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Is it me or does #org-mode lack a way to filter the agenda view by priority? You can filter by pretty much everything else imaginable.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

From the agenda dispatcher, you'd choose "m" for match (which lets you search for all kinds of things or combos of things). Then type PRIORITY="A" or whatever.…

in reply to Lea

@Lea This works, but is not really what I'm looking for (It also seems hang for quite some time).

I'm looking for it in the format presented in agenda view you get in mode a (in the weekly agenda view).

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

You can use > or < as well. But remember that "A" is less than "B", it doesn't consider A greater than B just because you think of it as meaning higher priority.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Then you need to define a custom view as taught in the manual.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I bet someone has written an extension for that 17 years ago or something. πŸ˜‚



Today I somehow fumbled an #org-mode keyboard command and made a file into an attachment on itself. I didn't know that was possible.

Fortunately, revision control came to the rescue.

#emacs #git

Is there a way to tell #Emacs #org-mode to omit yhe TOC and headline numbers when exporting to a text or markdown file? I'm trying to implement a #JohnnyDecimal system, so I'm supplying my own numbers and the file essentially is the table of contents.

Edit: Because not all replies federate, here's the solution I ended up with:

#+STARTUP: overview indent nonum
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
in reply to Arjen :emacs: :linux: :nixos:

Since the manual doesn't include examples, it can be confusing as to how to actually use those settings. For this case, add the following line:

#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

It's been over a year now since my last blog post. #Today I started working on a new one about my adventures with #org-mode. As an experiment, I'm trying to compose the post itself in org-mode, and then export to HTML for the site.

Depending on how reasonable the resulting HTML ends up being, this might be my go-to method of composing blog posts going forward.

Does anyone know if #org-mode has a way to specify a repeating scheduled item in UTC time? I have a few of these, and don't want to have to adjust them all when the clock changes. #emacs

reshared this

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Maybe a answer : org-mode utc
in reply to lann

@lann This is close to what I'm looking for. Ideally, I'd like to be able to do something like set a property on a headline that says "treat everything in this subtree as UTC".

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