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Haven't checked in on the #minetest server in the past few days because I've been otherwise occupied. Had a look today and to my surprise, there was no immediately apparent spawn griefing.

Jon's Minetest Server Notices reshared this.

No, you spent all day farming virtual crops to stock a fake bakery. #minetest

reshared this

A few times recently I've had new users join my #Minetest server and ask who's hosting it. I can see two scenarios where they would ask this question:

Scenario 1: They want to learn about how to set up a Minetest server of their own, in which case I am more than happy to indulge this curiosity.

Scenario 2: They're a script kiddie who wants to "hack" my server, in which case, by virtue of the fact that they have to ask for this information, I am unconcerned that they have the necessary skill level to accomplish this, and there is no harm in telling them.

Edit: autocorrupt

This entry was edited (11 months ago)

So, it turns out that my poor laptop cannot handle #Minetest and #CoolRetroTerm at the same time. I have to use a boring terminal emulator to watch the console.

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