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old man rant
Why does no one know how to make change any more? You have a cash register right there. You shouldn't even have to do the math yourself.

cdnpoli: Saskatchewan
I don't know how the government of Saskatchewan can say with a straight face that this is about "protecting children". That's some real Ministry of Truth shit.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

How unfortunate! I was born in Saskatchewan, but we left there when I was 10 months old. The sadly ironic thing is lack of trust such laws engender for children and their parents. If a 15 year old with a healthy relationship with their parent informs or asks for a pronoun change why would we (i.e. the government) want to step in? If the relationship is unhealthy it is not likely a law will remedy the situation.

And ultimately it is very likely the issue is one of some adults being uncomfortable with a shift in society. I'm in my 50s and processing that too. However, as my daughter (she's 20) suggests, just ask: What are your pronouns?

Take care, -Randy (He/Him/His)

mh: ADHD
So my drug plan really doesn't like it when I refill my ADHD meds any sooner than a day or two before I completely run out. While I understand that it's a controlled substance, do they not get what a terrible idea it is to expect a person with ADHD to track their prescriptions that carefully?

Any #Plan9 gurus on the fedi?

I've managed to break my profile causing me to be unable to connect to my account. It disconnects me upon running the profile script. drawterm -c is not an option because it executes the profile disconnecting me before even running the command. drawterm -G's a no-go as well.

Is there a way I can mount my remote home directory into my local (Debian 12) filesystem so that I can fix the profile without running rcpu?


in reply to moody

scary compiler error
@moody When I try to compile, I get the following. I have the libssl-dev package installed, FWIW.
cc `pkg-config openssl --libs`  -o tlsclient cpu.o p9any.o libauthsrv/libauthsrv.a libmp/libmp.a libc/libc.a libsec/libsec.a                                                          /usr/bin/ld: cpu.o: in function `tls_send':                                                                                                                                           /home/jlamothe/src/tlsclient/cpu.c:92: undefined reference to `SSL_write'                                                                                                             /usr/bin/ld: cpu.o: in function `tls_recv':                                                                                                                                           /home/jlamothe/src/tlsclient/cpu.c:93: undefined reference to `SSL_read'                                                                                                              /usr/bin/ld: cpu.o: in function `main':                                                                                                                                               /home/jlamothe/src/tlsclient/cpu.c:164: undefined reference to `OPENSSL_init_ssl'                                                                                                     /usr/bin/ld: /home/jlamothe/src/tlsclient/cpu.c:165: undefined reference to `OPENSSL_init_crypto'                                                                                     /usr/bin/ld: /home/jlamothe/src/tlsclient/cpu.c:166: undefined reference to `OPENSSL_init_ssl'                                                                                        /usr/bin/ld: /home/jlamothe/src/tlsclient/cpu.c:167: undefined reference to `TLSv1_2_client_method'                                                                                   /usr/bin/ld: /home/jlamothe/src/tlsclient/cpu.c:167: undefined reference to `SSL_CTX_new'                                                                                             /usr/bin/ld: /home/jlamothe/src/tlsclient/cpu.c:168: undefined reference to `SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback'                                                                         /usr/bin/ld: /home/jlamothe/src/tlsclient/cpu.c:172: undefined reference to `SSL_CTX_set_options'                                                                                     /usr/bin/ld: /home/jlamothe/src/tlsclient/cpu.c:177: undefined reference to `SSL_new'                                                                                                 /usr/bin/ld: cpu.o: in function `p9authtls':                                                                                                                                          /home/jlamothe/src/tlsclient/cpu.c:53: undefined reference to `SSL_set_fd'                                                                                                            /usr/bin/ld: /home/jlamothe/src/tlsclient/cpu.c:55: undefined reference to `SSL_connect'                                                                                              collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status                                                                                                                                            make: *** [Makefile:14: tlsclient] Error 1
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

You need at least openssl1.1 this seems like you only have 1.0 which has not been supported for 3 years and counting.
in reply to moody

@moody That's surprising. Stuff in Debian's repositories is often out of date, but not usually that out of date.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Yeah, something does seem a bit fishy, sorry that it doesn't work out for you. I'll get a debian VM going in a bit and figure out whats up. In terms of booting a 9front VM, you should be able to use the live CD for connecting, you don't need to do a full install first. For what that's worth.
in reply to moody

@moody Such is the nature of compiling C code. I really wish it had some sort of automatic dependency management, but what can you expect from a language that old?

