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Pulled the plug on the trip early. @Benny just wasn't having it. Fortunately, we came prepared for such a contingency.

And, time to turn my phone off again to enjoy the trip instead of scrolling social media (which I can do at home). Also, I only have so much battery. 🙃

Fun fact, the cat can slip out of his harness when spooked by a passing car. We're hanging out in the tent with him until we can sort out this logistical wrinkle.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

So I think that when I took off after Benny when he got loose I got into some poison ivy/oak. I'm normally careful about such things, but I had to be quick to catch him.

I washed my arms immediately after and slathered them with afterbite (which I figured was the most useful thing we had on hand) but there was some itchiness/rash shortly thereafter. Fortunately Benny seems to have been unaffected.

Could've been a lot worse.

Well, we forgot to bring bug spray. Rookie mistake, but it's been a while. Ran off to the nearby pharmacy to pick some up, then we'll finish setting up camp.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban's Minister of Education has announced that girls' schools are likely to remain closed permanently.

As a Muslim let me be explicitly clear. This is apartheid, vile, & inexcusable.

Prophet Muhammad(sa) declared, "It is incumbent upon every Muslim male & every Muslim female to attain education." His wife Ayesha was a leading scholar & jurist. His final words were "women are your committed partners." Not servants—PARTNERS.

Taliban terrorists are a stain on humanity.

Doing some last minute checking of the #camping gear for our trip tomorrow. We haven't touched any of it in like six years. I was sure the batteries in our lantern would be dead. I tested them and they're fully charged. I'm impressed.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Ugh, I hate that. My current EDC flashlight has a parasitic drain like that, so I have to keep the tailcap partially unscrewed so the battery isn't dead when I actually need it.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Remember, no matter how much neoliberals will try to convince you:

Public services should not be required generate income.

Water, Power, Communications, Healthcare, Education, Public Transport, Mail, Firefighters, Police, Libraries, Swimming Pools, Roads, Generally all infrastructure, Military

None of these things were created with the idea of making big profits with them, they are meant to provide you with a service which is being paid for with your taxes. Privatizing any of them will make them worse, not better.

Though, companies are very good at pretending they are better for a while, by simply deciding to lose money for a few years. The bill always comes due before long, though.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to catraxx :v_cat: :antifa: Mother Bones reshared this.

In fact, they were often being done by the government explicitly because capitalism refused to do it well enough for the nation to function properly...ahem.

So, how many times have they remade Evangellion now?

Lately when I wake up in the morning there's a 50/50 chance that the internet has died during the night and I need to reboot the modem.

This is not good when you're self-hosting stuff from home.

Shannon Prickett reshared this.

Okay, finally took the plunge and just booked a #camping trip this upcoming week instead of waiting for everything to just fall in place. We haven't been camping since before COVID.

I've got to go through all our gear to make sure everything's still in working order.

Just for fun, I decided to look into how to use an abacus the other day. I have no practical use for this whatsoever, it was just something I was curious about. Learning this of course made me want to buy an abacus. I know myself well enough to know that while it would probably be an inexpensive purchase, it'd only end up collecting dust on a shelf within a week.

Then I thought about programming a virtual abacus that I could then play around with. I know this to be an absolutely absurd idea, but that absurdity only kinda makes me want to do it even more.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

So it's fun to use and all, but it's way too easy for a fumble with the keyboard to mess the whole thing up.

Besides, now I'm looking into soroban-style abacuses (abacii?) They seem more interesting. I'm probably going to break down and actually buy one.

Just started down the rabbit hole that is the Japanese electrical system. At a glance, it actually seems to make the North American system look sane. That's an impressive feat.

math shitpost
I hereby resign my membership in the universal set (just to cause headaches for set theorists).
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

math shitpost

Sensitive content

Haskell Users Group (unofficial) reshared this.

!Haskell Users Group (unofficial)
Has anyone successfully cross-compiled a #Haskell project to .exe from a *NIX system (preferably Debian)? I've casually looked into it in the past, but never given it a serious try.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe Haskell Users Group (unofficial) reshared this.

I'm of the understanding that it can perhaps be done with Haskell.nix?

Edit: typo

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

If your car has blue smoke, that's coolant burning.

If your car has white smoke, then it has elected a new pope.

