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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

haha that’s why I usually bake many on baking day (-period) and freeze what can’t be finished b4 getting “too aged”

Friendica Support reshared this.

!Friendica Support
Didn't there used to be a feature to automatically boost posts based on certain criteria? I thought it was a part of the "channels" feature, but I can't seem to find it.
in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Support reshared this.

@Michael Vogel Ahh... that was what I was forgetting. As I recall, it didn't work for RSS feeds when last I checked. Is that still the case?
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe Friendica Support reshared this.

For RSS feeds you can always simply set the "remote self" option on the contact page for the RSS contact.

Some of the YouTube vloggers that Katy watches are interesting. "Oh no, it's a holiday but I accidentally set my alarm [and also accidentally set up the camera to record myself being woken up by it]!"

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Oh shut the fuck up. Citizens are not competing with recent immigrants for scarce homes. They're competing with Wall St


in reply to Kim Scheinberg

Stephen Schwarzman's hedge fund & others like it, own 1 in 7 homes in the greater Atlanta area.

It's not the immigrants making homes unaffordable. It's the hedge fund money laundering.…

Harlan Crow's RealPage is a price fixing "data broker" that got raided by the FBI, despite Crow buying a Supreme Court Justice.
It ballooned rents all over the USA.

Both GOP megadonors fund blameshifting propaganda about immigrants to evade scrutiny…

reshared this

So, once I'd becone reasonably proficient with the #soroban, my next step was going to be learning how to use a #SlideRule. Unfortunately, it seems as though nobody makes the latter any more.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Yes quite a useful tool at the time but 55+ years ago for me and knowledge has faded. Calculators were banned as being economically elitist. A basic calculator could cost as much as a term's tuition.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Today is Canada's National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

150,000+ Indigenous children suffered great harm at residential schools in Canada.

Residential schools were established with the purpose of erasing Indigenous cultures, spirituality, and languages.

Students lived in substandard conditions and endured physical, emotional, and sometimes sexual, abuse. One in twenty-five Indigenous children died while attending residential schools.

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

So with Cohost shutting down in about 24 hours, a note to every remaining social media site: You should totally rip off the "Following" pane.

Cohost had a view where (as alternative to the normal linear feed), it showed everyone you follow, sorted by last post, and you could click to see recent posts. A problem with social media is the more you post, the more space you take up. Cohost "Following" made everyone take up the same amount of space, while still prioritizing recency. A nice compromise

in reply to mcc

I've always thought this was a good idea, and am surprised social media sites don't use it more.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

At least they're transparent about their policies.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Hooray! Now it won't crash if you try to drink a beverage you're not holding, or if you leave the bar with unclaimed items in the boat.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Ok this paywall crosses the line into extortion.

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in reply to Mixter "Mash" Corbden

how does Apple jam their ass into this? is a separate entity with their own whiny popups. Apple is just horning in.
in reply to Mixter "Mash" Corbden

#PostOfTheWeek (season 1):
Darwin’s Natural Pet Products responded with an update on the situation:

“Darwin’s is confident our meals are safe. As we’ve also shared with our customers, we commissioned independent, third-party testing using conventional methods, which found that all lots tested negative for listeria,” said Gary Tashjian, CEO and founder of Darwin’s Natural Pet Products.

Argh! Why is @Nextcloud 📱☁️💻 not telling me that there's a new version out? I'm on 29 and it's telling me it's up to date.

Maybe it's a PHP thing because I'm still on 8.2.20, but that should be supported.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

This definitely looks like an instant buy for me, look at all that #ChronoTrigger inspiration!


Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

in reply to Joel :void: :casio:

Looks like someone took the visuals from Star Ocean Second Story, Chronotrigger and Final Fantasy VII, and made a "connect the dots" standard JRPG game? Hard to say if, apart from visuals, it has anything that made those original titles so great.

Samsung Health really does not like to make that "Download Data" button easy to find, do they?

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Illinois Autism Registry Update

If you are new here, or you have missed me talking about this before, there is a thing in some United States where autistic folks are registered with the government. Are you in one of these states? Call your reps and demand change, like they did in New Hampshire! Recently, it was brought to my attention that Illinois has a……

in reply to Dr. Amy, Psy.D.

what in the eugenics gestapo, thought police, Orwellian Gattaca simping hell is this bullshit.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Dear CLI utility writers (*cough* nmcli *cough*) that assume a terminal width larger than 80 columns,

Could you just... NOT, please?

Use two lines per entry if you have to, pad it out, abbreviate something, I don't care. Just don't put important details after the 80th column, please! 😢

(I standardize on 80 columns because that's what old terminals used, and I'm doing more than one thing at a time, always. Thank you =)

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in reply to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

I actually don't think the commands should care about or respect your terminal width any more than it does your terminal height. `less` and similar can provide horizontal scrolling if necessary. And, it quite annoys me when I tool builds in a pager rather than using $PAGER from my environment.

That said, for reasons completely unrelated to terminal width, line/field lengths do need to be controlled. Otherwise human eye tracking stops working well.

So it looks like I'm tied to Android for the time being (unless I want to go to iOS). Otherwise, I can't fully access my bank accounts.

Time to go yell at my bank.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

The lispy gopher climate will be live in fifty minutes, though you could tune in now to hear @northernlights show (with a more conventional realization of 'music')!