When the bootcamp is over, I actually want to get into writing software for Plan9, because despite being very C-centric, it seems a nice system to develop for.

Edit: autocorrupt

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I figured out the issue, it was somehow related to the ordering of passing the -l flags to cc (ugh!), if you pull the latest code from it should build fine on debian stable now. You will need both libssl-dev and pkg-config. I've added debian to the CI builds for this now so this shouldn't slip by again without me noticing. Thanks for the bug report.

Plan 9 C thankfully has none of this insanity, as you've noticed.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@moody So I ran:
./tlsclient -u jlamothe -h -a -p 17019 rm /usr/jlamothe/lib/profile
...but my profile still seems to exist. It's giving me the same error about line 7 when I connect using drawterm.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

You need -R to make tlslcient act like rcpu, by default it works closer to tlsclient on 9front. If you choose to just remove the file don't forget to re-run /sys/lib/newuser to generate a new default.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Cool, so now you can do something like:

tlsclient -R -h -a rc -i

Then edit profile with either ed or sam -d.

in reply to moody

@moody oh my god, I have a prompt!

Thank you!!

Edit: I was clearly too happy here to be bothered with proper spelling.

Katy and I have made the trek out to this little #KoreanBBQ place downtown Kitchener almost every Sunday for the past several months now. Every time we do, We're once again shocked at how good it is. You'd think we'd have just gotten over it by now, but not so. #KWAwesome #WRAwesome #DTK
in reply to Bob Jonkman

@Bob Jonkman According to the sign, it's called "Korean BBQ". Unimaginative name, great food.

Here's their web site:…

Bob Jonkman reshared this.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@Bob Jonkman They've been around for as long as I can remember. I must've driven past them a thousand times, but we didn't actually try them out until earlier this year.

Bob Jonkman reshared this.

Thinking about looking into Matrix, even though I still don't understand what it offers that XMPP doesn't, primarily because I can get an account as part of my @SDF.ORG membership. What clients do y'all recommend? I need one for Android, and one that will run in a GNU/Linux (Debian) terminal.

reshared this

*Driving home from running some errands.*

Me: Hmm... thats strange. That cop is following me from awfully far back. I wonder what that's about.

Katy: Do you think he's running our plates?

Me: You'd think he'd get closer to read it, but still it seems fishy.

*I pull into a lane that people normally use for turning right, but I need it because the entrance to my parking lot is coming up.*

Me: Ah, the cop's signalling that he's turning right. I was just being paranoid.

*After I clear the intersection, the signal goes off and the turn is aborted.*

Me: Yup... we're being followed. We weren't speeding. Do you think we have a tail light out or something?

*I pull into the parking lot. The lights come on and the cop pulls in behind me.*

Turns out our tags were expired. You don't have to pay for them, but you *do* have to click on some things to renew them for some reason that I still don't understand. Historically we've always gotten a notice in the mail, but not so this time around. Fortunately, I got off with a warning, would've been a $495 ticket otherwise.

If you're an Ontario resident, maybe check on that if you haven't.

in reply to Darcy Casselman

@Darcy Casselman My favourite part of the interaction:

Cop: Are you still at $address?

Me: Yeah... that's this building right here.

I just discovered that I can use regexes in my Posteo mail filters. This makes my life simultaneously easier and more complicated.

Finally got around to learning awk.

I guess I should look into sed next.

I've been using Linux since the late 90s, and have somehow managed to avoid them in all that time.

It should come as no surprise to anyone who's been paying attention that I've grown disillusioned with capitalism over the past several years. What's interesting to me though is that any time I express this publicly, there are no shortage of capitalists who falsely assert that I am claiming that communism is the ultimate solution to everything. This is a false dichotomy.

I am not saying I have the answers to the world's problems. I just have eyes to see that the emperor has no clothes.

Edit: typo

in reply to Jon's Blog

Nice article -- I'm pretty sure that the namespace features of the Linux kernel were influenced by Plan 9, though they do look different.

Just decommissioned the old Linode server.

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