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Jon's Minetest Server Notices reshared this.

We're having intermittent connectivity issues this morning. Seems to be an upstream issue.

Server was severely griefed over the weekend. Restoring from backup and logs are being inspected to ban the offending party.

Edit: typo

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Jon's Minetest Server Notices reshared this.

Outage Recovery

The machine that this node was running on failed on 2 Jul 2024. A new machine has been acquired and a restore from backup was performed. It'll probably take a couple days for the database to settle as it re-synchronizes with the rest of the network.

Edit: grammar (proofreading fail)

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Encountered a hiccup during the daily backup of the server. Working on restoring. No data loss is expected.

Accidentally bungled the database doing routine maintenance today. Had to restore from yesterday's backup.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

We are working on an in-game electronics tutorial using the Mesecons package. It's still a work-in-progress, but can be checked out by visiting the "Classroom" from the teleport pad at the spawn point.

in reply to Jon's Minetest Server Notices

The Currency mod gives players an "income" of 100 minegold per hour (10 minegold every 6 minutes). As an experiment, the bakery at the spawn point has been switched over to accepting minegold instead of actual gold ingots (which are difficult to come by). Hopefully, this will allow newer players to make use of the shops if they so desire.

Jon's Minetest Server Notices reshared this.

We are currently experiencing an upstream connectivity issue which is severely impacting our services. Hopefully this will be resolved shortly.

Because I'm on a roll, I mistakenly ran an rsync command backwards, and the Minetest server was rolled back by about a day.

Sorry about that.

Jon's Minetest Server Notices reshared this.

Reminder that we will be migrating to a new VPS today. Extended outages are to be expected.

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Jon's Minetest Server Notices reshared this.

No, you spent all day farming virtual crops to stock a fake bakery. #minetest

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As an experiment, we have re-opened the bakery using Easy Vending Machines. Currently, only bread is available for purchase (in exchange for gold ingots) but we have also set up a small currency exchange for those who only have less precious metals. Expansion of the bakery will be slow, but if successful other shops will follow.

Jon's Friendica Node Notices reshared this.

At our current rate of traffic, we are likely to exceed our bandwidth quota before the end of the month. As a result, we will be moving to a better provider this Monday. Expect extended outages that day as we make the transition.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Due to an admistrative error all vehicles have been deleted. If you lost something, contact jlamothe for assistance or if I'm not there tag a chat message with #ModRequest.

There has been an update to the server guidelines. Numbers 2 and 9 have been clarified and number 11 has been added. See the full guidelines on our website at

We have swapped i3 for Unified Inventory. If you have lost anything in the changeover contact me directly (jlamothe, in-game) for assistance.

Looks like we're going to have to step up the replacement of i3 to tomorrow. If you lose anything in the changeover, please reach out to us for assistance.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Two of our moderators who are members of the LGBTQ+ community built a giant pride flag at the spawn point. A new user just logged in, said "is that a pride flag?" and immediately logged out again.

While it was intended to foster inclusion I guess it has the added benefit of keeping undesirables off the server. 🙂

Given that the i3 mod is no longer maintaned, we will be transitioning away from it, probably in favour of Unified Inventory. Since I don't want players to lose their waypoints, contents of their bags, etc., this changeover will be taking place over a period of time to hopefully allow everyone to safeguard whatever they care about. A more detailed plan will be forthcoming shortly.

The whitelist has been disabled again. The user causing the DoS attack has been banned.

Just a note: we do not now, nor will we ever have a YouTube (or Twitch) channel. Any such channel you see there claiming to represent this server is not official.

Anything official will be announced from this account or our web site.

Whitelist has been re-enabled. The problem has been identified as a bug in the i3 mod, which is unfortunately no longer maintained. I'm going to try to patch it, but it will eventually need to be replaced.

More details as they become available.

Again, email me at if you want on the whitelist.

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