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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

The verdict means: That, IN FACT, Trump unlawfully cheated to win the 2016 election.

Then the election law felon went on to nominate 3 SCOTUS judges.

What profound injustice to us all that our system has no mechanism to right this history-altering crime.

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more electronics ramblings (KiCad)

So, I get that #KiCad can't have symbols and footprints for every component ever in their default library, but some of the things they've chosen to include can be a little confusing when compared against what they haven't chosen to include. Here's an example:

There are symbols for the TC74HC00 (quad NAND gate) and TC74HC08 (six channel inverter) series of chips, but none for the TC74HC04 (quad AND gate). Sure, the 74HC00 symbol can fairly trivially be edited into a 74HC04, but still... Am I missing something here?

Fortunately, for this particular board I was able to do some boolean magic with a single 74HC00, so it's a moot point.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

more electronics ramblings (KiCad)

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in reply to cpresser

more electronics ramblings (KiCad)
@cpresser That sounds about the right time frame. We'll see who's done first. ;)

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

I love that a multi-billion-dollar corporation like RedHat/IBM can ship an operating system with a broken screen reader in 2024 (it’s not just them, it’s true for basically every major Linux distribution today) and, when you point it out, the response is “it’s no one’s fault… it’s all free labour… it’s FOSS, man”. And then: oh, and this charity is paying for one person to work on accessibility support to be implemented now… Anyone else see how fucked up that is?

#accessibility #foss #linux

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

I sympathize but don't understand what's the issue you're facing. Just tried using GNOME's screen reader on Fedora (on Wayland) and it's working pretty much perfectly, with the only exception being Firefox, which doesn't seem to have anything to do with Red Hat, weirdly enough.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Do you mean keyboard control as in managing to navigate the UI with a keyboard or do you mean controlling the TTS through it? At least with the GTK apps I tested the keyboard navigation worked really well, but since it's something I don't NEED I'm not aware of what exactly is broken with it, but I'll be glad to at least look into what can be done about it :frogCozy:
in reply to Daimar Stein :tux: :comunista:

@joojmachine I mean you can’t control the screen reader. In other words, the major Linux distributions do not have a functional screen reader at the moment and haven’t had one since they started shipping Wayland by default.

𝚛𝚊𝚝 reshared this.

electronics question

I'd try this out on a breadboard, but I don't currently have the necessary parts so I'll just ask instead.

What happens on a 555 timer if you simultaneously drive the trigger low and the threshold high? Is this an error state that could vary from chip to chip?

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

electronics question
My guess is that the output would be driven low, but that the drain would remain in a high-impedence state (as I'd expect both the Q and ~Q outputs of the SR latch to be driven low.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

electronics question

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in reply to Matthew Skala

electronics question

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in reply to Matthew Skala

electronics question
@Matthew Skala Fun fact: I was staring at that exact data sheet and didn't see that. I've no plans to do this. I was just curious. Thanks for pointing it out though.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

The argument against nuclear power is ridiculous on a planet with this many nuclear weapons. We have a loaded gun pointed at our heads 24/7 and we can't use it to scratch behind our ear?

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

I am so sick of the feigned ignorance the White House keeps pumping out in response to questions about what Israel is doing. “We haven’t seen proof of that.” You literally have spies everywhere and it’s on the front page of a newspaper and you somehow didn’t see? Stop trying to be cute with us.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Okay okay okay... get this.

Nvidia is getting sued for copyright infringement, specifically related to its use of the books3 dataset right? So right now, their defensive strat seems to be:

Hey, a library is a library and that includes shadow libraries. Indeed, those so-called "shadow libraries" aren't shadowy at all. They're valid sources of data and information, just like any other public library.

If, in the course of this lawsuit, Nvidia somehow legally legitimizes shadow libraries? I'm going to laugh my ass off.…

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Unknown parent

@RadicalEdward I've been using Libgen quite a bit but now I have more sites to turn to!

screwlisp reshared this.

