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Dear OpenBoard,

I have you set to English (UK) for a reason (because English (CA) isn't an option). Quit trying to autocorrect "colour" to "color".


in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

that's odd having to go with en-us because there is no en-gb option is the norm but then ob seems to have started in ch..

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe screwlisp reshared this.

every time I said this I ended up regretting it within a week
in reply to Reid

DJ UNK and I basically have a show that's just about what @me does.


so according to classic Bell labs at worst jlamothe is a minor success ;p

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Just got to the section on Smart Pointers. As I recall, this is where things start to get particularly interesting/complicated.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

You don't often need smart pointers if you get the design of your code right. Similarly, there's not much need to use copy or clone if you work "with the grain" of the borrow checker. Adapting your designs and coding style in this way is, IMO, the key part of learning Rust.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

for me the hard part to stop making mistakes around was the difference between &str and String, but the hard part to actually understand is pinning. Smart pointers are pretty straightforward.

The Gibson reshared this.

Diving into the #Veilid documentation... or what I can find of it.

I have an idea that may well turn out to be vapourware, but my brain won't let me drop it if I don't at least try to build it.

I've been itching to do something with Veilid since @The Gibson first announced it.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I honestly didn't think veilid managed to get anywhere, which was sad.
VeilidChat exists but I think that's the only productive/useful project.
Development on the repos has really slowed down post-announcement, which isn't inherently a bad thing, if it's "done", but I don't think it's done - instead it feels stalled.

Maybe it all moved on-network and to places I can't see? That'd be cool.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

"This turns #AI-"assisted" coders into reverse centaurs. The AI can churn out code at superhuman speed, and you, the human in the loop, must maintain perfect vigilance and attention"

@pluralistic once again writes words that get stuck in my brain.

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

This is the part where I gloat about being right about Bluesky, right?

They never really wanted federation.

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in reply to Shreyan 🐘

@Shreyan Jain It doesn't have to be, but to my knowledge, BlueSky doesn't support anything that even remotely resembles federation. It's all centrally controlled.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@me Don't think that's accurate - for example @mackuba is working on his own AppView, which people will be able to replace with, for example. Nothing in the network mandates being controlled by Bluesky
in reply to Shreyan 🐘

@Shreyan Jain I'll admit to not having heard of this. If I post something using this third-party AppView, who controls the physical disk on which my post resides?

I haven't paid a ton of attention to BlueSky because I'm simply not interested in yet another walled garden.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

The "source of truth" for your posts is always your PDS, which some people are already hosting themselves, and some like @shreyan are writing new implementations of; that would be analogous to a post's source in AP being its origin instance. AppViews, relays and other kinds of servers like feed generators all keep their copies. The difference is that instead of reading everything through your instance's copies like in AP, you read everything through the AppView's copies.
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in reply to Shreyan 🐘

@shreyan @me Not working just yet, just thinking about it 😀 But this thought keeps coming back, so I probably won't be able to resist forever. (It would probably be much simpler to just install one from Bluesky's existing code, but where's the fun in that? Also, Javascript ughhh)

Friendica Support reshared this.

Slow Response on RSS

!Friendica Support
I'm having some trouble subscribing to a new RSS feed from Friendica.

The URL is

I run Friendica behind an nginx reverse proxy, and it's giving me a gateway timeout error.

I know that the whole reverse proxy thing isn't specifically a Friendica thing and I'm working on figuring out how to increase the timeout, but the fact that the response is taking long enough to trigger it is.

in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Support reshared this.

@Michael Vogel Again, I'd need a better understanding of the implementation, but could the DB schema be changed in future versions to make it less so? I noticed some pretty drastic performance improvements in 2023.12.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe Friendica Support reshared this.

I've got an idea how to improve the performance for this task. I could try at the weekend.

Fun fact: If you comment on a #Lemmy or #kbin post from #Friendica, it lets you see specifically who up/down voted you.

I wonder if people on those platforms know that their votes are not as "anonymous" as they are on #Reddit.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Amazon squeezed sellers and jacked up prices.

Google stamped out competitors in search.

Facebook used buy-or-bury schemes to crush competition.

Apple used its immense power to kill off challengers.

All four face major antitrust cases from the US government.

It's about time.

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Benny Gesserit is my favorite character of Dune

Test User reshared this.

Just pushed two pull requests to #Friendica. I love that #FOSS gives me that option rather than just begging the vendor to fix something.

Test User reshared this.

I've been thinking about the whole xz debacle. It's demonstrated to us once again that just because a project is open source, doesn't necessarily mean that project is trustworthy. Despite this, my stance remains the same: If you can't trust me with your source code, why the hell should I trust you with my data?

