
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So it seems that to get the full effect of these new #FountainPen #inks, we need to get our hands on a wetter pen than the ones we've been using.
I have a TWSBI Diamond 580 that should fit the bill, but I'm waiting on a replacement cap that's stuck in the mail strike.
In the meantime, can anyone recommend a reasonably priced (ideally in the sub $100 range) that lays down a good amount of ink?
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How old does a #FountainPen have to be before it's considered #vintage? The very first one I ever bought back in 2012 (a Parker GT Urban) doesn't seem to be available any more, though it is still available in ballpoint. Still, maybe I'm just getting old but 2012 doesn't feel very "vintage" to me.
I mean, it's kinda scuffed up because I was a newbie who had no idea how to take care of it, but I'm not looking to sell it or anything. It's more of a curiosity, really.
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@FPLover The whole WEARINGEUL brand is pretty nice* but yeah this is it here.
* perhaps a little dry, but I've only actually tried one so far
*looks at my collection of inks*
*whistles innocently*
To be fair, they're mostly samples, relatively few actual bottles.
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I use Carolina A7 Mini Composition Books, because they fit in a shirt pocket. $1.99 for a pack of 4 at Bi-Mart, so they're a fraction of the price of fancy notepads. And yet they have a sewn binding, and the paper is adequate. Part of my everyday carry.
Since we broke the pens out of storage, Katy's been taking up calligraphy. She's rather good at it too.
Anyhow, I cautioned her against using cheap paper with a #FountainPen because I've found it to be an unpleasant experience. Despite this, she's using a notepad from the dollar store. As it turns out, the paper is surprisingly good quality. No feathering or bleed through whatsoever.
Colour me impressed.
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@Seven β¨πβ¨ For me, it's part practical, part just because it's cool. I have ADHD and sometimes my brain runs faster than my hand can write. I tend to type notes, but I don't always have a keyboard handy.
I also like being able to write notes without having someone read over my shoulder... unless of course they happen to be a British journalist, which is unlikely in Canada.
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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe • • •BennysLittleThings
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe • • •I've got a love/hate with shimmers and TWSBIs.
What ink were you using?
Jonathan Lamothe
in reply to BennysLittleThings • •Greg Vernon
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe • • •Jonathan Lamothe likes this.