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in reply to jerkface

My first thought: that photo looks familiar.

Then I read the caption.

Then I noticed the Oracle building.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Advantages of right to repair. You can take your device apart to check what has been added along the supply chain.

Right to repair is now a security issue.

in reply to Quixoticgeek

I've been wondering all day since learning it was a supply chain attack if those who planned and implemented this operation realized the Pandora's box they were opening.
in reply to Maya Mother Bones reshared this.

@Mayabotics Have you ever looked inside your cellphone? Im just saying. This is only what makes the news.

How do I know I'm getting old (and boring). I literally got excited about a new pill organizer.

As useful as GnuCash is, I wish it had a TUI. There's really no reason for it not to.

screwlisp reshared this.

weird shower thought/rant about abacuses

A while ago on a whim, I did a somewhat deep dive into the abacus. I thought it would be interesting to learn about a device that is sometimes credited as an ancestor of the modern computer.

I've come to be of the opinion that it's not really a fair comparison though. An abacus is not a computer... at least not a full-fledged computer. It doesn't compute anything. Your brain does that. I think it is fair however to compare it to memory, though.

An abacus is essentially an array of memory cells. Instead of storing bytes, it stores digits, but that's a trivial distinction. You even have to allocate those memory cells to accommodate the structure of the data you are operating on, just like you would with the memory in a computer.

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in reply to drhoopoe

weird shower thought/rant about abacuses
@drhoopoe I've had a very similar thought. I didn't know it had a formal name.

I hate that modern ICs aren't hand-solderable. I mean, I get why that is, but I still hate it.

Edit: typo

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Kevin Davy reshared this.

Can anyone recommend a #RasPi alternative for #embedded #electronics projects? There's the #Arduino, which is nice, but sometimes you need something with a little more oomph.

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

esp32 and esp8266, the latter is cheaper and would work fine for most of your needs.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

That Mozilla thing makes me think of an effect I keep seeing that I tend to call inversion of expertise. I'm sure there's a better name that's already established, but that thing where a priority is set that's manifestly absurd, such that only people *without* the expertise to realize the absurdity get promoted into decision-making positions.

That then further erodes institutional capabilities, and makes it even harder to incorporate expertise.

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in reply to Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.

@BoydStephenSmithJr @ShadSterling Kind of... that's the idea that someone is promoted because they are competent, but fail to be promoted once they reach the ceiling of their competence, ensuring that they eventually end up in a job for which they are definitionally unsuited.

What I'm pointing out differs in two ways: the promotions in this case are *because* they're incompetent, and I'm looking for the systemic consequences of that selection rather than the individual consequences.

Shannon Prickett reshared this.

My mother-in-law overestimates my command of the Spanish language (though knowing French is admittedly helpful).

She claims that I understand 80% of what I hear. It's closer to 30%, but I can piece a lot together through context.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

That's bold, Mozilla, given that 100% of the unwanted AI that I've had pushed on me in the past two weeks has been from you.

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in reply to Xandra Granade πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

This, plus their so-called β€žprivacy-preservingβ€œ ad tracking they activated by default a few months ago. #Mozilla needs to eject the tech bros from any decision-making positions.…

I love that every single time we order cat food, we get a tracking number after it's arrived.

Why does @Nextcloud πŸ“±β˜οΈπŸ’»'s web app work better than the actual official Android APK for editing files? That's kind of bonkers.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

I have a friend who is being harassed and threatened semi-anonymously via Facebook. She knows *who* it is, but Facebook and Police are characteristically being uselss.

I am kinda useless at this side of deanonymization, but does anyone have advice or resources for deanonymizing enough to get cops to move?

#infosec #batsignal

in reply to silverwizard

if you can host a file on a site where you can look at the access logs and then post a link to that file, you might be able to bait them into downloading the file which could give you their IP address in the access logs. A whois search for the IP address.could get you their ISP and geolocation information on the IP could get you the general area.

