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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

I am a cat who was just adopted by @Jonathan Lamothe (he/him) and @Katy Lamothe. They have had many family members and friends requesting regular updates, so it was easiest to just put them in one place.

Today I figured out where Mama and Papa keep the treats.

Dear @Jonathan Lamothe (he/him),

Your keyboard is so cozy. Why won't you let me sleep on it?

One day, I will succeed at climbing into the kitchen garbage can.

I know I have fresh water in my dish, but I'd rather lick the condensation off the window.

Benny reshared this.

How to Catch a Mountain Lion
an illustrative guide

1. Place a cardboard box where the animal frequently visits.
2. Sit back and wait.
3. A cat is a cat is a cat.

reshared this

What's that? You wanted to make the bed? It's mine now.

Greggie reshared this.

Mama figured out how to keep me occupied so that she and Papa could actually get some work done.

You're feeding me an hour later today? Why?

Papa was not paying enough attention.

Hanging out with Papa while he "works":

Tuckered out after a busy day of running around like a maniac.

I just found stuff to play with in the magic sandbox that Mama and Papa leave for me in the bedroom. Papa just took them away.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

How dare you encroach upon my sushi fortress!?

The vacuum is an evil monster intent on devouring my soul.

Why chill on the couch when you can chill in the couch?

Okay... I'm starting to think that Mama and Papa are pretty okay, and I'll meow when they leave the room, but I also want to have an escape route so I can GTFO if needed.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Meeting Papa for the first time.

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