#music for the lispy gopher climate will be some of @fstateaudio's Skin Contact imprint.
#lisp ~ that conversation around KMP's port of #zmacs, TRES lost to the sands of time.
This isn't the show toot I'm just making noise that I'm alive, and at least I'm listening to NL right now.

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in reply to screwlisp screwlisp reshared this.

I'm alive

Well of course we're all glad of that; thanks for the toot.

in reply to screwlisp screwlisp reshared this.

Glad to hear you're still alive, and thanks again for the continued support!


Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. reshared this.

Without fail, every time I boost a post about discrimination on the fedi, I end up seeing a bunch of white guys trying trying to minimize it and telling the original poster why they're wrong and/or being unreasonable.

I'm getting the impression that just maybe the people complaining about this aren't making it up or something.

Weird, right?

slightly doxxing myself
I just realized that I am 16161 days old today.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Aw, Downtown Elvis has died. You were always a delight to see (especially if I was upwind of that terrible pipe smoke). Rest in peace.…
#dtkitchener #kitchener #kitchenerwaterloo

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Friends, I have a strange ask. Search engines are useless now so I'm hoping someone will know what I'm talking about.

When I was in undergrad, we read a study about drug use in rats. The researchers found that rats can get addicted to drugs, and when you stick a rat in a cage with no community, they almost always get addicted. But when you give them a little rat society with friends and fun stuff to do, some use recreationally but almost none become dependent.

What study was this??

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

I have said this several times but it bears repeating now:

A very large portion of the Fediverse values tone over substance. "Politeness" and "civility" over what people are actually saying.

This leads to a constant background noise of just rancid replies that are all phrased in a superficially "nice" tone.

Justified anger and non-diplomatic push-back however is heavily policed and dismissed as "bad habits" brought over from elsewhere.

Unless this fundamentally changes, it will never be a place that's safe for marginalized people who have to stand up for themselves and face a constant stream of condescension, dismissiveness, and outright hostility.

A lot of the time it absolutely does live up to its reputation as a place where middle aged white cis men tell you how your perspective and expertise don't matter, and where you better watch your mouth when talking back to them.

in reply to liilliil 🇫🇯🇱🇨🇱🇧

@liilliil 🇫🇯🇱🇨 "middle aged white cis men tell you how your perspective and expertise don't matter"

They (we) can do this civilly and politely, while additionally expressing concern that your grievances are expressed in bad form, 'why so angry, smile more':

' "Politeness" and "civility" over what people are actually saying.'

The two paragraphs reinforce and expand on each other.

@Esther is practicing

in reply to CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

Mood, for me it's been Wacky World from the Lost Vikings…
(14:34 if the timestamp fails)

Ooh, I can become an "AWS Certified AI Practitioner", because maybe if we throw enough meaningless words together people won't realize it's all bullshit.

I mean, why not? It works for the AI models themselves, right?

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

I am sometimes mistaken for an adult because of my age.

I think my phone is finally starting to give out. God, I hate having to pick (and pay for) a new one.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Here you will see @pluralistic on fire about giant extremely tactical teddy bears!

(found via @9hax )

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

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in reply to Bjoern Michaelsen Cory Doctorow reshared this.

given the latest news from middle east, those weren't the tactical teddybears I expected.
Great talk, though, would watch again
@pluralistic @9hax
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Hang on, websites are still a thing?
in reply to Jeremy List

@Jeremy List I was on GeoCities by the time I learned about them. Didn't see a point in moving at the time.

Filed under the category of "things I didn't expect to find while thrifting":

ph, food

Been trying to stock up on healthy snacks because my blood sugar situation is slowly degrading.

I forgot how much I love hummus.

Our TV has a wonky HDMI port. When the cable gets bumped the picture on the screen goes to high-res static. This is not the behaviour I would expect from a digital signal.
in reply to buoou

@uoou Sadly, best I can do is 1080p, which I guess is fine since my eyes aren't 4K anyway.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I'm actually hearing a few people going back from 4k to 1080. 1080's certainly enough for me.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

please boost this post ​:boosts_ok_gay:
Hi, I was forced to quit my job about a month ago now due to being forced to move by my partners anti-lgbt parents.

We moved to a much more rural area out of necessity unfortunyately job prospects are not looking so great out here.

They effectively kicked us out because they did not approve of what their church teaches them about "homosexual relationships" like the one i have with my transfem partner....

Both my partner and myself have cut down on a lot of our expenses and we desperately need assistance to help pay for a 3+ hour trip to the specialty clinic my partner goes to for her medical needs. Gas is expensive and I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide even if it's only boosting this post.

If you are able to donyate I've setup a revolut account, stripe donyation page as well as a Ko-fi page for donyations

Revolut -
Stripe -…
Ko-Fi -

#mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequests #mutualaidreqest

reshared this

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Begpost, mutual aid

Sensitive content

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I've been using a web site for #soroban practice that generates exercise sheets. They offer a service where they'll send you a worksheet by email on a scheduled basis, and I finally signed up for that. When I did, I was presented with a captcha. I normally despise these, but I think I'll let this one slide.

in reply to Dgar

Much of that going round these days.

I run with uBlock origin and privacy badger.

And I have no intention of stop running them.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Me in 1991, watching Star Trek: The Next Generation:
"Oh boy, I can't wait until the 21st century. Touchscreens EVERYWHERE!!!!"

Me in 2024:
"Oh dear heavens, not another stupid touchscreen!!! AAAAAAAAAH!"

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

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