Test User reshared this.

Dear spammers:

If you're going to create fake accounts, maybe don't choose a profile photo with an iStock watermark...

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

They can put some effort into their profile pic 😜. Why they have to be this low effort 🙃 losers. But hey at least they are making it easier to be detected as a spam account 😂🤣.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I was comming across these kinds of very obvious spam accounts a cople of times to. Usually these accounts only message one or two other obvious spam accounts and in some rare occasion they replay to some toots to say some reactionary things. Most of time nobady bothers to react to them, because most of the intent is tranparent enough, it's just low effort trolling.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

One day, there was a family riding next to me in a bus. The mother chastised her kids for smartphone habits: "it's been only a week since the beginning of the billing period, and you've spent 3GB of traffic already!"

I wanted to apologise to her and to her children on behalf of all the BigTech and modern IT industry so badly.

I also felt immensely sad for the internet reality we live in. Twenty years ago I would spend my allowance on buying a 5MB dial-up access card, and that would be enough for a day of happy browsing, or a few days of ICQ. Nowadays, I wouldn't be able to even load Discord browser app with that much of traffic.

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in reply to Nina Kalinina

Yeah, this is completely nuts. Also, with not that much added value.
in reply to Nina Kalinina


Friendica Support reshared this.

Clearing Reports

!Friendica Support
So, I reported one of my own posts using an alt account to test how it worked. I'm very glad that this feature now exists, but I have two questions:

  • Is it possible to receive some sort of notification when a report is filed?
  • How can I mark a report as resolved, or otherwise clear it?

Edit: proofreading is for suckers

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

So weird how it's Easter here, but it's Christmas in Australia.

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

@SteveBellovin Today you posted a note about how someone appears to have injected a Trojan into the source of XV. (Oops, I mean xz.) And there was another post about the increase in complex tool chains and dependencies that are larding-up the software many of us use.

That made me wonder about whether national security bodies - intelligence, military, or other - or social movements, e.g. ISI) might be injecting similar things into source trees.

It would be relatively easy to hide such things, particularly via the tool chains or Makefiles - like who is going to notice a sed script in a autoconfig part of a build chain?

Like good spies, such things could be planted years in advance and only triggered, if ever, when desired.

This is not an open source issue, it is a ubiquitous issue. And in light of Ken Thompson's "Reflections on Trust" some of these could be quite invisible in some kinds of source code.

I am very nervous about the vulnerability and brittleness of our new world of tech as a utility.

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@me Yse, open source allows inspection (and testing). When we were doing an open reference design/implementation for California for voting systems we slightly changed things to encourage testing *and* to openly publish test results. (But we also closed the door a bit on viral redistribution to throw a bone to encourage private implementations of our reference software/hardware/procedures with proprietary, i.e. you-pay-for, enhancements.)

However, I've been wrestling with tool chains for several years and it seems to me that those are good places to hide "bad things" without anyone looking very hard to find them.

in reply to Karl Auerbach

@Karl Auerbach Yeah, unfortunately modern computers are very complex systems. Consequently, there's always somewhere to hide malicious code. 🙁

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

I'm what many people would call an optimist, but I don't subscribe to an unrealistic view of the world, what I try to look for is the root of reality. I think truly evil people are a very small part of the world, they are unfortunately the kind of people who seek power, and their goal is to turn people against each other. After disasters, people tend to come together, they donate food, water, money, blood, and time, but something always sets in, the Elite hate when people organize, and remember they control the media. After Katrina, suddenly there were reports of gangs roaming in the Thunderdome, people being raped and murdered, the reality is that never happened, people formed gangs, but to help each other, making sure women were protected, that children got food, and people got medicine. What happened was suddenly upper-class people got worried about their stuff and grabbed guns, a similar thing happened in Ferguson, saying people were "breaking" into their neighborhoods. Yes, there are people with bad motives who want to hurt you, but mostly those people are the elites. Tragedy moves towards Socialism, and they will literally make stuff up to stop this.

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in reply to Ricki Is Not A Wizard Tarr Mother Bones reshared this.

Totally agree with this. I lived though Hurricane Harvey and it actually restored some of my faith in humanity..

But I might add that there were gangs running around killing folks after Katrina.
Gangs of cops.

in reply to Basmitharts Mother Bones reshared this.

@Basmitharts Exactly they actually took people off search and rescue to protect stores, which is fucking ridiculous, stuff is not more important than life.
in reply to Ricki Is Not A Wizard Tarr Mother Bones reshared this.