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Weird question but here on Masto, are there any #LGBT people in #oklahoma — especially those located in the greater #tulsa area or rural parts of the state? I need your help if you’re out there! Please boost!!!

EDIT: could have included this in the main post instead of replying it to everyone but please drop your LGBT-friendly resources in the comments or my DMs (doctors, social groups, assistance programs, anything but a bar/restaurant)

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

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in reply to Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.

@Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. Intellectually, I understand this.

I think that computers just trick us into believing them to be deterministic.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

They aren't quite as deterministic as we might like them to be these days. I think some CPUs have a quantum randomness source, and task-scheduling across multiple computation units often _feels_ non-deterministic to me.

Plus, I do believe the term "Heisenbug" can be applied to bugs that go away when you turn on debugging/profiling/tracing or any other type of monitoring system that might be useful to diagnosis, even if everything is perfectly deterministic.


Just received an emergency tornado alert recommending to take shelter in a basement.

I live in an apartment. We don't have a basement.

in reply to erin (she/her)

@erin (she/her) You know, it's funny (in a not funny way). We've had a number of tornado warnings in recent years. In my childhood, I can only ever remember that happening once.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

yes! They are attributing this to climate change, saying Canada’s tornado alley which was in Alberta I believe has now moved to the most populated area.. being southern ON up to Eastern ON and western QC

I hate it when I make an official release of a program with an ugly snippet of code that I can't figure out how to write more cleanly, only to come up with a solution 10 minutes after pushing the release. I just make the change in the dev branch so it gets incorporated into the next version.

In my defense, the thing I was overlooking was that #Haskell's Maybe type is an instance of Foldable. It's not the kind of data type that exactly screams Foldable, is it?

Side note: I should use Hoogle's search by type signature feature more frequently. I needed a function that looked like this: Monad m => (a -> m ()) -> Maybe a -> m (), which is literally just mapM_.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I don't use emacs, but it works well in Neovim and VS Codium. I've heard it's better in emacs than in vim, but haven't verified that.

Urban Hermit reshared this.


There's a notice posted on the front door of the building. Apparently the landlord is bringing in an exterminator tomorrow and we have ~24h to empty out all the cabinets, pull appliances away from the walls, etc. in preparation for their arrival.

Welp, I did have other plans for today, but I guess not any more. ಠ_ಠ

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Fun development: ours is not one of the apartments being treated. On the plus side, had we not gone through the exercise of emptying out all the cabinets, I wouldn't have noticed the leak under our bathroom sink. Gonna have to get that fixed. :/
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I think this comes under the concept of, a silver lining. But still, it would have been nice if you could have been told this before you stressed and did all the work.

Haskell Users Group (unofficial) reshared this.

!Haskell Users Group (unofficial)
So, I created a #Haskell #TUI program using brick. I wanted to have it support cursor keys, as well as vim and Emacs-style cursor movement, but for whatever reason I can't get it to register C-n and C-p keypresses. C-f and C-b worked fine though.

Anyone have any ideas as to why this might be?

The repository is at:…

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Kevin Davy reshared this.

So, my partner who's "not into anime" and insistent that she dislikes the fantasy genre may or may not have spent the past three days binging on Frieren.

Now she wants more anime recommendations.

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Meyers-Briggs is corporate astrology

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Weather report for today said no chance of rain.

I should not have left the car windows rolled down...

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

When the company calls their home appliances "smart", what I hear is:

- they spent money on features I don't care about
- those features will be worse than standalone devices but will drive them out of market (looking at you TVs)
- the appliance is more likely to break
- my data is likely being sold to advertisers
- when the company loses interest in it and cut support, I will need to buy a new device

So no, I don't want "smart" home appliances.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Juhis

Foreseeing a burgeoning industry of skilled technicians hacking surveillance capitalism devices

Washing machines sending 300 gigs of data daily to a Saudi data center filled with malware

Smart fridges sending a gig of indecipherable junk to a Chinese cryptocurrency fraudster.

TV's sending telemetry of a static-filled screen to AT&T to gift to Russian ransomware

Hacking John Deere tractors so anyone's repairs work

Mass layoffs in tech, it gives hobbyists time, motivation, & a goal

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Marketing spin is just wild sometimes. I literally just heard this one: "the only EV that's a Mustang", which is just another way of saying "the only EV we make". (Yes, I know Ford makes other EVs.)

