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We have to order @Benny's food from the vet because he's on a prescription diet. Tried using their on-line ordering option. We ordered his food a week ago. It just arrived this morning.

We just got tracking now.

Thanks. That's helpful.

@wing Been meaning to give Jellyfin a go ever since you and Hex mentioned it. Finally got around to it. You'll be happy to know that the first video I tested it with was, in fact, Big Buck Bunny.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

haha, very good ^_^ One day I do intend to actually watch that to completion

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

🔖 Microsoft destroyed my online life after I called home to Gaza: Palestinians calling home to Gaza on Skype have had their digital lives destroyed, after Microsoft closed their email accounts without warning | BBC News… #BookmarkShare

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

changes in perception of Antisemitism

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in reply to Violet, arts and crafts Fembro Shannon Prickett reshared this.

changes in perception of Antisemitism

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in reply to Violet, arts and crafts Fembro Shannon Prickett reshared this.

changes in perception of Antisemitism

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in reply to silverwizard

I sell products ready-assembled, and do-it-yourself kits for building the same products. Some of my customers buy the kits because they really like building kits, and that's great.

But others buy the kits because they think they're entitled to the finished product at a lower price, and they begrudge every second of effort they must put into building the kit. Those people really exist and they are the market for tools that purport to save "the value of your time."

in reply to Matthew Skala

@Matthew Skala Yeah, that's valid. If you're doing it to save money - that's fine.

But this is a criticism of the *argument*, not the sale. People can and should sell preassembled things, kits, and more! Not everyone wants to build! But if someone is building on purpose, don't tell them to value their time.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

programming languages are actually a massive distraction from the main job of a programmer, which is to weep

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.


A trailer for the Sierra On-Line documentary has just dropped!

It features both Ken and Roberta Williams – the founders of the most important PC gaming company ever. Certainly, it was the most influential American gaming company after Atari.

Roberta Williams was a huge influence on me and millions of children who primarily gamed on PCs. She brought us King’s Quest, Laura Bow, Phantasmagoria, and a host of beautiful PC gaming classics. To me, she was as good of a game designer as Shigeru Miyamoto.

I wish Sierra still existed. I miss the magic that they created.…

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I have come dangerously close to allowing myself to run out of coffee.

This will not do.

There seem to have been a lot of extreme weather warnings for my area recently. It's almost like the climate is changing or something.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

So a new job opportunity didn't pan out because it caused me a meltdown and a depressive episode the likes of which I haven't felt since the last worst day of my life.

This means I will be trying to find work that doesn't trigger all my mental health problems at once, which is going to be so so much harder. I am disabled and unqualified for most things.

It would save me if I started getting sales more regularly than once every couple months. If you (yes, you!) would be interested in buying a crocheted *anything,* whether I have it in my store or not, please hit me up!!! I will do requests!!! I can also do embroidery!! I can embroider a penis if you want!!!

Please boost my posts and give me a follow and think about if you'd like to buy something. I'm feeling... so bad right now. So so bad. So so so bad.

#actuallyautistic #disability #DisabilityPrideMonth #depression

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Brief outage because the new server accidentally came disconnected from power.

Everything's back up. Anxiety levels returning to normal.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Kevin Davy reshared this.

Can anyone in Waterloo region recommend a place (such as a coffee shop) where one can just sit down with a book for a while? I don't mind if I have to buy a coffee or something. Just looking for a change of scenery.

There's always the library, but the nearest one to me is in a high school, and I feel weird about loitering around there.

#kwawesome #wrawesome

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I like Stockyards Coffee in Catalyst 137 (Glasgow near Belmont). There’s some other seating around the building in addition to the coffee shop

Shannon Prickett reshared this.

"Another person who won't debate me because they can't handle my arguments."

No friend, another person who won't debate you because you're freaking exhausting and I just can't be bothered... but you keep telling yourself that.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

while we've managed to scrimp and save to make it to kitsune tails' release day, releasing august 1st means we won't see any money for almost 2 months until its the end of september

our other games are currently on sale on itch at and steam at… and buying some or all of them would help tremendously

EDIT: just for clarity this is a "we're worried about making rent" situation and not "oh no the business' coffers are looking a little bit empty"

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

in reply to Hacker Memes

I question if having something automatically release Halon 1301 even if humans are present is a good idea.
in reply to Hacker Memes

I love that having retired I’ll never have to “come on down to the data centre” again 😀

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

:boostRequest: could you please give me a boost? I'm begging you. :boostRequest:​​ 🥺

could you help a black trans au/adhd plural gal out?

another month and more expenses. I still need to cover my bills, debts and trying to save something to save me from my imminently crumbling living situation if worst comes to be.

since I'll be mostly in vacation from college this month I'll be trying to put some projects in action so that I can try and get some money coming in.

