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in reply to dpflug

@dpflug I am.

I started the one last year, but for some reason got stuck on the first challenge. This time it just worked. I don't know what was different.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

It's been kind of a wild ride so far. There will likely be a blog post in the coming days.

I've discovered a downside to #Plan9. When my ISP is having issues and my connection gets sketchy, SSH still just kinda works, but with Plan9's drawterm being graphical, a bad connection makes it basically unusable.

Hopefully Rogers gets their shit together by tomorrow.

We are currently experiencing an upstream connectivity issue which is severely impacting our services. Hopefully this will be resolved shortly.

Is it just me or is @Mullvad VPN not implementing IPv6 correctly? The #WireGuard config I got issues me an address in the fc00::/8 range (which has been reserved but as far as I know not implemented) and can't seem to route traffic to outside hosts. IPv4 works great, though.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

If you are comfortable doing so, please consider reaching out to our Support Team via email to explain what issues you are facing.

support at mullvad dot net

Can anyone recommend a #VNC server for #Windows? The one that keeps coming up is RealVNC, but it seems to force you to create an account and run everything through their servers. I don't want any of that garbage, especially since VNC is not an encrypted protocol, and could easily be eavesdropped upon and/or MitM'd.

This is to do remote tech support on my father's PC. I've already got him on my private VPN, so there's no need to worry about dynamic IP or NAT issues. I thought about Windows' native Remote Desktop software, but in Microsoft's infinite wisdom that's not available on his particular version of Windows.


Changeover to Hetzner is 99% complete. We ran into some unforseen complications, namely a typo in the firewall config that took some time to diagnose and fix.

God, I never want to have to do that again.

Reminder that we will be migrating to a new VPS today. Extended outages are to be expected.

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