Woo! Got my clock module down to two chips total (plus resistors, capacitors, and such).

Really basic stuff, but I'm still learning #KiCad.

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Just realized the the current design won't honour the halt signal when it's in manual pulse mode... 🙁
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Aha! A hacky solution, but I can fix it by wiring the switch that sends the manual clock pulse to ~HLT instead of +5V. No additional logic gates required.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Big endian naming: open_file
Little endian naming: lefi_enop

If you understand this joke you’re a super nerd.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Decided to look into Nostr since everyone here seems to hate it (so I can figure out why).

From their website, they tout that it's "censorship-resistant"* while also complaining that traditional social media is overrun by bots and spam.

How does one go about solving the bot/spam problem without resorting to censorship? This feels rather mutually exclusive to me.

* frequently a fascist dog whistle

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

coincidently heard about nostr for the first time today and the context was "noted fascist network nostr" or words to that effect
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I haven't bothered to check it out yet. I quite like Scuttlebutt, which Nostr is somewhat based on, but Nostr lacks the features that make Scuttlebutt actually nice to use.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

“This change comes after celebrities and billionaires voiced concerns over their flight data being too easily accessible online.”

Great, can the rest of us get some kind of bill that limits all these tech shitheads from tracking all our fucking lives? No? Right.

When the oligarchs want something from #Congress, they get it within weeks. When the rest of us want something, we’re shit out of luck. #classwar…

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R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd: reshared this.

So, last I checked you could still buy PCB mountable sockets for them, bit does anyone know if anyone's still manufacturing NES-compatible controllers?
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

retrobit still sells an nes compatible controller, kind of a clone of the nes advantage.
8bitdo makes bluetooth receivers that plug into an nes controller port, been thinking about getting one of those.
And there are plenty of no name 3rd party nes controllers on websites like aliexpress
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Sure looks like it. A quick search comes up with cheap clones, as well as "new" designs like Hyperkin Cadet.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

We are getting ready to expand our Torment Nexus experiences in your region.

To help bring these experiences to you we will kidnap your firstborn, based on our legitimate interest.

This means you have a right to object. If your objection is honored we might return your firstborn at some point.

We have updated our firstborn policy. Pray we don't update it any further.

#Facebook #Instagram #AI

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Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

The stairlift wasn't working. I replaced the batteries & all I got was a 4 beep code. There was no manual to explain what it meant. Only "authorized dealers" could get one. None would help, because they didn't install it. It would be $300 to even get someone to check, but no one would.
This is why #RightToRepair is important.
I'd like to thank my Brother-in-law for suggesting I check all the connections and fuses on the
stairlift. That was it! One connection to the motor had come off.

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Say what you will about modern #AI chatbots, but we've given them the ability to suffer from Dunning-Kruger. That's something... right?

Adam F. Lawton reshared this.

All bluetooth audio devices should be required to have a button on them to disconnect and re-enter pairing mode without the device they're connected to relinquishing control.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

This post brought to you by all the times I've been laying in bed unable to sleep, deciding to pop my earbuds in and listen to some music only to discover that they're still paired to my laptop in the office that I can't get to without waking Katy.

Here's the funny thing about propaganda:

It gets started by someone (or a group of someones) with an agenda, but when it's effective, it gets swallowed and spread by well-meaning individuals who simply don't know any better. When this happens, it becomes even more effective, making it a vicious cycle.

Not everyone who spreads it is doing so for nefarious reasons (though many are).

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

"X doesn't justify Y."
"What kind of monster are you to deny that X is true?"
"Don't change the subject."
"Don't YOU change the subject!"

Every time.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

mh: ADHD

...and I've officially let myself run out of my ADHD meds.


How did I ever live before terminal multiplexing? Decided to work out on the balcony this morning, and then when the weather changed, was able to just hand off my various SSH sessions from my tablet to my laptop.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Which multiplexer do you use? I've been wanting to get better with that. I've played around with screen and tmux a bit, but need to get more fluent with the commands/shortcuts.
in reply to Spacegoat

@Spacegoat I used screen for many years. I somewhat recently switched to tmux. Both are solid options, though tmux seems more popular.