That's a lot of "ifs" and "coulds", though.

in reply to Jim Jones

here is a Forbes article (that also points to more sources) on how to do it. Beware that it isn't a quick fix, but it can work if they are persistent (and it require some legal action, which isn't always affordable).…
in reply to Jim Jones

from there, of the police still won't do something, it turns to filing court orders to get information from the IP holders about who had the IP at the time of access and harassment.

Good luck.

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. reshared this.

Just got a push notification on my phone:

To receive nearby offers and coupons, you need to agree to the location service's Terms and Conditions.

Um... no, thank you?

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

No, this is no a new CAPTCHA, this is a new malware vector which tricks users to open #Windows command line and paste a command to download some harmful stuff.

Just reported by Mohamed Aruham on Twitter.

in reply to Mike Macgirvin πŸ–₯️

I would like a different icon for the Super key than the four sqaures on most keys. I like the penguin logo but not for the Super key.

Shannon Prickett reshared this.

pH: medication

Just took my first dose of metformin. The only thing I had on hand to take it with was Coke

This was not well planned out. I'm clearly off to a great start.

Great. The pharmacy's changed suppliers for one of my meds, and now I have two pills that look very similar. I can no longer tell them apart at a glance.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

"Welcome, Captain Kirk, to our society in which we've achieved total peace through ethical and non-suspicious means. Now, may I introduce my hot daughter, Sexy McBoobs. Please feel free to do things to her."

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I'm sometimes envious of people's cool custom mechanical keyboards, but I need a full 104 key layout. I feel cramped on anything else.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

If I don't have a numpad, I feel like I'm missing a finger or two. The odd location of Backspace/Delete on my System76 keyboard also still messes me up when typing in the dark, even though I've been using it for nearly a year (I think).
in reply to Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.

@Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. The machine I use as a daily driver is a laptop. Most of the time it sits on a stand with a peripheral keyboard for exactly this reason.

KimberlyN reshared this.

In the world of computers, no matter what tool you use, someone will hate it and tell you you're an idiot for using it.

Don't worry about those people. Use the tool that works you.

(This advice probably extends beyond computers.)

in reply to Adam Hunt

@Adam Hunt I was on Ubuntu for years simply because it was popular (the very reason many hate it).

When I finally switched, I went to Debian for similar reasons.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I run mint on my nearly antique daily driver desktop (this one) and manjaro on my way more modern laptop.. My servers run whatever I want .. mix of unix and proxmox..

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

PSA: if you're using a laptop with a recent Intel CPU and running Linux, install and enable thermald if you do not have it already. you will likely notice substantial performance gains

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

ME DRIVING PAST THIS LIKE FIVE MINUTES AGO: Oh hey, I didn't know it was called that.

ME FOUR AND A HALF MINUTES AGO: Wait, what the fuck?

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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in reply to Grimm :bc:

This is just me but if I was on the Madison zoning board and you came in with your cemetery proposal and wanted to call it this, I would pretty much make your permit conditional on a subhed to your sign that says "Your loved ones will not turn into zombies."
in reply to Grimm :bc: Shannon Prickett reshared this.

When I incorporate MY cemetery, just gonna call it THE ZOMBIE FARM.

And sell merch.

in reply to Grimm :bc: Shannon Prickett reshared this.

Drove past a store in Glendale, CA called Needful Things. Kept driving.

mh: adhd
Had my first appointment with my new family doctor. Apparently, he's not fond of $adhd_medication, but he refilled the prescription anyway. Hopefully this isn't going to become a problem.

Well, the filter I set for the string "vance" just got triggered by the word "advanced". Guess I've gotta re-think that one...

Trying to remember the formula to calculate sin (in radians). I remember it was an infinite sum of increasingly small fractions that would eventually iterate closer and closer to the answer.

It bothers me more that I never understood why the formula worked. If I did, I could just work it out myself (like the quadratic equation).

in reply to John Best

@John Best Based also on another response, I'm inclined to answer yes.