my father is already planning on throwing all the living expenses onto me and my siblings and that alone would add another fucking 200 USD when I don't have any fucking income rn 🙃

every donation helps immensely and so does every boost.

please help a gal out 🥺🥺


  • ko-fi - accepts paypal and stripe.
  • stripe (USD) - (for those that prefer not using paypal)


#mutualAid #transCrowdfund #mutualAidRequest #blackMutualAid #boostPlease

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in reply to octo collective

we are gonna have a talk with him later today because yesterday he just said "the bills will be 200 USD (or more because we couldn't fucking understand what the hell he meant). they're due tomorrow (today)"

and he wants my single parent sister working 44h/week paying all but the living expenses by herself because her ex-husband is a deadbeat to just come up with the 200USD+ on the fucking spot

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to octo collective Harmony. Corrupted. reshared this.

:boostRequest: could you please give me a boost? I'm begging you. :boostRequest:​​ 🥺

could you help a black trans au/adhd plural gal out?

another month and more expenses. I still need to cover my bills, debts and trying to save something to save me from my imminently crumbling living situation when worst comes to be.

since I'll be mostly in vacation from college this month I'll be trying to put some projects in action so that I can try and get some money coming in.

my father did already start demaning another 200 USD for living expenses and I feel it in my bones that I'm just one step from him completely kicking me out of here for petty reasons so I do really need every penny I can get.

every donation helps immensely and so does every boost.

please help a gal out 🥺🥺


  • ko-fi - accepts paypal and stripe.
  • stripe (USD) - (for those that prefer not using paypal)


#mutualAid #transCrowdfund #mutualAidRequest #blackMutualAid #boostPlease

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Kevin Davy reshared this.

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

A while ago I asked a question of the #ActuallyAutistic and #ADHD communities on my old Fosstodon account and got some pretty good feedback, so now that I'm back in my regular fedi home, I figured I'd do so again (as before, boosts welcome).

I find that when something is stressing me out, I'll obsess over it until I've either solved the problem or it overwhelms me to a point where I need to completely disengage (at least for a time). Often when this happens, loved ones will notice my distress and try to help in the form of asking questions or making suggestions. The problem is that if I'm in problem-solving mode it derails my train of thought, and if I'm in "disengage" mode it prevents me from... well, disengaging.

This frequently results in me responding in ways that are... unpleasant for all persons involved. I've identified this as a problem and am trying to find better ways of handling such situations, but it's easier said than done. Has anyone else experienced this? Are there any good strategies for dealing with it?

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

@loose cannon I hadn't considered that, nor in fact did I realize it was a thing to consider.

The most recent example was when this server failed. It's actually what prompted me to start asking. In addition to being a fedi server, it also runs a bunch of other services I depend on: calendar, file synchronization, contacts, to-do list, etc. All stuff I use to make navigating everyday life possible. Took me four days to fix (should've taken two, but I had to keep taking mental health breaks).

This was an extreme example, but it usually happens when something disrupts my regular routine, like losing my phone or keys.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)
@loose cannon further answer to your question. Fortunately, it usually happens at home, partly because that's where I just usually am in general, and because that's where 99% of my routines that can be disrupted exist.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)
@loose cannon In this case, the disrupting party is usually my partner. We've talked it out and I think she has a better understanding now (as do I).
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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One of my pet peeves: when someone (often an advertiser) says that something is "chemical-free".

What the hell does that even mean?

Unknown parent

Me in the morning before my #ADHD meds have kicked in:

Maybe the ninth time I walk into the bathroom I'll remember to put deodorant on.


in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

a shocking amount of pharmacuticals are essentially just rehashes of naturally cultivated bioactives.
in reply to know

@know FWIW, I wasn't making the argument that the pharmaceutical industry is trustworthy. 😉
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

i tend to resist popular criticism of the supplement industry. supplements are underrated.

hyperreal reshared this.

Dear hlint:

I value your input, but in this case, I disagree.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

#Poilievre is ramping up his campaign amongst evangelical Christians - he found time to preach at three different churches last weekend.

🇨🇦 #Conservative leader promises to 'rebuild Canada' to suit Evangelical Christians. That's less than 10% of us. More than 1/3 of Canadians are not religious at all.
When churches become places of political speeches, it’s time to tax the churches. In #Canada, "a registered charity CANNOT be involved in PARTISAN political activities."…

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in reply to PNW Deb Soc-i-eTy For DEMOCRACY! reshared this.


JD Vance is not the only US operative with close connections to 🇨🇦 Conservatives.

"Election-fixer" Mike Roman (Fani Willis case) was involved in Pierre #Poilievre's leadership campaign, the #Ottawa convoy AND worked for many years alongside former PM Stephen Harper at the International Democratic Union [#IDU] a multi-national body built to "deliver elections" for right-wingers.
Today, IDU Chairman Harper buddies with the likes of Netanyahu, Modi, Bolsonaro, Trump & Orban


This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Justin To #НетВойне reshared this.

