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Apparently our boot tray is the most comfortable cat bed in existence.

Finally broke down and had to learn how to write a basic #Luanti mod.

So, we've had a problem with players being unable to respawn after dying in some circumstances. While I'm still not 100% certain what is causing this, I've written a mod to fix it if it happens.

If you find yourself stuck dead without the respawn option, you can now manually respawn by typing the /respawn command.

One of the annoying aspects of #ADHD: the amount of cold tea I end up drinking because I forget about it.

Cuzn Ed reshared this.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I like a little honey in my coffee. The last sip is always **way too sweet** because i’ve left it long enough that all the honey has settled to the bottom of the mug.
“Not cool, brain,” i sometimes quip. We have fun, me and my brain.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

- Oh wait, I forgot! That's my tea! Why are you pouring it out?
- It's been sitting here for hours and it's cold.
- Oh sweet summer child, if I didn't drink cold tea, I wouldn't ever get to drink any tea at all. And not for lack of trying.

ph: sounds scarier than it is

So the doctor has me on a heart monitor. I'm supposed to wear it for 72 hours and go about my life as normal. First night in, I woke up to two of the leads having detached.

When I was there, they showed me how to replace them and gave me spares so I was able to do that, but this doesn't bode well for the next two nights. I can't control what I do while unconscious.

Shannon Prickett reshared this.

in reply to ClaudioM

re: ph: sounds scarier than it is
@ClaudioM Oh, yours sounds fancier. Mine's just a plastic box with some buttons and a clock. The clock is also wrong, which doesn't make me crazy at all.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

re: ph: sounds scarier than it is

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Got back hone from an appointment with a form that specifically says it's to be filled out with blue or black ink.

Why do people have to be so boring?


in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@Jonathan Lamothe well many reasons, the color blind find reading other colors much more difficult. Computers find it more difficult to read the others, etc.

So it seems that to get the full effect of these new #FountainPen #inks, we need to get our hands on a wetter pen than the ones we've been using.

I have a TWSBI Diamond 580 that should fit the bill, but I'm waiting on a replacement cap that's stuck in the mail strike.

In the meantime, can anyone recommend a reasonably priced (ideally in the sub $100 range) that lays down a good amount of ink?

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I have a 1.5 stub in my 580 and it is extremely wet. And very smooth as well.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I find the Pilot Metropolitan and Faber Castell Hexo both very wet Medium writers. My TWSBI Swipe is also a generous writer but I have tuned the nib to write more cursive italic.

How old does a #FountainPen have to be before it's considered #vintage? The very first one I ever bought back in 2012 (a Parker GT Urban) doesn't seem to be available any more, though it is still available in ballpoint. Still, maybe I'm just getting old but 2012 doesn't feel very "vintage" to me.

I mean, it's kinda scuffed up because I was a newbie who had no idea how to take care of it, but I'm not looking to sell it or anything. It's more of a curiosity, really.

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

generally the guideline is 25 for semi-vintage and 50 for vintage. Except, if the exact model is still in production, it might not be considered vintage (e.g. Lamy 2000 or Pilot Capless). Similarly if a pen is out of production, it might be considered vintage earlier than normal. But anything produced after 2000 is well within modern by any standard
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

in the antique world vintage is more than 20 and less than 100 years old I think? Anyway more than 20 years, equivalent of buying something before a child is born and that child is now an adult, seems reasonable to me.

in reply to Parker51


*looks at my collection of inks*

*whistles innocently*

To be fair, they're mostly samples, relatively few actual bottles.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I have almost all of my pens inked and with most of them I get really attached to pen-ink combinations, so I don’t switch around a lot. And I have too many pens already. Which means I’m having several unused inks. 🙄🙈😅😂

Someone needs to explain to my cat that rubbing up against my legs and tripping me as I'm trying to walk to the kitchen to feed him actually delays the process of him getting fed.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Broadcast notification to all felines: Your human pets do appreciate leg rubbies of all kinds, but they are too risky when the human is descending stairs! Please desist.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

30 years ago I trained my friends cats that hassling me at feeding time made the job take longer.. by putting everything away as soon as they came jumping on the tops or trying to trip me up.. It only took like 3 days until the three of them sat at the line between the carpet and the kitchen floor waiting patiently to be told they could go eat.. I even taught them to voluntarily jump over my arm on the way to food.. Cats are pretty easy because they are mostly clever creatures.