@Basmitharts The Cajun Navy was amazing. And when Harvey happened, and we couldn’t find my besties sister, the Cajun Navy came to Houston to help. It’s always us that have to look out for us. The powers that protect the Gilded do not give a fuck about the rest of us.
Unknown parent

Mother Bones
@SpaceAce So appropriate 😂

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Nasa are currently working to fix a computer error aboard Voyager 1. The probe's computer system runs at around 8000 instructions per second and has about 68kB of memory. Due to the interplanetary distances involved, even at light speed it takes 45 hours to send a signal and get a response. When asked about the unique challenges this poses, an engineer said "that's actually about average for a modern CI system".

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in reply to Andrew

Question I've always wondered about, why is Nasa an "are" and not an "is" working on etc.? Not being facetious.
in reply to Lizette

@Lizette603_23 I tend to think any named group of people — companies, bands, countries, etc — can be singular or plural depending which makes most sense. Grammatical number doesn't always correspond to actual counting

also nasa is an enby

in reply to Andrew

thanks for responding. I see it both ways was undue of why. Helped.
in reply to Lizette

Collective nouns in British English are usually treated as plural, while they are usually treated as singular in American English.

in reply to Lizette

@Lizette603_23 in English when taking about an org it's common to use plural. This means "the people in the org". It's grammatically correct and all
in reply to Vile Lasagna

@VileLasagna @Lizette603_23 Number agreement with an organization appears to differ between British English ("Nasa are") and American English ("NASA is").
in reply to Damian Yerrick

@PinoBatch I'm always curious about usage, under whichever rules predominate in a country. Thanks for replying.
in reply to Lizette

@Lizette603_23 British English differs from common American usage. In the US, people commonly use the singular form for companies, in England the plural form is preferred.

NASA is ...
UK Space are...

Neither is more correct than the other, just local variation.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

It's hilarious to me that the same species that can't even be persuaded to filter the air in schools thinks it's somehow successfully going to make space colonies on mars

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in reply to Eniko Fox

The unit doesn't make the whole and the whole doesn't represent every unit.

We may look similar, can reproduce between us but ultimately everyone taking is one decision to either poison children air or burn money for a ball full of rust

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

"Hey, what's a good name for our company that makes switches?"


"Yeah, sounds good! Let's buy the domain for our website!"

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in reply to Rob Ricci

I'm guessing they consulted with expertsexchange dot com for that domain name. 🤭

Friendica Support reshared this.

Parens in Tags

!Friendica Support
In future versions of Friendica, is it possible to not include parens (specifically close parens) in tags the same way you can't use other punctuation? (so that this doesn't #happen)
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe Friendica Support reshared this.

@Jonathan Lamothe @Hypolite Petovan so what actually would be needed is the regex to exclude all the unwanted characters, like parenthesis or no width space and then whenever we find some character that should terminate a tag we can add it to the regex.

@Hypolite Petovan out of interest, do you know where this is done in the code?

in reply to utzer [Friendica] Friendica Support reshared this.

@utzer [Friendica] @Jonathan Lamothe I do, but again this requires us to make a decision about what characters can or cannot be used in a hashtag, something we have never done so far.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan Friendica Support reshared this.

@Hypolite Petovan yes I know, but we could start with some basics that are annoying... "zero width space" and brackets would be something... oh and dots.
@Jonathan Lamothe

Content warning: fediblock

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Content warning: fediblock

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in reply to Alex :autism: :neofox_flag_ace:

Content warning: fediblock

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

~I can't imagine the Leopards Destroying Open Technologies Company would destroy MY open technology!~

#Meta #FediPact

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Technical people of the Interwebs, I have a question

If I were to create a table in a MySQL database with a field called emoji of type VarChar, what size would it need to hold a single emoji from all available (and future) emoji characters? I’m using utf8mb4 encoding.

#emoji #MySQL #utf8mb4 #VarChar

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Dear @Gargron,

A fediverse server called Threads is violating’s second server rule:

“2. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia…
Transphobic behavior such as intentional misgendering and deadnaming is strictly prohibited.”

Can you please defederate from this server to protect the trans people on

Thank you.

PS. It’s run by these guys:

#mastodonSocial #fediblock #threads #meta #mastodon #transphobia

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in reply to counterinduration

@counterinduration There are three reasons I still federate. If any one of them stops being a thing, I'll defederate (I've considered it).

  • A lot of interesting people land there because they haven't yet had a chance to find a better instance.
  • They don't seem to be intentionally doing bad things.
  • They haven't posed enough of a moderation problem on my end yet (I've been able to just block the odd idiot).

