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Just fead my #sourdough starter and absent-mindedly threw the discard in the garbage (which is what I usually do). I was planning on making biscuits with it.

Guess I'll be making midnight biscuits instead (after my next scheduled feeding).

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

These things happen 😆 On Friday I had my ingredients weighed out and ready to go. Got distracted and forgot to add starter to my dough.

Now that I've got a decent handle on making my own #sourdough.* I'm setting my sights on #kombucha next. Obviously, this needs to be done from scratch as well.

* I'm competent, but by no means have I perfected the art.

in reply to BirdBird

@BirdBird I am slightly concerned about the possibility of giving myself botulism, but hey...
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

The worst thing you'll have to worry about is mold. If you buy a scoby in liquid online (or have a friend who makes kombucha and has a spare) the risk is minimal.

You Brew Kombucha on YouTube is how I learned. I recommend checking her out.

Have fun fermenting!

No wonder this #sourdough biscuit recipe is so delicious. It's almost 1/4 butter by mass (23.9%).

Trying to ferment my #sourdough a little longer today. The recipe says it should increase in size by 50%, but I always have such a hard time judging that.

I draw the line at using bottled water to feed my #sourdough starter. They did this in ancient times; they didn't have Dasani back then.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I used to filter it but now use water straight from the tap and didn't notice a difference
This entry was edited (11 months ago)

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