I must do things #today but my bed is too cozy.

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mh: adhd

So I went into the pharmacy to follow up on the renewal of my #ADHD meds. Turns out this new doctor did in fact respond to the fax requesting the renewal but specifically specified not to fill it until the literal day I was supposed to run out.

Fortunately, I occasionally forget to take them, so I have a few spares, but God damn this guy doesn't understand how ADHD works.

in reply to hyperreal

re: mh: adhd
oh, yeah, sorry, we didn't really mean to express an opinion on the scale of the problem, only its structure. we've definitely had quite a few doctors who we would broadly characterize as good people who care about helping people and are not bigoted about that particular topic.
in reply to Irenes (many)

re: mh: adhd
we don't feel like we're in a position to really guess about how common these problems are

So while the paper in this dollar store notebook is surprisingly good, I'm starting to see how it's not quite on the level of my Rhodia notepad. I am finally noticing some minor feathering and bleed through when I use some inks in my #FountainPen

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I use Carolina A7 Mini Composition Books, because they fit in a shirt pocket. $1.99 for a pack of 4 at Bi-Mart, so they're a fraction of the price of fancy notepads. And yet they have a sewn binding, and the paper is adequate. Part of my everyday carry.…

Just "cleaned" one of my #FountainPens and had the disassembled parts drying on a clean tissue. Found a small spot of ink where the nib was resting. Guess I've got to clean it a little better...

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

One can always tell who the fountain pen lovers are... *sigh* I have been putting off cleaning one of mine..
in reply to Dianora (Diane Bruce)

@Dianora (Diane Bruce) This particular pen hadn't been inked in several years until I did so a couple days ago. It's not typically one of my daily drivers. To be fair though, I've been out of the hobby for a while, and am only getting back into it somewhat recently.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I am not really a FP hobbyist I just love to write with a Fountain pen otherwise I have illegible handwriting. OTH I guess that does make me a FP hobbyist. hrmmm I don't go for the inks as .. others do but I do daily drive a FP. Otherwise as I said, I couldn't read my own handwriting!
in reply to Dianora (Diane Bruce)

@Dianora (Diane Bruce) I was a little out of practice, but my handwriting's starting to improve again, though I've mostly been writing in teeline (shorthand) which is pretty illegible in the first place.

I don't feel the need to gatekeep the term "hobbyist". I consider myself to have been a hobbyist from the day I bought my first fountain pen.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I sometimes feel out of place with the people who collect... wait a minute, I have more than one fountain pen. sssshhhhh *whistles innocently* 😀
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

letting the rest of the ink drain out on kitchen towel is a tried and true method. It'll probably run clean when you flush it again.

So I have a player on my #Minetest server that is reportedly stuck in a dead state with no option to respawn. Is there a way to manually force a respawn for them?
Unknown parent

Jonathan Lamothe
@🅾🅽🆈🆇 They were teleportable but would remain dead even when teleported. I eventually wrote a custom mod so that they could type /respawn to manually revive themselves if they didn't get the respawn dialog.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Yes, I realized this when re-reading you, apart from the fact that he recreates an account, I don't see what you can do to get the player out of this situation.

This is a bug that I've never had and I don't know how to change it, sorry.

Maybe forcing the respawn will be enough, I hope so anyway.

religion: Mormonism

Reading through the "Light and Truth Letter" a totally-not-written-by-the-church response to the infamous CES Letter that's been plaguing Mormonism for years now.

It's amazing* how they seem to have managed to not seriously engage with a single one of the issues I have with the church.