Meta fails at point number two, and because of that, I haven't given them the chance to fail point number three.

Edit: typo

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe


The problem is that if we want to have a commons then it needs to be protected from extraction. A commons that let itself become extracted is not a commons at all, it's just a preparation for extraction.

It's better with a small well protected commons than a bigger one that will allow parts of it to become extracted.

So, I'm eating a Wagonwheel for the first time since childhood. I'm not sure if they've gotten significantly smaller, or if I'm just remembering them as being larger than they were.

Probably both.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

probably my best prophylactic for the spambot fever of the early 2020s was that I built two simple recombinational markov-chain bots based on my twitter corpus circa 2015, put up a warning they were bots, then spent the better part of a decade watching one stranger after another convince themselves they were actually sentient and occasionally fall in love with them.
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in reply to Hugo Bernie Forcefully Does It reshared this.

the intensity of affect people invested into these bots was sometimes unnerving. even people who knew how these things worked would convince themselves that the bot was learning, or that it remembered their past queries, or that through the bot they had to be in some sort of secret communication with me, the botmaker.
in reply to Hugo Bernie Forcefully Does It reshared this.

one of the more sobering lessons was just how little it takes for people to convince themselves they are talking to a person. and how this hallucination builds over time, the more they interact, until it becomes a certainty, something they refuse to let go of.

people consulted my bot for life decisions, kept trying have sex with it in the direct messages. one woman was going to leave her husband for my bot. I kept having to block strangers who got extremely weird about it, in different ways.

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in reply to Hugo

this is not in any way to jeer at the people who found a friend of some sort in my bot—a person-like "someone" who replied consistently, who wasn't mean to them and who could serve as a vessel for their own unrealized fantasies, their tenderness or loneliness or frustration.
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in reply to Hugo

but in the aggregate, over a span of years, watching these patterns play out again and again was sobering. a bucket of cold water to my digital animism.
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in reply to Hugo

Tangential, but: I was recently laid up for a couple of days and was recommended an American docuseries on paranormal something something—not at all my thing but I tried for specific technical reasons—and even fast-fwding, the experience of watching a bunch of young people trying in apparent earnest to force meaning into randomness (and mechanical brainwave manipulation) induced a real crisis about the whole human enterprise of knowing.
in reply to Erin Kissane

@kissane O god I did not need to read this

I am blocking both of you 🤯 😂

in reply to Eleanor Saitta Bernie Forcefully Does It reshared this.


exactly. heck, I talk to machines and trees and animals and inanimate objects all the time. nothing wrong with that.

I think "human-like" bots can effect a kind short circuit, a vertigo of the personhood instinct, but also nothing wrong with that per se.

the sinister bit is where that human tendency to relate and find personhood gets maximised and exploited by the ruthlessly amoral, ultracapitalist snake-oil merchants of the bilionaire destroyer class.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Here's a good sped-up video of the container ship malfunctioning and crashing into the bridge in Baltimore earlier today:

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Finally went ahead and blocked the whole of Too much alt-right/antivax nuttery.

You know, for all this talk of how there's a "labour shortage", I've been seeing a lot of storefronts with "sorry, we're not hiring" signs.

Friendica Support reshared this.

Broken Search

!Friendica Support So I upgraded my Friendica node today, and the search seems to be broken.

Anything I type into the search box just yields a blank page in the result.

Edit (mentioned in comments but I'll put it here too):
Searching tags works (/search?tag=).
The follow button is giving the same blank page issue.

The resulting blank page is pretty much immediate. Virtually no lag which would usually indicate the database lookup is hanging.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Whosoever refuses to throw stones in glass houses is a picky yeeter.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

I remember seeing a post where a women earned her MD and folks asked why the degree had her maiden name and her response: “my husband didn’t do 8 years of med school.”

Most of my 20s was spent writing under a pseudonym because my full deadname is frankly boring as fuck and super common. I considered legally changing it that as I started using professionally, not just socially. So I’m on my third name right now and I’ve identified some names I like better than Jade but 🤷🏻‍♀️

in reply to jade pixel

@renegadejade Jade is a cool name. Too bad humans because it could just be a variable to swap out wherever.

Lindsey was supposed to be the pen name (we never technically married), but I didn’t know he was an abuser and that someday his name would make my skin crawl. It’s like he’s got his label stamped on my work. He might have funded it, but he didn’t DO it. So I’ll have to be content with confusing everyone.

