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Well, booked my first appointment with the new doctor today. Haven't had my records transferred because I don't have $200 just sitting around for the digitization fee at the moment. Hopefully he'll be willing to renew my #ADHD meds using the previous prescripiton bottles as sufficient evidence of their necessity. I really don't want to jump through those hoops again.

It's not like I'll die without them or anything, but my life will get a lot harder.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe


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in reply to Shae Erisson


@Shae Erisson I do plan to eventually pay the fee to have the records transferred. That should help quite a bit. It's just that the supply of meds won't hold out that long.

I should've gotten my act together sooner to take care of this, but you know... ADHD. πŸ™ƒ

Kevin Davy reshared this.

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

A while ago I asked a question of the #ActuallyAutistic and #ADHD communities on my old Fosstodon account and got some pretty good feedback, so now that I'm back in my regular fedi home, I figured I'd do so again (as before, boosts welcome).

I find that when something is stressing me out, I'll obsess over it until I've either solved the problem or it overwhelms me to a point where I need to completely disengage (at least for a time). Often when this happens, loved ones will notice my distress and try to help in the form of asking questions or making suggestions. The problem is that if I'm in problem-solving mode it derails my train of thought, and if I'm in "disengage" mode it prevents me from... well, disengaging.

This frequently results in me responding in ways that are... unpleasant for all persons involved. I've identified this as a problem and am trying to find better ways of handling such situations, but it's easier said than done. Has anyone else experienced this? Are there any good strategies for dealing with it?

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

@loose cannon I hadn't considered that, nor in fact did I realize it was a thing to consider.

The most recent example was when this server failed. It's actually what prompted me to start asking. In addition to being a fedi server, it also runs a bunch of other services I depend on: calendar, file synchronization, contacts, to-do list, etc. All stuff I use to make navigating everyday life possible. Took me four days to fix (should've taken two, but I had to keep taking mental health breaks).

This was an extreme example, but it usually happens when something disrupts my regular routine, like losing my phone or keys.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)
@loose cannon further answer to your question. Fortunately, it usually happens at home, partly because that's where I just usually am in general, and because that's where 99% of my routines that can be disrupted exist.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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in reply to stay hinged

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)
@loose cannon In this case, the disrupting party is usually my partner. We've talked it out and I think she has a better understanding now (as do I).
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

ADHD (possible AuDHD) experience: seeking input (also long-ish)

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Me in the morning before my #ADHD meds have kicked in:

Maybe the ninth time I walk into the bathroom I'll remember to put deodorant on.


mh: ADHD

God damned #ADHD brain.

I either get super hyper-focused on one project, to the detriment of other things (like eating and sleeping) or I'm so scattered between twenty things that I don't get anything meaningful accomplished on any of them.


mh: ADHD

The paradox of #ADHD is that remembering to take your meds can be difficult to do before your meds have had a chance to kick in.

And God help you if you forget to refill them...


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