Why am I suddenly getting fundraising emails purporting to be from

Still having some stability issues. I've tweaked some settings on the database to try to alleviate the congestion.

electronics ramblings, profanity

Well shit.

I got the parts I ordered from DigiKey. I didn't realize how small they were. I've soldered SMT parts before, but I don't know if I have a steady enough hand to do these ones by hand. 🙁

Good thing I only ordered a few.

in reply to Brian Russell

Hi ! Could you update the toot with an image description, so it's accessible to everyone, please ?

For instance :

A super-hero with the letter G on their torso lands on a devastated land.
A civilian : "Look ! It's the Good Guys!".
Good Guy : "Fear not citizens ! We have the situation under control. You see we have destroyed all of the hospitals, schools, and all public places the BAD guys may have been hiding."
The civilian, concerned : "You evacuated civilians, right ?"
Good Guy : "We told them to flee to the refugees camps ! Which we've also destroyed. Can't be too careful. Don't worry, anyone that we missed will die of starvation because we've cut off the food supply !"
Civilian, terrified : "What ? Why ?"
Good guy : "We're the good guys !"


in reply to systemd

You need to type in "!" after :wq, obviously. Otherwise it will complain that there's No file name.

shower thought (dark)
What if the reason we've never seen a time traveler isn't because it's impossible, but because humanity is going to wipe itself out before anyone figures out how?
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

shower thought (less light alternative)

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Justin To #НетВойне reshared this.

electronics hobby ramblings

So, I was bemoaning the fact that finding chips in a DIP format is getting harder and harder because everything's moving to SMT. I don't hate SMT chips, but they make it rather difficult to play with them on a breadboard before using them in a project.

It just occurred to me that if I'm going to the trouble of designing a PCB in the first place, nothing stops me from sticking a single chip on a PCB with a bunch of pin headers to turn it into a quick and dirty "DIP chip" for experimenting with on a breadboard. I can even do this with a bunch of different chips on a single PCB that breaks out into multiple different units.

I'm sure I'm not the first person to have thought of this, but it was definitely an "aha" moment for me.

I love it when the photo of a component and the schematic drawing on the data sheet disagree with each other.


Guess I'll have to wait 'till I have the physical component in my possession to find out for sure.

It's been a while, but I just put a DigiKey order through. Gonna build a thing!

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

#ZhenHouseZhenBonkwave a lifestyle show set in #lambdaMOO #live with English and #Chinese every 1400UTC Friday #archived
#bonkwave #music @keefmarshall's #newRelease Sea . Sky . Clouds
Join us around @me's Paradise Sushi in port 8888 (if you have telnet)

In which UNK attempts to explain the #ClassicOfChanges to me and I talk live about how MOO avoids repetitive creation work!

Powered by @SDF!

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in reply to screwlisp

Some audio disasters done by me during the show but thank you everyone for being in-MOO and in SDF commode chat!
@scm @handyc in moo too next week right!

Thanks again!
@me @SDF

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in reply to screwlisp

@handyc Thanks for the show! I will be in-moo for your next one.

screwlisp reshared this.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Gee my GOP Rep finally cares about "antisemitism" in the latest newsletter. Calling student protests "support of known terror group, Hamas." Calling student protests "antisemitic violence." Showing great care for the poor Jewish students and faculty, without a mention that many of those Jewish students and faculty are among the protestors he's throwing under the bus.

He didn't seem to care about antisemitism when synagogues were getting firebombed.

It's almost like he's using Jewish people as a prop for political gain instead of treating them like human beings with diverse points of view worth listening to. 🤔


Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

It's also the party line. Easier to conflate the Party Line with 'propping up for political gain' than to conflate antisemitism and criticism of Israel.

(and all too often, they forget the person who popularized the word 'antisemitism' - a fun thing to look up.)

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