I love when I'm writing software and I end up re-implementing functionality that already exists in a library I was already using because I didn't know it was there. 🙃
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

But now you understand the functionality much better than you used to. I implemented a really short and to me fun algorith for generating / calculating corporate dates like Week X Period Y Day z of Quarter and then I found out that someone just made a table with all the dates from 2000-2999 and was using that lol

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

I think centralized social media is the reason we fucked up a lot of decentralized social media.

I was thinking earlier about Lemmy, and how when Reddit did their API changes everyone tried to rush to Lemmy. Which would be fine, except everyone tried to just recreate reddit. Everyone tried to make Everything servers. Do we need ten thousand Technology subs? Not really. But people just tried to all make large general purpose instances with all the generic subs. Because they feel like they have to recreate reddit--ALL of them.

Nobody needs to run a Whole Reddit. Something like Lemmy would have been better if 99% of instances were single or limited topic. Keep the scale small, keep the moderation focused and knowledgeable.

I remember checking out Revolt, which is a discord alternative, and I think it has the same scale problem. Discord has three basic levels: channels, servers, and Discord itself which is a collection of servers. Revolt assumes that you don't want to self host a server, you want to self host a Discord. You want to self host All Of Discord. I don't think that's the case for most people! They want to run their one server!

Decentralized social media can't take a centralized approach, you can't try to recreate these horrible giant bloated behemoths but now with less budget and less moderation. You have to relearn to think at a smaller scale, the beauty of decentralization is that we can link all these smaller scale projects together.

in reply to lori

This really shows when you search for any kind topic and get 100s of communities called exactly the same, all with like 9 subscribers. All abandoned of course.

A good counter example is that only does Star Trek related stuff

in reply to lori

@TheGibson huh. I thought Discourse is/was remarkably good. And market-leading, I believe....

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

I've been interested in learning about compression algorithms lately

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@Eniko | Kitsune Tails out now! I noticed on the official trailer for Kitsune Tails that it's coming for the Nintendo Switch. I have two questions:

1) Is there a planned release date for this? (I couldn't find it in the Nintendo store)

2) Does Nintendo take a less drastic cut than Steam does?

Sometimes I'm very greatful for the "ignore thread" button. I should probably use it more often.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

If you "can’t afford" to pay your full-time employees a livable wage, you have a failed business that needs to either adapt or shut down.

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in reply to StillIRise1963 for HARRIS

"If you "can’t afford" to pay your full-time employees a livable wage," you're running a private charity for which you are the beneficiary.
in reply to Katrina Katrinka :donor: Katrina Katrinka :donor: reshared this.

@katrinakatrinka If the employees are surviving by supplementing their income with government aid and food banks, it is the employer that is an undeserving welfare recipient.

I have a stainless steel travel mug that I have my coffee in (almost) every day. It's supposedly dishwasher safe, but I still usually hand wash it.

A few months after I got it, the paint started peeling. Within a year, it had all completely peeled off... except for the logo, which is painted over top of the said peeling paint and still in pristine condition.

I feel there's a lesson in this story somewhere.

In a shocking turn of events, our car insurance rate is going down next month.
in reply to Celeste Ryder 🐾 🐀🏳️‍🌈

@Celeste Ryder 🐾 🐀🏳️‍🌈 Apparently, it's because we've gotten a "loyalty discount" for being with them so long.

We actually had this discount with them before, but lost it because they dropped us briefly, and forced us to go with another company.

I love insurance.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

a few years ago I moved somewhere with a significantly lower crime rate than the place I was leaving, with the result that my car insurance became more expensive.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Jeremy List

@jeremy_list Insurance, maaaan! 🤷‍♀️

I live in an area where I can safely leave while leaving the door wide open and nothing happening(1), no thefts, no fires, no flooding (top of the mountain, no public works), no tornadoes, no nothing, but seeing the rates go up every year, you’d never know that!

(1) Literally did that once, unknowingly

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I never got a discount after 20+ years!

I did switch this year because by doing so and getting both cars and the house on the same one (previous best deal had them separated), I ended up saving some $1,000 a year…

… I was like, wut? Yes please! And took it before they changed their mind 😅

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