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

Thank you! 💜 When I came out to my uncle he told me it’s “too exotic” and that I should change it to Jane instead.
in reply to jade pixel

@renegadejade 🙄 Regular names are so boring. Letters can mix and match into infinite combinations. Why have the same name that bunches of other people have?
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

@renegadejade There is exactly one Corbden 😂 Except for a train station in England and it’s only called that because of a typo.
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

Names are one of my favorite parts of transition and I like the idea of rotating my middle name as i feel like it, using First + Middle socially/online/publishing and First + Last just for work and legal.
in reply to jade pixel

@renegadejade See, society just needs a system like that. A formula encoded into culture. Plus people who are less hung up on names being normal or permanent like your uncle.

My mom was cool with my name change in 3rd grade (just started using the nickname of my middle name), but she never has quite made the jump to Luna yet, and I started using that in ‘04. Still living as a woman with a deadname! We’ve had several conversations about it, and she starts to understand a little more each time. She’s clinging to certain pat religious answers, which… well anyway! She hasn’t deadnamed me in a couple of weeks at least. I’m plural, too, so, there’s names stuff going on there. I have just never felt too attached to my label. Most of my labels actually. I’m fairly fluid all around. Go wherever it goes.

I’m chatty. I haven’t actually talked much about this stuff in a coherent narrative because I’ve been isolated for many years. Thanks for listening.

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

You’re welcome. And Thank you. Another plural! I am actively working through plural stuff currently.

I’m autistic about names, labels, and identities. If I pursue a PhD, I want to research how queer/trans people form identities through their media consumption. Realizing all my video game characters and TTRPG characters were power fantasy the whole time. I was trying to express Jade through them. Super interested in this.

in reply to jade pixel

@renegadejade As a writer, we do that there, too. All of my fictional characters have a piece of me in them. Many of them turn out to be metaphorically autobiographical. I’ll see common unplanned themes or symbols rising up in stories I write around the same time frame. LARPing stuff, too. I haven’t really thought through what archetypes I used to play. 🤔

That’s bringing up so many threads. I tried to write one out but my word-centers are shutting down from tiredness and the weed kicking in lol I’ll go check out the plural thread.

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

My biggest self-insert in a game sense was my Druid in WoW. Shapeshifting woman who switched between Guardian Tank Bear and Feral DPS Cat? Sounds like me. 😂
in reply to jade pixel

@renegadejade Ok I just irl made the 😮 face because guess which two vampire clans I played the most? Malkavian and Ravnos, both of which have powers of illusion and disguise. And I liked Changeling much better than V:TM, so ran a tabletop campaign for three years, AND worldbuilt my first novel inspired by that game. Basically everybody’s a shapeshifter in there!

See, I hear all these trans women all chatting about seeing this or that media and super relating to it and it’s all clicking for them with an “it all makes sense now,“ vibe, and I’ve never connected with that idea until *just now.*

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

@renegadejade ok this is interesting… shapeshifter isn’t quite the right word for those archetypes, because I don’t get the sense that my body is physically changing, but that it’s a mask atop me, an illusion people believe. That’s why I’ve less connected with say, lycanthropes. That never clicked for me.
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

Yay, a breakthrough! I love those. I usually play Malkavian and Brujah (again, crazy and rebel archetypes fit well). I definitely understand the mask thing. I mildly dissociated through my first year of transition because I was wearing Jade as a mask instead of *being* her. I’ve only had an identity for the first time in my life as of 6 weeks ago. It’s WILD.
in reply to jade pixel

@renegadejade Wow! Yeah the crazy vibe was also part of the Malks and Changeling. Another archetype is anything that can hide in shadows, disarm traps, and use poison 😂

Congrats on feeling at home in yourself!

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

I’ve never read nor played Changeling but I’ve heard from several trans people that I would relate strongly to it.
in reply to jade pixel

@renegadejade Lots of “quirky beings from an ethereal world trapped in human bodies” vibe.
in reply to jade pixel

@renegadejade First ed. preferably. They made major worldbuilding changes that took the magic spark out in 2e. I think there’s a new reboot now but I haven’t looked into it.
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

And I’m sorry you have to deal with that confusion and mark on your work.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Holy shit.. #Apple, can I get a refund?

Unpatchable vulnerability in Apple chip leaks secret encryption keys

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

in reply to stux⚡

That indeed is an interesting question, that I would like to have a legal answer to, you know, from a product liability and consumer rights perspective.

If something is broken, you have a right to get it fixed (at least in a limited way where I live). If it can't be fixed, you have a right for reverse transaction.

I wonder if this applies here. In my opinion it does, but #IANAL

in reply to stux⚡

why would you be eligible? You were the one trusting a black box

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