#ExMormon #NotACult #CESLetter

* not really

in reply to Katrina Katrinka :donor:

religion: Mormonism

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Okay, I got my #WEARINGEUL #Enki ink flowing nicely in my #LAMY Safari. It just needed a tiny drop of dish soap applied with a toothpick to the cartridge converter. It's still a really light colour, but I kind of expected that going in.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Transcript fo the written text:

Let's see how this works with the dish soap trick. I actually think it looks pretty nice.

I think it's working nicely. It's still pretty light but I think I like it.

So, my local-ish pen shop has a collection of these Korean inks (Wearingeul) that I've not seen before. Just bought a bottle of Enki and can't wait to get it home to play with it.

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ph, griping

So, the Wal-Mart pharmacy has an app that tells you when your prescriptions are due for refilling. Pretty convenient right? Problem is that it's consistently wrong.

Guess I've got to go home and do a physical inventory of my drugs now.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

ph, griping

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Well, I guess I have a cardiologist now.

That was not something I was expecting to be a thing this morning.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe


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#teeline question:

The word "defund" is tricky, as the way I would expect to write it in teeline would be the same as "defend". I know you can sinetines use a vowel indicator to disambiguate in such circumstances, but the indicators for U and E are identical, aren't they?

I'm not sure this is a case where context would necessarily clear it up either.


So, while I've always loved the idea of #chess, I've also always been spectacularly bad at it. Can anyone recommend any books or other resources that might help? I had an eBook (or was it a PDF?) on tactics once upon a time, but I don't know what happened to it.

I know that an important key is practice, but the problem is that when I lose, I don't know why I lost, so it's difficult to learn from the experience.

Sico Axial reshared this.

in reply to Wayne Myers

@conniptions I believe it’s

Building on this: learn to analyse your games using an engine. Only play 5-10 games per day, but analyse each one. At first, look through the game without the engine, try to observe the flow of the game. Try to see if you got outplayed positionally, or you missed a tactic, hung a piece, etc.

Then analyse with the engine. Don’t focus too much on absolute swings of the evaluation, but more on trends.

in reply to Sebastian Lauwers

@teotwaki Doh, of course yes, apologies, was v tired when I posted.

Agreed in re usefulness of using engine for analysis (and importance of analysing games) once there's a grasp of the basic value of material, basic tactics and so on.

Not yet mentioned - the usefulness of puzzles: simpler puzzles help you drill basic patterns and tactics - it's one thing to know what a fork is, but another thing to look at a position and quickly spot an available fork. Lichess puzzles v good for this.

rant about lies and masking

Some people's capacity to just straight-up lie to your face without skipping a beat astonishes me.

Take this conversation between Katy and an unnamed family member:

F: I need you to drive me to the clinic (because I've caught the cough that's been making the rounds in my household for weeks now).
K: Okay, but we can't afford to get sick.
F: It's okay, I'll wear a mask the whole time.
K: Okay.
F: Afterwards, we can go out to eat.
K: How are we going to eat while wearing masks?
F: It's okay, I'm not contagious.

(╯° □°) ╯︵ ┻━┻

Edit: typo

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

rant about lies and masking

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With all this talk of #Bluesky vs. #Mastodon, I'd like to take this moment to remind everyone that the fediverse is bigger than just Mastodon.

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe


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How much does the aurora borealis weigh?
It's pretty light.

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cult brainwashing (trigger warning)

I found some of my old notes from church. God, I really drank the Kool-Aid, didn't I?

Here's a sample:

When I negotiate my standards, I cheat myself of the blessings the Lord wants to give me.


"The blessings he wants to give me?" Isn't he supposed to be an omnipotent being? I had no idea I was so powerful that I could tie his hands like that.

#ExMormon #apostake #NotACult

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

cult brainwashing (trigger warning)

I also love how I was able to take down an idea, and then immediately contradict myself with the next one, e.g.:

- Heavenly Father did not put me here to fail.
- A failure is nothing more than an opportunity to learn.

This is the definition of doublethink.

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