Our local grocery store has a program where you can get a box of assorted discounted produce so long as you're not picky about what's in it. Katy and I had been meaning to try this out for a while, and it's been a pretty good experience so far. We're both creatures of habit, especially where food is concerned, and finding new recipes to figure out how to use the stuff we normally don't have has been rather enjoyable on the whole.

If keeping your grocery bill low is something you're trying to do, I recommend seeing if your local grocer has such a program.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@Judy Anderson My bigest gripe was that I'm sure their app is collecting all kinds of data on me behind my back (Flash Food in this case).

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

We got lemons so we decided to make lemonade (not a metaphor). I know you can do this by mixing lemon juice, sugar, and water, but I couldn't remember the ratio. I decided to search the web for "lemonade recipe". All the results had click-baitey titles, so I instead search for "simple lemonade recipe". First step of the first result: "to prevent the sugar from crystallizing at the bottom, start by making a simple syrup."

I hate the internet sometimes.

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in reply to Ben Zanin

@me The thing about powdered sugar is that it should be finer and thus more aggressive about absorbing lemon oil, right? Except that most powdered sugar also has some anti-caking additives to offset how hydrophilic sugar is - often a powdered starch of some kind - and while it doesn't come through in baking, you'll taste it in your lemonade. Avoid my mistake!……

You'll never go back. It's everything you want lemonade to be. 💛🍋


So all the posts I've missed over the past four days during the outage are starting to pour in now. So far the new machine's handling the influx of traffic like a champ. The old one would be really struggling right now.

I am happy about this.

in reply to CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

🏆 ConCATulations! You’ve won today’s internet! 🎉 Later tonight the entire USA will set off coast-to-coast fireworks displays to celebrate this achievement! 🎆🎇🫶

Hooray! I finally got the last of the systems I depend on daily back up and running.

Perhaps something I should consider is a contingency plan for the (hopefully very distant) next time my server fails.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Outage Recovery

The machine that this node was running on failed on 2 Jul 2024. A new machine has been acquired and a restore from backup was performed. It'll probably take a couple days for the database to settle as it re-synchronizes with the rest of the network.

Edit: grammar (proofreading fail)

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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I have a cheap multimeter because I do not require one frequently enough to invest in a decent one. I noticed something interesting though: there are a lot of seemingly metallic things in my apartment that are surprisingly good insulators? (e.g.: a (brass?) doorknob)

I thought the multimeter was the problem, but when I measure something like a wire, it seems to be okay. Is this normal?

I'll have to check if I have any spare resistors with known values laying around to better test the meter.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Content from 𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕒 🏳️‍⚧️🦋 is collapsed

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Content from 𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕒 🏳️‍⚧️🦋 is collapsed

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Need a brief and accessible explainer about the actual harms of AI?

Show folks this:…

@thejuicemedia hitting it out of the park, yet again.

#ai #corporations #corporatocracy #billionaires #climateCrisis #BigTech #SiliconValley

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in reply to Aral Balkan

Hilarious, this video takes forever to load on Firefox with tracking and ads disabled (on a symmetrical gig connection). Open up Chrome, and away it goes. @thejuicemedia should use a different video platform, IMO.

Was a great video to watch and contribute to closed Google AI with 🙂

in reply to Aral Balkan

Really on point, it always comes down to the fact, that it's not the tool itself that's an issue, but rather how it's being used. Seeing who is in control of the biggest AI products currently and what's the track record of these companies so far, this is very worrying.

Also, it's disturbing that even though these tools are supposed to make work more efficient, the time savings seem to not be passed on to the workers, but rather used to make them do more. This pursuit of constant growth feels like the underlying issue of many current problems.

Justin To #НетВойне reshared this.

Just checked the mail and a day that I have been dreading is coming to pass. My family doctor is retiring.

There's a new doctor taking on his patients, but my current doctor's records are all on paper and the new one's are digital. I need to have my records digitized (at my own expense) to have them carried over.

It gets even better though. I've been assured that the company that will manage this digital transition is "physician-managed" and my records will be "stored securely". I fully trust my doctor's medical opinion, but as for opsec... well... one of the options is essentially: "please write all your sensitive PII on this request form and email it to us in plaintext." Yes, I can drop the form off in person, but that's rather beside the point.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

I feel like there are very few good long-term guidelines for social media behavior but “try to work through your grief and fear without yelling at people who are working through their own grief and fear in their own way” feels like a solid candidate.

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Fine, I'll just add a pragma to ignore this one warning rather than fixing it.

It's fine.

It doesn't annoy me at all.

At all.

Jeremy List reshared this.

A piece of information that is repeated frequently enough will have a tendency to assert itself as true in the subconscious mind. This is a fact that is frequently exploited by propagandists.

Perhaps reminding people of this frequently enough will help to defend them against the tactic (with the unfortunate side-effect of being really annoying).

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