Now I just need to make my brain understand why it works. I'm sure I'll be able to if I just have a chance to sit down and think about it. I'm already 90% there, I think.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

-x^(3) /3!+x^5 /5!-x^7 /7!+x^9 /9!+…
nth term is (-1)^(n-1) x^(2n-1)/(2n-1)!
It’s valid no matter how large x is (i.e. it has an infinite radius of convergence).

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@me Yep. And biometrics quickly turns into surveillance, because your face is the same no matter where you go. The key is not isolated to the lock.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Sleeping in a dormitory on a chair, tucked inside a metal tube, surrounded by combustible liquids and telling us it's glamorous really is a fabulous coup for marketing. Well done airlines.
in reply to Anon Opin

Speak for yourself! I fly economy class with the rest of us plebs. We demanded lower fares, and we got what we wanted.

It's a win-win tacit agreement between us plebs and the airlines.

The rubes are the _business class_ flyers, who are fooled into thinking they've gotten some sort of glamorous superior option, when in reality it's barely better than economy class.

Business class fares let the airlines make more money while saving us plebs some money, so we accept it fine.

Darcy Casselman reshared this.

meta, Friendica, CWs
I love that #Friendica gives me the option to automatically collapse (effectively CW-ing) all of a specific account's posts if I feel they underuse them. It's better than unfollowing, gives me the ability to choose whether or not I have the mental bandwidth to engage at a given time, and doesn't require them to share my opinions on what should/shouldn't be CW'd.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

I love reading ancient cuneiform tablets. Classics such as "Fuck you, this copper sucks." (Ea Nasir), "I should get more new clothes, my dad's employee gets new clothes twice a month and it's embarrassing.", and of course "The sesame harvest will die β€” let nobody say I did not warn you!", which is absolutely a set up for "Per my last clay tablet.".

Social media & email may be part of the problem. But if we're still like this when we have to carve our petty bullshit into clay then it's clear that we're the problem. It's us.

in reply to Tilde Lowengrimm Coffee (Team CW) reshared this.

i bet theres cuneiform for "nobody wants to work anymore"

Mixter "Mash" Corbden reshared this.

more culty Mormon stuff

So when I was mormon and got my endowment, I was given temple garments (special underwear) that I was instructed to wear day and night. I was also told never to show them to anyone (especially non-members).

At the time, I was a convert to the church living at home with my non-mormon family. Once a week, I used to smuggle them down to the laundry room to wash them without anyone seeing them.

I was eventually told by a priesthood leader that this was unnecessary, but still...

#NotACult #ExMormon #apostake

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

more culty Mormon stuff

Sensitive content

in reply to Shae Erisson

more culty Mormon stuff
@Shae Erisson Sorry, I meant that keeping them hidden from my family was optional. I just wasn't to put them on display.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

more culty Mormon stuff

Sensitive content

in reply to Mixter "Mash" Corbden

more culty Mormon stuff

@Mx. Luna Corbden Bishop Roulette strikes again!

But yeah. The temple worker who gave me my garments laid down the law.

The trouble with making satirical posts is that it's not always obvious that they're satire. I'm learning that it's often better just not to.

(Or maybe I just suck at satire. I don't know.)

culty (Mormon) stuff

A while ago my old temple clothing turned up. Just had an interesting conversation with Katy that made me realize something I hadn't before.

There's a specific bag that the church sells to put your temple clothing in. As far as I know, there's no rule saying you have to use it, but a lot of mormons do. I never really thought about it, but it's totally a dog whistle/status symbol. To an outsider, it's just a pretty ordinary (cheap looking) bag. To a mormon who's had their endowment, it screams "I'm worthy to go to the temple."

#NotACult #exmormon #apostake

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

culty (Mormon) stuff

Sensitive content

Finally getting around to writing a UI for my password manager that sucks less.

Due to poor planning on my part, I'm going to run out of coffee before more discretionary funding becomes available.


Unknown parent

Jonathan Lamothe

@Todd on :mastodon: ain I'll survive. I'm not out quite yet, and I can switch to tea for a few days.

At least all the essentials are covered.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Looks like I had just enough to mix up another pitcher of cold brew. I'll probably have enough after all.

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