Via the Algorithmic Sabotage Research Group (@asrg) ...
... here's a list of code designed to poison the well for AI web-scrapers…
(thanks to @peterfr for pointing this one out!)
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I was raised LDS (left a long time ago — and, by the way, I'm a vegan) and I didn't know about that quote! So gross.
I do remember a fight amongst family members once my dad announced he wasn't drinking milk anymore. My uncle unleashed some Bible quote about the land of milk and honey.
My dad isn't vegan, or even vegetarian, but simply decided that milk-drinking wasn't healthy. I followed his example and then, to his chagrin, I stopped eating pork and then all animal products.
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DOOM: The Gallery Experience lets you take part in an art gallery opening with a wine in your hand all while wandering through the Doom’s E1M1 map full of classic masterpieces.…
#DOOM #gamedev #gamedevjs #Itch #Construct3 #JavaScript #HTML5
DOOM: The Gallery Experience – paintings showcase simulator - Gamedev.js
Did you think every possible variation of the classic Doom game was explored already? Think again, because The Gallery Experience lets you take part in an art gallery opening with a wine in your hand all while wandering through the Doom's E1M1 map fu…End3r (Gamedev.js)
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I need to find more excuses to use my glass pen. It's totally not practical as a daily use pen, but it's soooo satisfying to use.
I need to write some fancy letters or something.
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You don't have to post yours openly. I think there are various forums for sharing in a more limited manner, i.e. direct with someone. You can find addresses and mail to them first.
Pretty sure even short hand written notes count, so you could leave some fancy notes for people in your life who you appreciate.
I don't (and won't in certain cases) CW everything ever but if there's something I know SOMEONE out there might want to filter I try to get specific keywords in my post they might filter
Like for instance I wasn't gonna CW photos of my gerbils, I'm sure someone out there absolutely doesn't want to see rodents though, so I tried to be sure the word gerbil was in there
To some degree it involves some level of mind reading but it's something
I get both sides of the CW debates and I have my own personal lines on what I find sensible or not, and on this account versus my other one I also accept that I agreed to follow certain CW rules on this instance and that's part of being a community even if I may not feel the same way on my own where I make the rules
But imo the best argument for NOT having to CW certain things is making an attempt to make sure people's word filters will work. You may not always get it right since like I said it takes a certain level of guesswork, and sometimes you just forget in the moment. But if you keep coming up with new nicknames for the worst people on earth it becomes impossible to keep up.
@Demon Queen Lucretia 2025 Edition I end up collapsing (auto-CWing) all of the offending user's posts. I don't know if Mastodon has this functionality though. A block would also be effective.
Though even still, it's sometimes a game of whack-a-mole.
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I’m not surprised that it was a Safari. I’ve had similar issues with ink drying out on my LAMY nibs (not as badly as Parker pens tho).
So that nib doesn’t dry out on me, I’ve started using that pen daily for journaling. Justttt in case, I also have a little water container to dip it in if it gets dry.
Julian Lopez likes this.
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@D. B. Stuck I may or may not have spent $200 on new inks today.
I'd say not to tell my partner, but she was the instigator. We're really bad at keeping eachother accountable for this stuff.
Good thing it's a three paycheque month. 🙃
D. B. Stuck likes this.
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Okay, so I've seen a thing were people will send a box of #FountainPen ink samples around by mail from person to person. Individuals will add and remove inks from this box, recording the changes in a log book. It seems like a really cool way to get exposed to new inks, and I'd really like to participate in one of these. Is anyone doing this in Canada?
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Shaved my beard off for the first time in a while. I was definitely carrying a little less weight the last time I was smooth-faced. The beard was concealing it more than I realized.
This might've been a mistake.
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Homeless people are not the problem, but the evidence of the problem.
What's the problem?
Capitalism failing at the most basic possible task of an economic system.
Does anyone in the #FountainPen community know how to dismantle a LAMY Z28 converter for cleaning? I found a video on YouTube that supposedly demonstrates this
but my converters look different than theirs. I suspect mine are of an older design. I suspect they're just missing the metal part, but I want to make sure I'm not going to break them by trying this.
This is what all of my converters look like:
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
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It seems they are the same design after all, it's just that the metal ring has some sort of coating on it for some reason. I've gotten the offending converter apart and am running it through the cleaner. We'll see if I can get it back together again afterward.
Fortunately, I have a few converters and don't usually ink up all of my LAMYs at once.
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One of the things nobody tells you about wearing #glasses is how annoying it is to keep them clean. I had resigned myself to the fact that there would just always be some degree of smearing in my field of vision. Try as I might, I could never get them quite as clean as the day I got them.
Then I got an ultrasonic cleaner for my #FountainPen hobby and realized I could use it to clean my glasses as well.
10/10 would recommend. Seriously, if you wear glasses, I highly recommend investing in one. It was one of the best purchases I've ever made.
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@Tallastro 🇺🇦 I had two pens inked up with dark inks. One with Parker Quink Black and the other with Diamine Chilly Nights. I hadn't really handled either, but they were both in the same bag with the pen I was using. I see no evidence of leaking.
Interestingly enough, the pen I was using had previously been filled with green ink, but I'd cleaned* and re-inked it with something else a couple days prior. Maybe it was a leftover ink stain from when I did that? They usually don't hang around that long though.
* There was an ultrasonic cleaner involved, so it should've been really clean.
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My house caught fire. I called the Fire Dept but they refused b/c I don't have fire insurance
Sounds absurd right?
Meanwhile since Mangione allegedly killed the UnitedHealth CEO, ~6000 people have died due to denied care from insurance corps. Why do we allow it?…
America's HELL Corporations
It is long past time we grapple with the violence imposed on Americans from our exploitative for-profit health exploitation systemQasim Rashid, Esq. (Let's Address This with Qasim Rashid)
I am now the proud owner of an ultrasonic cleaner for my #FountainPens which, per the instructions, is "suitable for lazy people in sports without rolling hair".
So that's good... I guess?
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So it turns out I got the little cards confused. That one was for the portable neck fan that was in the same order.
I guess that makes a little more sense, but still.
screwlisp likes this.
in case you needed a reason to volunteer at your local public library: today the librarians let me pick a theme for and then curate one of the featured displays.
time to get this town reading more space operas!
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Jeff MacKinnon
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